As previously mentioned, the Nov 8th (Election Day) NLUG meeting is 
currently a go. I will be unable to attend, as I will be working at my 
precinct's polling station. So who is going to volunteer to run the 
meeting? Anyone? Any ideas or suggestions for talk topics? Michael 
suggested jobseekers & jobseeking in a previous message.

Speaking of talk topics...

What do we want to see going forward? What types of talks and demos? What 
subjects? Stuff related to the 2017 eclipse was suggested by a couple of 
attendees. What else?

Installfest: We've had an offer. Per Curt Lundgren:

"I'll go through the formalities, but I believe I can offer a room at 
Watkins for a December Installfest.  Our last day of classes is the 9th, so 
Saturday the 10th suggests itself.  An earlier date in December is likely 
to fit more people's schedules, but the following Saturday the 17th the 
college is closed and shut down (annual 2-week shutdown.)  December 3rd can 
probably work, as well."

Dec 3rd, 10th and 17th are Saturdays.

I've emailed Curt, asking if I (and any other interested NLUG folks) could 
do a walkthrough sometime this weekend & check out the site.

ALE (Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts) has an installfest website & checklist I've 
been referencing for notes & ideas:


I've downloaded member lists from the NLUG mailing list/google group and 
Meetup; I'm sorting through them, removing duplicate addresses, etc. I've 
got a list of bouncing addresses to prune from the google group.

Re: the google group: There is a message from 2008.07.25, subj: Making the 
list spam-free, pinned to the top of the list. Is it there for any 
particular reason?

Also, google likes to remind me that "This group does not have a welcome 
message." every time I log in. We should probably add one. Suggestions?

Vincent mentioned VMUG USercon, Nov 10th (Thursday):

Vincent also posted details re: the tech recruiter event (with free beer) 
earlier this evening; did anyone attend? If so, impressions? When's the 
next one (or something similar, since I think "Geektoberfest" is a once a 
year thing) so we've got more time to steer people towards it?

Art mentioned Design-2-Part, Nov 9-10 (Wednesday & Thursday):

Usercon & D2P are both at Music City Center, btw.

Art has also suggested Tequila's Mexican Restaurant as a possible backup 
site or even replacement for the current meeting location at Vanderbilt. 
The Vandy site has its disadvantages (finding the room is usually a pain 
for new attendees), but the facilities are nice and at the moment I see no 
reason to drop the location, plus I imagine there would be objections from 
many long-time members. I've suggested *adding* meetings in other locations 
and at different times, so maybe we should check Tequila's out & see what 
type of meeting or event would work there (that was actually something I 
wanted to do *last* month but had to drop when some out-of-town contract 
work popped up). So, anyone want to check out the restaurant this weekend 
or sometime next week?

Tequila's Mexican Restaurant
Charlotte Center, 3736 Annex Ave.
Nashville, TN 37209
(615) 354-0047

I think that's all I have for now. No updates on items #5-#8 in the 
pre-meeting notes. I'll edit this message for Meetup & post it and a few 
other updates there tomorrow. With any luck, we'll get a number of new 
Meetup folks subscribed to the mailing list over the next few days.


PS - One last thing: One of our new attendees (Benjamin the Vandy Student) 
had a really excellent question last night, and I think this is something 
we should keep in mind especially at the installfest(s), as well as 
planning a relevant section for the new website. "Where in the world do I 
start?" Assume a few years of tech experience, say A+ cert equivalent, from 
someone who isn't sure what distro to try & who hasn't installed Linux on 
anything yet. What would you tell someone like Benjamin?

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