Re: [Nix-dev] YouCompleteMe vim plugin

2015-06-09 Thread Marc Weber
I use such, instead of "VAM" you can use "vundle", however this direct
comparison has shown that VAM event starts up faster.

  vimMarc =
 vim_configurable.customize {
   name = "vim-marc-weber";
   vimrcConfig.vam.knownPlugins = vimPluginsUsedByMarcWeber;
   vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = [
{ "name" = ''github:MarcWeber''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-other''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-local-vimrc''; }
{ "name" = ''snipmate''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-snippets''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-mru''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-commenting''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-sql''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-completion''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-async''; }
{ "name" = ''tlib''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-toggle-buffer''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-git''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-mw-utils''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-goto-thing-at-cursor''; }
{ "name" = ''''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-syntax-checker''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-rfc''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-surround''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-toc''; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-haskell''; "filename_regex" = 
''\%(\%(l\)hs\|cabal\)$$''; }
{ "filename_regex" = ''\%(php\|inc\|\|hsc\|lhs\)$$''; "names" = 
[ ''phpcomplete'' ''vim-addon-xdebug'' ''vim-addon-php-manual'' ]; }
{ "filename_regex" = ''\.\%(iced\|coffee\)$$''; "names" = [ 
''sourcemap.vim'' ''vim-iced-coffee-script'' ]; }
{ "name" = ''vim-addon-haskell''; "filetype_regex" = 
''\%(cabal\|hs\|hsc\|lhs\)$$''; }
{ "filetype_regex" = ''\%(rb)$$''; "names" = [ ''vim-ruby'' 
''vim-addon-rdebug'' ''vim-addon-ruby-debug-ide'' ''textobj-rubyblock'' ]; }
{ "filetype_regex" = ''\%(rs)$$''; "names" = [ ''rust'' ]; }
{ "filetype_regex" = ''\%(nix)$$''; "names" = [ ''vim-addon-nix'' ]; }
{ "filetype_regex" = ''\%(vim)$$''; "names" = [ ''reload'' 
''vim-dev-plugin'' ]; }
{ "name" = ''sparkup''; "filename_regex" = 
''\%(html\|xml\|php\|\|inc\)''; }

Documentation see misc/vim-plugins/vim-utils.nix

As alternative you can just install YouCompleteMe and symlink that
directory ~/.nix-profile/... into your vundle dir.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] YouCompleteMe vim plugin

2015-06-09 Thread Tobias Pflug

i recently started setting up nixos on a separate partition on my
macbook. One annoying little thing I don't get past is one vim
plugin that I need to work: YouCompleteMe:

I am aware that there is some sort of vimplugin2nix
solution but that would mean given up on my existing vim configuration
which I share among multiple computers which just uses vundle. Could
someone suggest me a straight-forward solution that does not entail
completely changing my existing vim setup/configuration ? I just can't
manage to get it to compile.

thanks a lot in advance for any help.

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