Hi.  I'm working on some mail filtering software that will work with
nmh.  I've noticed a few conflicts between the way messages are stored
in folders and RFC822.  I figure that y'all know something about this,
so just wanted to check to make sure that this is really the case and
that it isn't a problem or might be a problem in the future.

 1.  RFC822 says that header fields end with a CR-LF pair.  That might
     be true on a Microsoft system but not on Linux of any of the other
     UNIX-like systems.  Single CR or LF characters are allowed in
     header field-bodies.  Does this ever occur in real life or might
     it happen some day?

 2.  RFC822 allows the NUL character in header field-bodies.  Code
     written around the C string functions won't handle this of course.
     Does this ever occur in real life or might it happen some day?

Now, I recognize that this stuff is sort of covered by the NETWORK-SPECIFIC
TRANSFORMATIONS section of RFC822 but I have trouble believing that any
*NIX mail system actually does it.  Is this true?

                Jon Steinhart

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