Re: whatnow: problems with edit--draft left

2024-06-09 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Sun, 09 Jun 2024 22:16:25 +0100:

> What am I doing wrong?  I don't see 'success' in

That's interesting,  I'm not sure why  the source wouldn't have  it. You
can see the rendered man page here:

However, I'm now confused why the man page as rendered doesn't match the
sources as you have discovered.

It seems that it us using the Ex macro:

.Ex -std ed

I'm no  man page expert but  it seems that .Ex  is a macro that  loads a
standard  string that  is  used  commonly between  commands  where 0  is
success and  >0 is error.  And it  takes the name  of the utility  as an

Indeed it is found in mdoc_validate.c in the definition of post_ex():

roff_word_alloc(mdoc, n->line, n->pos,
"on success, and\\~>0 if an error occurs.");


Re: whatnow: problems with edit--draft left

2024-06-09 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Thu, 06 Jun 2024 11:15:43 +0100:

> My guess is you're imperfect in your ed-ing.  :-)

Or perhaps the ed utility is poorly implemented.  Man page for OpenBSD's ed:

 The ed utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

Does this statement mean that there  was an error during the sequence of
ed commands or does it mean that there was an error in saving?

At any rate, observe:

$ ed /tmp/foo
/tmp/foo: No such file or directory
$ echo $?
$ ed /tmp/foo
$ echo $?

So,  in my  case, ed  exited 0.  Is  this a  bug in  OpenBSD's ed  which
claims  to  be "compliant  with  the  IEEE Std  1003.1-2008  ("POSIX.1")
specification", or a bug in the man page?


Re: Review code changes for handling huge lines?

2024-04-18 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said David Levine on Sun, 07 Apr 2024 12:09:05 -0400:

> Just to note that we would need  a test suite addition that shows what
> the change fixes.

Yes,  that's on  the todo  list.  I'm not  very familiar  with the  test
harness but it should definitely be done if we're going to include it.

>  Also,  there  are  these  gcc  warnings  with  these  settings  (from
> build_nmh -d), based on what Fedora has used:

Ok, I'll have to  look into the warnings. I didn't see  any when I built
it on OpenBSD,  but then I used OpenBSD's ports  infrastructure to build
it, not "build_nmh -d"


Re: Review code changes for handling huge lines?

2024-04-05 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said "Andy Bradford" on 04 Apr 2024 16:45:29 -0600:

> Any interest in renewing a discussion about this?

Also, I  have found  at least  one contact  mechanism that  I'm pursuing
but  I'm  not  very  hopeful  that   it  will  result  in  any  kind  of
resolution---there is  a "Send Feedback" option,  however, I've utilized
it  in the  past  and received  no confirmation.  The  bug still  exists
because the messages are still being sent with huge lines.

There is no rush to get this code in, but I just wanted to bring this up
again just  in case  anyone else  has an opinion  (assuming we  have new
subscribers  since I  last mentioned  it). Sadly,  I agree  with Ralph's
comments here:

The best  option is  to have  the sender comply  with RFC  5322, Section
2.1.1 which clearly  restricts line lengths. We'll see  where my efforts
to contact end up.



Re: Review code changes for handling huge lines?

2024-04-04 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said "Andy Bradford" on 04 Apr 2024 16:45:29 -0600:

> A day later I also provided a patch against master:

And that link  is actually not the latest---I found  some bugs along the
way and addressed them in a separate patch. Here is the actual latest:


Review code changes for handling huge lines?

2024-04-04 Thread Andy Bradford

Back in August  of 2022, I identified a "problem"  with inc not handling
long lines (to the tune of megabytes  of characters all on a single line
which is clearly contrary to all standards and RFCs):

I have tried contacting the sender, which is a big organization in which
finding an appropriate contact has  been difficult, if not impossible so
far. A couple  months later in November  of 2022, I produced  a patch to
address the issue and submitted it here:

A day later I also provided a patch against master:

There was  some interest  but I  believe it  got lost  in the  nmh 1.7.1
shuffle. After patching up my OS to  the latest, I found that it was now
running nmh 1.8, but  was missing the code and so  I tried applying that
patch locally  against my  system and  have been  running it  since then
(January of this year 2024) without issues.

Any interest in renewing a discussion about this?



Re: Trivia: space before '(others)' from 'folder' command

2024-01-20 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said "Andy Bradford" on 20 Jan 2024 08:48:36 -0700:

> I  think it  would be  nice if  it's aligned  properly like  other nmh
> commands try to accomplish.

Time to  backpedal my comment a  bit as it's not  about proper alignment
per se;  I was distracted  by the  folders output which  aligns multiple
folder names. I suppose in this case, the argument is that because there
is no current  message, the presence of the extra  spaces in the context
of "folder"  (without the  's') is  distracting, or  unnecessary because
"folder" only deals with one folder at a time.

Not only that, it's unlikely that one folder command needs to be aligned
with a previous folder command, so a condition on all could make sense.


Re: Trivia: space before '(others)' from 'folder' command

2024-01-20 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Sat, 20 Jan 2024 16:00:46 +:

> folders +OpenSourceML | awk '{l=length($1)}l>m{m=l;p=$0}END{print p}'

I see, I have one folder name that  is fairly long and as a result, this
double-space shifted things just enough to make it wider than 80:

But, as you say, it does appear to be just coincidence. If I run folders
against the longer  folder name, clearly all of the  subfolders in there
cause the  lines of output to  exceed the 80 character  wide display and
wrap in the terminal.

Thanks for the nifty awk command to sort things out.


Re: Trivia: space before '(others)' from 'folder' command

2024-01-20 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Fri, 19 Jan 2024 22:33:54 -0500:

> Yeah, that is exactly why it happens.  Honestly it doesn't personally
> bother me, but what do others think?

While I've never noticed it in  the context of "folder -pack" (because I
don't use  it) I think  it would be nice  if it's aligned  properly like
other nmh commands try to accomplish.

Not sure if  this is related, but  I have a similar  experience with the
folders command. For example, I have a folder OpenSourceML where I stuff
various subfolders  of things I'm subscribed  to and on my  80 character
wide terminal it  seems to be having trouble figuring  out the width. It
seems to be generating a line that  is exactly 81 characters long and so
in  my terminal  it wraps  the output  exactly on  the final  period (.)
leaving  a much  longer  (visually)  list of  output  than otherwise  is
necesary that looks like:

$ folders +OpenSourceML
OpenSourceML+ hasno messages   ;(others)
OpenSourceML/Bind has   338 messages  (1-  338); cur=  338; (others)
OpenSourceML/OpenBSD  hasno messages   ;(others)
OpenSourceML/fossil   has 16425 messages  (1-16425);(others)
OpenSourceML/nongnu   hasno messages   ;(others)

Is this perhaps an off-by-one error? Aside from that everything seems to
be impressively aligned just fine.


Re: Where is my editor?

2024-01-19 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Fri, 19 Jan 2024 16:45:18 -0500:

> Like many  threads involving ancient  greybeards, it kind  of devolved
> into a discussion about the "true" vi and how vim wasn't vi enough

It wouldn't  be a good  devolution if it didn't  involve vi vs  emacs or
another editor!

> And the consensus of everyone was prompter was fine as a default. lso,
> Andy, you later said in that thread:
>   Sounds like  I might have to  add something to my  profile now after
>   this change is made to avoid prompter.

Now that you quote it, I definitely remember saying it.

And as  I most recently  hinted, I  still don't have  EDITOR/VISUAL set;
I've now set the editor in the mh profile.

> But to be fair, we did  have a reasonable discussion about this change
> (that it seems we all forgot about).

Yes, indeed we  did. Thanks for reminding me. It's  amazing that it only
took  6 years  for me  to finally  get impacted  by the  results of  the
discussion! Watch out debian, if you think you have stable releases that
live on forever, watch out for nmh as a contender.


Re: Where is my editor?

2024-01-19 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Robert Elz on Fri, 19 Jan 2024 15:10:26 +0700:

> Yes, I have had the "editor" line in my profile since MH days, (I have
> been a user since  almost forever) so what nmh did  as default I never
> knew, which is why I avoided saying that...

>From looking  at the past sources  it used to  use a C macro  defined in

#define DEFAULT_EDITOR "vi"

I'm  curious  now  how  many  installations   of  nmh  do  not  have  vi
available... that being said, I do know Linux based OS developers make a
lot  of strange  decisions  about what  is  in the  "base"  OS, so  it's
entirely possible that vi may not exist in some flavors of Linux.

How  many non-POSIX  systems is  nmh running  on?

> I hope it is back working like you expected it now.

It is now, thanks.  I was able to figure out that EOT  was what ended my
experience with prompter  and changed the default  editor in .mh_profile
and then I  could just use "edit  vi" at the "What  now?" prompt. That's
how  I  composed my  original  email  starting  this thread.  It  wasn't
completely foreign  (being a long-time Unix  user I assumed it  was just
reading stdin and EOT would end it), just unexpected.

I suppose I could set EDITOR but I've never had to on OpenBSD.


Re: Where is my editor?

2024-01-18 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said "Andy Bradford" on 18 Jan 2024 23:05:09 -0700:

> Thus said Robert Elz on Fri, 19 Jan 2024 12:30:08 +0700:
> > That's "prompter" - has always been mh's default.

Ahh, I  didn't read  the fine  print... you said  "mh's default",  but I
misunderstood it for "nmh's default".

So it's a change to align with  mh default behavior, and of course since
I've never used mh I wouldn't know.


Re: Where is my editor?

2024-01-18 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Robert Elz on Fri, 19 Jan 2024 12:30:08 +0700:

> That's "prompter" - has always been mh's default.

Not always:

Looks like it was changed in 1.8 (if I read that correctly).

I wasn't aware of "prompter" before, thanks for the education.


Re: Where is my editor?

2024-01-18 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Robert Elz on Fri, 19 Jan 2024 12:30:08 +0700:

> That's "prompter" - has always been mh's default.

Well, I'm  confused. If  it was always  the default, why  am I  only now
seeing  it after  upgrading to  1.8? I  haven't changed  anything in  my
.mh_profile in years:

$ ls -l ~/.mh_profile 
-rw-r--r--  1 amb  amb  788 Aug 16  2019 /home/amb/.mh_profile

I'll  update ~/.mh_profile  with  your suggestion  for  editor, but  I'm
confused how  it ever  worked with  my editor. I've  been using  nmh for
years now and never had any dealings with "prompter".



Where is my editor?

2024-01-18 Thread Andy Bradford

After upgrading to 1.8 running commands  like comp, repl, etc, no longer
bring up my editor (vi) with the data already filled in. For example, to
type  this  email  I typed  comp,  and  then  it  entered some  kind  of
interactive dialog asking  me for the To header, the  Subject, and other
headers, then it printed

and then let me start typing a message.  None of this is what it used to
be. I used  to type comp and  immediately vi would open with  all of the
headers and other details from my components in there.

Similarly, I used  to type repl (followed by my  favorite arguments) and
it would populate my  editor with a bunch of details  that I could edit,
but now I have some strange interactive thing.

What can I do to get the original behavior back?



Re: Setting send(1)'s draftfolder breaks mhmail.

2024-01-18 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Thu, 18 Jan 2024 15:22:28 +:

> The  suggestion  was  to  duplicate   the  setting  by  adding  "send:
> -draftfolder drafts". I think this breaks mhmail(1).

Except, according to the man page for mhmail:

   mhmail does not consult the user's .mh_profile

Perhaps it breaks send?


Re: Strange problem replying to message

2024-01-15 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said on Mon, 15 Jan 2024 08:57:51 -0500:

> Now when I look at it instead of base64 it says 8bit. Am I confused or
> is that what mhfixmsg did, changed the message from base64 to 8bit?

According to  the manpage for mhfixmsg,  it's supposed to make  a backup
copy of the  original message before making  alterations. Hopefully that
worked, and hopefully  the backup hasn't yet been  overwritten, and then
you can inspect the backup to see what the original looked like.

If you are unaware, a backup is  the same message number prefixed with a
comma (,)  in the  folder where  it is  found. So  for example,  if your
message number was 1234, you should have  a ,1234 in the folder that you
can look at.


Re: message-Id has localhost

2023-12-31 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 15:00:38 -0500:

> >Can we just use "localname" from mts.conf?
> We COULD, it would just be wrong for some people.

I definitely don't want nmh generating  Message-ID unless I ask it to do
so as my MTA is already correctly configured.

The  MTA that  I use,  qmail, does  not use  the hostname,  it uses  one
of  2 configuration  files...  /var/qmail/control/me  by default  unless
/var/qmail/control/idhost exists in which case it uses that.

However,  that  only  allows  me  to customize  the  right-side  of  the
Message-ID. The left-side  is predetermined and uses  basically what the
RFC recommends (a timestamp and a PID).


Re: message-Id has localhost

2023-12-31 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 11:56:38 -0500:

> I am personally skeptical that people actually configure this.

I also  find it hard  to beleive  that someone wants  the MUA to  have a
specific Message-ID for their email, but  there is at least one software
that I'm aware of that does act upon the contents of it:

It  seems  reasonable to  believe  that  I  may  want control  over  the
Message-ID for the purpose of making this work, however, it's definitely
not required that the MUA be responsible for this.

> My personal feeling is that the people who (a) care about generating a
> local Message-ID, and (b) actually care  WHAT appears right of the '@'
> either need to  configure their system appropriately or  write code to
> change nmh behavior.

I think that's  reasonable. I don't see anything  necessarily wrong with
nmh being  able to generate  a Message-ID so  I'm sure patches  would be
considered if someone offered.


Re: mhbuild and long header fields

2023-09-18 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said David Levine on Sun, 17 Sep 2023 21:51:04 -0400:

> How about this?
> mhbuild now  folds header  field bodies to  avoid lines  with more
> then 78 bytes.
> This is required by RFC 5322 2.1.1. Line Length Limits.

Minor correction; replace "then" with "than".

Also, RFC 5322 2.1.1 does not "require" that the lines be no more than 
78 bytes, only that it's highly recommended that they not exceed that.  
The actual line limit is 998 bytes.



Re: (Not-so) hypothetical question: What to do about NULs?

2023-02-22 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Wed, 22 Feb 2023 20:59:31 -0500:

> I had an inkling popular MTAs would DTRT.

Well, qmail's hardly "popular" these days, but Professor Bernstein had a
penchant to make string handling robust to avoid exploits, so he got NUL
handling as a benefit.

I run minority MTA with minority MUA  (at least for as long as the email
cartel continues to permit legitimate email).


Re: (Not-so) hypothetical question: What to do about NULs?

2023-02-22 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Tue, 21 Feb 2023 21:29:16 -0500:

> So you're told  "I am sending this many bytes  exactly", and you don't
> have to  deal with "lines", so  the implementations I've seen  tend to
> call read() (or  the equivalent) until they get the  correct number of
> bytes, and  because you're  not dealing with  "lines" you  don't treat
> them as C strings.

While POP's LIST does actually include the size of the message in bytes,
that's prior  to any  CRLF mangling  that happens so  it cannot  be used
reliably as a method for determining when to stop reading. Unfortunate.

I notice however,  that some components of my  email infrastructure pass
NULs through without problems and some do not. qmail successfully queued
a message with  a NUL in both  the header and the body,  but other parts
(e.g. recipient validation tools) did not fare as well, and of course we
knew that inc would truncate (and it did because the lines with NUL were

I suspect that qmail worked for the most part because of stralloc:


Re: (Not-so) hypothetical question: What to do about NULs?

2023-02-21 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Tue, 21 Feb 2023 07:17:19 -0500:

> I'm sitting down to write or modify  nmh code. Right now we have a lot
> of code  that assumes NUL-terminated  C strings are safe  to represent
> email everywhere. My question is: is that a valid assumption?

I don't think  nmh should produce anything that contains  NUL bytes, but
whether or  not it should  accept such is  a different question  (as you
mention the 16 million byte line of text in an email message that I keep
getting from a certain sender that  cannot be bothered to follow the RFC
which clearly states  that base64 MIME data should be  78 characters and
clearly not longer than 998).

When I  was poking around  in the POP code  I didn't notice  any special
handling  of  NUL  bytes.  It's  possible  that  this  would  result  in
truncation. If that's what we do now, I suspect it's alright to continue
to do so; at  least until we find legitimate emails in  the wild that do
not conform (again think 16M character lines).

nmh's  POP code  has been  silently  truncating long  lines (e.g.  those
greater  than 1023  bytes) for  years and  crashing on  lines that  were
longer than 32,767 bytes). I  only recently discovered this while trying
to figure out what to do with  a 16M character line. I went back through
old emails and sure  enough, I had a lot of  truncation. I never noticed
because most of them were in long lines of HTML that I don't ever bother

So I guess what I'm saying is, I think it's alright to continue to treat
messages as C-strings (until it isn't).


Re: (Not-so) hypothetical question: What to do about NULs?

2023-02-21 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Mon, 20 Feb 2023 21:11:48 -0500:

> Facinating! I am  curious: who/what sent this to you!  Do you remember
> the MIME type?

0.11 % (percent) of my messages have Content-Transfer-Encoding of binary
at the beginning of the line somewhere in the message.

Here are the headers from one that  dates all the way back to 2001 (this
message does not appear to have any actual "binary" content in it).

Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="--=_154292612-6290-0"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.41 (Entity 5.404)
From: "Jato Boa" 
Date: Xxx, 00 Xxx 2001 16:09:27 +0800

This is a multi-part message in MIME format...

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Disposition: inline

[ascii data]
Content-Type: image/jpg; name="OosI Fric Ghesuf kurfIzKi chruzGi Awt.jpg"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="OosI Fric Ghesuf kurfIzKi chruzGi 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

[base64 data]

Also, I have quite a few from the Bugtraq mailing list that have a C-T-E
of binary. The headers indicate binary, but the rest of the body doesn't
seem to  imply it (doesn't  need it probably),  but then there  are some
like this:

Here  are relevant  headers and  the  binary values  were replaced  with

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.411 (Entity 5.404)
From: "Jrme" ATHIAS 
Subject: First vulnerabilities in the SP2 - XP ?...
X-Spam-BMF-Status: No, hits=0.00 required=0.90



Today, I  think this message  would instead be quoted-printable  or some
other encoding.

Here's another  example from a  well known  online seller of  goods that
used messagelabs to send out customer order statuses:

Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="_--=_79242061420"
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: MIME::Lite 3.01 (F2.72; A1.60; B2.21; Q2.21)
Date: Xxx, 00 Xxx  16:36:04 UT
From: [online store redacted]

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_--=_79242061421"
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: MIME::Lite 3.01 (F2.72; A1.60; B2.21; Q2.21)
Date: Xxx, 00 Xxx  16:36:04 UT

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: MIME::Lite 3.01 (F2.72; A1.60; B2.21; Q2.21)
Date: Xxx, 00 Xxx  16:36:04 UT

[quoted printable data]

Here's a more recent email from another online provider of services with
 replaced where binary value was found:

Content-Type: text/html
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.509 (Entity 5.509)


Copyright  2021 ...

Are these  bugs in  email client  implementations?

I've looked at a handful of the messages that I have which have a header
of C-T-E binary and the body of  the message is almost always some other
C-T-E (mostly  quoted-printable) or  non-binary. But sometimes  it seems
justified. Maybe they just throw the C-T-E  on there "just in case" as a
sloppy way of getting by?

> I guess  what I was hoping  for was a  consensus on what we  SHOULD do
> when we encounter  a NUL byte, because I haven't  heard that yet! Like
> what should the code do, precisely?

I'm not  sure. Does any  one have any example  of having received  a NUL
byte in  an email? I'm  having a hard time  convincing grep to  look for


Re: nmh 1.8?

2023-01-04 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 13:21:16 +:

> > > Has anyone had a chance to review my proposed changes to inc to be
> > > able to handle long lines from POP sources?
> Is the latest in Git?

I doubt it. I sent an updated patch but never heard about it making into
Git. It would be  nice if I could find some time to  add some test cases
for it, but I didn't have as  much time during the holidays as I thought
I would:

As I  said in that  posting, I've been  running a similar  patch against
1.7.1 on my system and haven't encountered any problems using it.


Re: nmh 1.8?

2023-01-01 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said David Levine on Sat, 31 Dec 2022 22:00:04 +0100:

> Do you or anyone else have anything else you'd like to put in before
> starting the 1.8 release cycle?

Has anyone had a chance to review  my proposed changes to inc to be able
to handle long  lines from POP sources? While it's  not common (most big
email providers  like Hotmail, Gmail,  etc, all conform to  RFCs), there
are  occasional  emails  (mostly  from online  web  stores  with  shoddy
software) that do send out non-conforming emails.



Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-12-05 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said "Andy Bradford" on 22 Nov 2022 09:38:08 -0700:

> I'm running  a similar  patch on  my nmh  1.7.1 installation  and will
> report any problems that I find in "production".

So far I  haven't found any problems  and I've been running  it daily. I
did successfully  receive one  such of  the original  problematic emails
that I  reported and  it works  just fine.  Here is  a breakdown  of the
longest lines in the email:

$ cd ~/Mail/inbox
$ cat 3462 | awk '{ print NR, length }' | sort -k 2n | tail
5 71
9 74
19 75
28 75
11 89
38 91
88 126
65 170
103 225
115 4467120

As can be seen, line 115 is one massively long line. Oddly enough, I had
trouble  forwarding it  on my  SMTP server  because apparently  I hadn't
allocated  enough  memory for  it  to  forward  such messages;  after  I
increased the amount  of memory it was  able to traverse the  queue so I
could POP it.

I've also  attempted to contact  the producers of such  emails, however,
again I haven't even received an acknowledgement of the bug.


Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-29 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said David Levine on Sun, 27 Nov 2022 19:14:09 -0800:

> Would it be much trouble for you to add tests for the test suite?

I can look into it when I get some spare time. I'm not yet very familiar
with the test code,  but I did take a brief look  and noticed that there
is a fake pop server implementation that can be utilized.



Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-22 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Mon, 21 Nov 2022 21:41:34 -0500:

> netsec_read() is  supposed to  RETURN the number  of bytes  read, just
> like read() does (that's why it's return value is prototyped ssize_t).
> But it just returns OK on success.

Attached is the previous patch remade against master. It also includes a
bug fix  against the  previous that  I noticed  while testing;  a simple
off-by-one error  when checking  for \r at  the end of  a line.  I again
tested it with my  6 sample messages that gave angst  to inc earlier and
they work fine now (that's how I noticed the off-by-one error).

I'm running a similar patch on my nmh 1.7.1 installation and will report
any problems that I find in "production".


diff --git a/h/netsec.h b/h/netsec.h
index 6c69c82c..42370fa7 100644
--- a/h/netsec.h
+++ b/h/netsec.h
@@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ char *netsec_readline(netsec_context *ns_context, size_t *length,
  * Returns number of bytes read, or -1 on error.
-ssize_t netsec_read(netsec_context *ns_context, void *buffer, size_t size,
-		char **errstr);
+ssize_t netsec_read(netsec_context *ns_context, unsigned char *buffer,
+		size_t size, char **errstr);
  * Write data to the network; if encryption is being performed, we will
diff --git a/sbr/netsec.c b/sbr/netsec.c
index bf0ff9cf..c5f478e2 100644
--- a/sbr/netsec.c
+++ b/sbr/netsec.c
@@ -382,9 +382,10 @@ netsec_set_timeout(netsec_context *nsc, int timeout)
-netsec_read(netsec_context *nsc, void *buffer, size_t size, char **errstr)
+netsec_read(netsec_context *nsc, unsigned char *buffer, size_t size, 
+	char **errstr)
-int retlen;
+ssize_t retlen;
  * If our buffer is empty, then we should fill it now
@@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ netsec_read(netsec_context *nsc, void *buffer, size_t size, char **errstr)
 	nsc->ns_inbuflen -= size;
-return OK;
+return retlen;
diff --git a/uip/inc.c b/uip/inc.c
index dd0a646d..ddbc13cb 100644
--- a/uip/inc.c
+++ b/uip/inc.c
@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ pop_action(void *closure, char *s)
 int n;
 pc = closure;
-n = fprintf(pc->mailout, "%s\n", s);
+n = fprintf(pc->mailout, "%s", s);
 if (n < 0)
 return NOTOK;
 pc->written += n; /* Count linefeed too. */
diff --git a/uip/popsbr.c b/uip/popsbr.c
index 8a064ff5..d96dde22 100644
--- a/uip/popsbr.c
+++ b/uip/popsbr.c
@@ -565,8 +565,13 @@ static int
 traverse (int (*action)(void *, char *), void *closure, const char *fmt, ...)
 int result, snoopstate;
+size_t len, unused, inoffset, slen, count;
 va_list ap;
 char buffer[sizeof(response)];
+size_t buflen;
+char *errstr, *ptr, *sptr, *tptr;
+bool checkline = true;
+bool needdata = true;
 va_start(ap, fmt);
 result = vcommand (fmt, ap);
@@ -579,21 +584,94 @@ traverse (int (*action)(void *, char *), void *closure, const char *fmt, ...)
 if ((snoopstate = netsec_get_snoop(nsc)))
 	netsec_set_snoop(nsc, 0);
+unused = sizeof(buffer);
+inoffset = 0;
+buflen = 0;
 for (;;) {
-result = multiline();
-if (result == OK) {
-result = (*action)(closure, response);
-if (result == OK)
-} else if (result == DONE) {
-strncpy(response, buffer, sizeof(response));
-result = OK;
+	if (needdata) {
+	len = netsec_read(nsc, buffer + inoffset, unused, &errstr);
+	if (len < 0) {
+		strncpy(response, errstr, sizeof(response));
+		response[sizeof(response) - 1] = '\0';
+		free(errstr);
+		netsec_set_snoop(nsc, snoopstate);
+		return NOTOK;
+	}
+	tptr = buffer;
+	buflen += len;
+	needdata = false;
+	}
+	if (checkline) {
+	if (buflen >= LEN(TRM) + 2 &&
+		strncmp(TRM "\r\n", tptr, LEN(TRM) + 2) == 0)
+		return OK;
+	if (buflen >= LEN(TRM TRM) &&
+		strncmp(TRM TRM, tptr, LEN(TRM TRM)) == 0) {
+		tptr += LEN(TRM);
+		buflen -= LEN(TRM);
+	}
+	}
+	ptr = tptr;
+	checkline = false;
+	count = 0;
+	while (count < buflen) {
+	count++;
+	if (*ptr++ == '\n') {
+		sptr = tptr;
+		if (count > 1 && *(ptr - 2) == '\r') {
+		*--ptr = '\0';
+		checkline = true;
+		}
+		*--ptr = '\n'; ptr++;
+		slen = ptr - tptr;
+		strncpy(response, sptr, slen);
+		response[slen] = '\0';
+		buflen -= count;
+		tptr += count;
+		(*action) (closure, response);
+		break;
+	}
+	}
+	if (checkline) {
+	if (buflen > 0) {
+		if (buflen < LEN(TRM) + 2 || buflen < LEN(TRM TRM)) {
+		needdata = true;
+		inoffset = buflen;
+		unused = sizeof(buffer) - buflen;
+		memmove(buffer, tptr, buflen);
+		}
+	} else {
+		needdata = true;
+		inoffset = 0;
+		unused = sizeof(buffer);
+	}
+	continue;
+	}
+	if (count == buflen) {
+	sptr = tptr;
+	if (buflen > 0 && tptr[buflen - 1] == '\r')
+		ptr--;
+	slen = ptr - tptr;
+	strncpy(response, sptr, slen);
+	response[slen] = '\0';
+	buflen -= slen;
+	(*action) (cl

Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-21 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Mon, 21 Nov 2022 21:41:34 -0500:

> netsec_read() is  supposed to  RETURN the number  of bytes  read, just
> like read() does (that's why it's return value is prototyped ssize_t).

Aha,  that does  make more  sense. I  thought it  was odd  that it  just
returned OK,  but didn't  think to actually  check the  documentation in
netsec.h (except to add another  variable to the declaration); otherwise
I would have noticed.  Let me see if I can rework it  to just return the
number of bytes  rather than taking another parameter  (and the "buffer"
type change).



Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-21 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Wed, 16 Nov 2022 09:19:11 -0500:

> I think  the correct solution  is when nmh is  doing a RETR  inside of
> POP  we  should use  netsec_read()  and  perform the  necessary  CR-LF
> translations on the returned buffer.  The only complicated thing I see
> is dealing with  the case where a CR  is at the end of  one buffer and
> the  LF  is  at  the  start  of the  next  buffer;  I  think  that  is
> straightforward.

I have a  working prototype that I'm testing that  uses netsec_read(). I
had  to expand  the function  declaration for  netsec_read() because  it
didn't return the number of bytes  that the caller received. Not sure if
that was intentional and I'm just misunderstanding netsec_read().

I pretty much just stuffed all the logic into traverse() for now just to
simplify the flow, though, I imagine  it's still more complicated than I
should like. I  tested it with 5  emails that I have  received that were
known to cause  problems, and have been receiving  other "normal" emails
since I put it into production.

The patch  is currently  against 1.7.1 since  that is what  I run  on my
system, so  I'll rework it  for master when I  get more free  time. I've
attached the  patch so others can  review for correctness, though,  as I
said, it's for 1.7.1 so it won't apply cleanly to master yet.


Index: h/netsec.h
--- h/netsec.h
+++ h/netsec.h
@@ -164,12 +164,12 @@
  * errstr	- Error size
  * Returns number of bytes read, or -1 on error.
-ssize_t netsec_read(netsec_context *ns_context, void *buffer, size_t size,
-		char **errstr);
+ssize_t netsec_read(netsec_context *ns_context, char *buffer, size_t size,
+		size_t *retlen, char **errstr);
  * Write data to the network; if encryption is being performed, we will
  * do it.  Data may be buffered; use netsec_flush() to flush any outstanding
  * data to the network.

Index: sbr/netsec.c
--- sbr/netsec.c
+++ sbr/netsec.c
@@ -372,14 +372,13 @@
  * Read data from the network.  Basically, return anything in our buffer,
  * otherwise fill from the network.
-netsec_read(netsec_context *nsc, void *buffer, size_t size, char **errstr)
+netsec_read(netsec_context *nsc, char *buffer, size_t size,
+	size_t *retlen, char **errstr)
-int retlen;
  * If our buffer is empty, then we should fill it now
 if (nsc->ns_inbuflen == 0) {
@@ -390,15 +389,15 @@
  * netsec_fillread only returns if the buffer is full, so we can
  * assume here that this has something in it.
-retlen = min(size, nsc->ns_inbuflen);
+*retlen = min(size, nsc->ns_inbuflen);
-memcpy(buffer, nsc->ns_inptr, retlen);
+memcpy(buffer, nsc->ns_inptr, *retlen);
-if (retlen == (int) nsc->ns_inbuflen) {
+if (*retlen == nsc->ns_inbuflen) {
 	 * We've emptied our buffer, so reset everything.
 	nsc->ns_inptr = nsc->ns_inbuffer;
 	nsc->ns_inbuflen = 0;

Index: uip/inc.c
--- uip/inc.c
+++ uip/inc.c
@@ -934,9 +934,9 @@
 static int
 pop_action (char *s)
-fprintf (pf, "%s\n", s);
-stop += strlen (s) + 1;
+fprintf (pf, "%s", s);
+stop += strlen (s);
 return 0;  /* Is return value used?  This was missing before 1999-07-15. */

Index: uip/popsbr.c
--- uip/popsbr.c
+++ uip/popsbr.c
@@ -489,12 +489,17 @@
 static int
 traverse (int (*action)(char *), const char *fmt, ...)
 int result, snoopstate;
+size_t len, unused, inoffset, slen, count;
 va_list ap;
 char buffer[sizeof(response)];
+size_t buflen;
+char *errstr, *ptr, *sptr, *tptr;
+boolean checkline = true;
+boolean needdata = true;
 va_start(ap, fmt);
 result = vcommand (fmt, ap);
@@ -503,25 +508,94 @@
 strncpy (buffer, response, sizeof(buffer));
 if ((snoopstate = netsec_get_snoop(nsc)))
 	netsec_set_snoop(nsc, 0);
-for (;;)
-	switch (multiline ()) {
-	case NOTOK: 
+unused = sizeof(buffer);
+inoffset = 0;
+buflen = 0;
+for (;;) {
+	if (needdata) {
+	result = netsec_read(nsc, buffer + inoffset, unused, &len, &errstr);
+	if (result != OK) {
+		strncpy(response, errstr, sizeof(response));
+		response[sizeof(response) - 1] = '\0';
+		free(errstr);
 		netsec_set_snoop(nsc, snoopstate);
 		return NOTOK;
-	case DONE: 
-		strncpy (response, buffer, sizeof(response));
-		netsec_set_snoop(nsc, snoopstate);
+	}
+	tptr = buffer;
+	buflen += len;
+	needdata = false;
+	}
+	if (checkline) {
+	if (buflen >= LEN(TRM) + 2 &&
+		strncmp(TRM "\r\n", tptr, LEN(TRM) + 2) == 0)
 		return OK;
-	case OK: 
+	if (buflen >= LEN(TRM TRM) &&
+		strncmp(TRM TRM, tptr, LEN(TRM TRM)) == 0) {
+		t

Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-16 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Wed, 16 Nov 2022 09:19:11 -0500:

> The only complicated thing  I see is dealing with the  case where a CR
> is at  the end of one  buffer and the LF  is at the start  of the next
> buffer; I think that is straightforward.

Precisely. Though in  my current patch proposal, the  problem isn't with
CR/LF but  with the two  .. signal terminator  coming from POP.  The two
dots must be getting  split and the first dot is at the  end of a buffer
and the second is at the beginning of the next buffer.

> Unfortunately my life is still difficult right now, otherwise I'd work
> on fixing that.

I may  take a stab  at it if  I get some  time. I'll submit  patches and
solicit feedback if I make any more progress.

Thanks for looking.


Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-16 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Tue, 15 Nov 2022 15:44:59 -0500:

> My reading of the RFC is that the 512 limit is _just_ for responses to
> commands. For the  response to something like RETR it  punts it off to
> RFC 822, which it seems like people are ignoring anyway.

This is also how I interpreted  it. I left the command processing alone.
The  changes  I made  only  kick  in after  the  RETR  command has  been
successfully started.

Also, I  recognize Ralph's statement  that this  is not so  much "people
ignoring" the  RFCs, but really  just one "sender".  In my 23+  years of
using nmh  for email this is  the only "sender" I  have ever encountered
that generates such messages.  So it does seem a bit  drastic to take on
the added risk of "fixing" nmh. :-)

> I used netsec_readline() because it handles the case of stripping line
> endings so we could easily convert CR-LF to Unix style LF-end messages.
> But really we could simply use the netsec_read() and just convert every
> CR-LF pair to a simple LF. 

I originally looked  at netsec_read() as an alternative,  but thought it
would be  easier (maybe not  simpler) to use netsec_readline()  since it
already  had logic  for dealing  with CR/LF.  And the  more I  looked at
using  netsec_read(), the  more it  seemed like  I would  be reinventing
netsec_readline().  Perhaps this  direction was  misguided and  I should
have  stuck  with  netsec_read().  Instead, what  pop_retr()  (and  more
specifically  traverse()) could  do is  after successfully  starting the
RETR command, it  could just switch to using  netsec_read() and handling
any  CR/LF encountered  until  it sees  the  CRLF.CRLF indicator.  There
wouldn't even  be any need for  inc to distinguish between  "header" and
"body"  in this  mode, just  read() data  until we  get CRLF.CRLF,  then
return so DELE and QUIT can be sent.

For  now,  I'm dealing  with  another  synchronization problem  with  my
original  patch  (as  reported  in a  different  email).  Basically  the
CRLF.CRLF is getting flagged early in these lines:

ng> " and render this text in the browser=
. Optionally the output file can be stored and rendered in the reposit=

The POP server dutifully sends the lines as:

ng> " and render this text in the browser=
.. Optionally the output file can be stored and rendered in the reposit=

However, the way the  patch reads chunks of data must  be causing the ..
to be split into  two parts, and so it sees the first  one and thinks it
has arrived at  the end of the  RETR command. The message  is written to
disk excluding the dot and everything that follows.

Anyway, I've reverted my changes locally  for now until I can figure out
how  to make  sure  that the  ..  are not  split  while reading  chunks.
I  imagine  that  this  same  challenge will  be  had  even  when  using
netsec_read() instead.


Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-16 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Tue, 15 Nov 2022 17:27:47 +:

> It's one peer of one user.  No one else suffers.  (Sorry, Andy.)
> Seems a shame to complicate the code.

Well, actually, it's a system that is  used to notify more than just me,
and I  cannot say that  I'm the only  one impacted, however,  I'm pretty
sure I'm the only one who knows there is a problem at this point.

I agree,  however, that  modifying nmh code,  and more  specifically the
changes that I  made in netsec_readline() are a shame.  I'm not proud of
the changes by any measure.

> Andy, if it were the last, what kind of size would be needed, i.e. how
> long is  the longest line  from this brain-damaged peer,  including CR
> LF?

The longest line that I have  observed was 11,370,773 bytes, however, it
could be any variable length based upon the size of the attachment being
included in the email.

> - Upping the truncation limit to avoid truncating Andy's case. 

What specifically  is meant by this?  Do you mean allocate  more memory?
There currently  isn't really  a "truncation limit"  except for  the bug
that I identified where lines longer than 1024 characters get truncated.
The real problem  is with messages that have huge  lines, inc fails with
an error:

inc: Unable to find a line terminator after 32768 bytes

When this  happens, it leaves  all the  emails previously POP'ed  in the
session on the server, so the next time I run inc, I get duplicates.

Personally, I  would be  fine if  inc decided to  simply insert  a CR/LF
every 998 bytes when it encounters long lines, and in fact, this is what
I originally  accomplished, but then decided  it was only a  little more
effort to  make inc simply continue  reading more data until  it finally
got the CR/LF.

I'm still trying to contact the organization responsible for sending the
messages,  but  so far  haven't  reached  anyone with  enough  technical
knowledge to understand the problem. Maybe  I'll get lucky and find that
one shining  star programmer  that can  fix their  broken form  to email
notification tool.


Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-15 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said "Andy Bradford" on 09 Nov 2022 21:18:55 -0700:

> I've been  running it for  a couple of  days and it  seems to work  as I
> haven't  discovered any  corrupted  message or  lost  anything; it  even
> preserves the huge lines that shouldn't be present.

Well, I've run into my first  bug with this particular patch. I'm trying
to track it down. Somehow these lines are causing truncation of the rest
of the message  and leaving the POP connection in  a potentially unknown

ng> " and render this text in the browser=
. Optionally the output file can be stored and rendered in the reposit=

I suspect that  for some reason the buffer is  aligning just well enough
that for  some reason  the has_prefix() being  called in  multiline() is
flagging it as a the terminator  and cutting off the communication early
even though  there is  more data to  be read. Things  don't end  well. I
haven't been receiving emails properly  since that message arrived in my
POP mail store, so I may not be getting everything.

Guess I'm eating  my own dog food  for now. I'll watch  the mailing list
archives for responses while I dig into the code some more to see why it
might be bailing out early.


Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-14 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Mon, 14 Nov 2022 21:27:23 -0500:

> Officially such a message violates RFC  5322 (line length limit of 998
> plus CR  LF), which  means it  violates the  POP3 RFC  as well.  But I
> suspect we just have to deal. Sigh.

Absolutely,  it's one  of the  most  blatant violations  I've seen.  I'm
trying to contact the sender/generator of such messages, but these days,
as you  rightly pointed out three  years ago, it's hard  to find someone
willing to listen.

> netsec_readline() can  handle a  maximum line length  of 32k,  which I
> chose based  on it being way  larger than what email  protocols say is
> the  limit  of a  "line".  My  only question  is:  should  there be  a
> hardcoded limit in  terms of line length, or should  we have the limit
> be whatever you can malloc()?

Yes, as  I looked  at the  code, I  realized that  netsec_readline() was
plenty generous in allowing the newline  to appear anywhere in the first
32k bytes. In practice, this never really happens, but in the event that
it exceeded the 1024, it actually  would truncate the line; again a very
rare event in my opinion.

The patch as  I proposed it doesn't require more  memory to be allocated
as it simply scans until it fines a CR/LF, and as far as I know there is
no limit.  I have not  yet tested what happens  when there is  no CR/LF,
however I'm  not sure  such a  message could ever  exist in  an SMTP/POP


Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-14 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Sun, 13 Nov 2022 21:29:23 +:

> Is this only seen with inc(1) reading from a particular source?

I believe the only  problem that I found was inc and  reading from a POP
source; sorry  for not  being more clear.  Specifically in  popsbr.c and
pop_getline(), it  would call netsec_readline()  which uses a  buffer of
65535 for  holding data, and  then pop_getline()  would stuff it  into a
buffer that was BUFSIZ (1024 on my system), thus truncating whatever was
returned to 1024.

For most cases, this actually  worked out fine because netsec_readline()
would always find a newline before  1024 bytes and return a pointer with
a length  of <  1024. But  in the  case of  really long  lines (probably
pretty rare in SMTP and POP), it would truncate them.


Misplaced header include in some files for sbr/globals.h?

2022-11-10 Thread Andy Bradford

While compiling on OpenBSD I encountered some failures due the placement
of this line:

#include "sbr/globals.h"

For some reason  it's nested in an  #ifdef block, and I  think it should
actually be outside of the block. For example:

Why shouldn't the include be above with all the rest of the includes? As
it is,  I compilation fails  due to "undeclared identifier"  errors such

uip/rcvtty.c:96:31: error: use of undeclared identifier 'invo_name'
arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1);

Is there a reason why the include is nested in the #ifdef?



Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-10 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said David Levine on Thu, 10 Nov 2022 05:51:12 -0800:

> Andy, are you able to create patches against HEAD?

Attached is a new patch  that applies cleanly against master (17734c9c).
I had  trouble compiling  on OpenBSD,  but I  eventually got  it working
after a  bit of  hacking, however, I  did not include  those bits  in my
patch since they  are not specific to the long  line problem (I'll bring
up in a different thread).

The new patch  compiles and I tested inc using  3 malformed messages and
it worked  fine. I did not  test imaptest.c nor the  changes for smtp.c,
but the changes  there were merely to preserve the  original behavior of
the functions modified (function signature changed).


diff --git a/h/netsec.h b/h/netsec.h
index 6c69c82c..73e9585b 100644
--- a/h/netsec.h
+++ b/h/netsec.h
@@ -139,19 +139,20 @@ void netsec_set_timeout(netsec_context *ns_context, int timeout);
  * Read a "line" from the network.  This reads one CR/LF terminated line.
  * Returns a pointer to a NUL-terminated string.  This memory is valid
  * until the next call to any read function.  Will return an error if
- * the line does not terminate with a CR/LF.
+ * the line does not terminate with a CR/LF unless strict is false.
  * Arguments:
  * ns_context	- Network security context
  * length	- Returned length of string
  * errstr	- Error string
+ * strict	- Strict CR/LF checking
  * Returns pointer to string, or NULL on error.
 char *netsec_readline(netsec_context *ns_context, size_t *length,
-		  char **errstr);
+		  char **errstr, bool strict);
  * Read bytes from the network.
diff --git a/mts/smtp/smtp.c b/mts/smtp/smtp.c
index bf338b12..20722bfd 100644
--- a/mts/smtp/smtp.c
+++ b/mts/smtp/smtp.c
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ again: ;
 rc = sizeof(sm_reply.text) - 1;
 for (more = false; (buffer = netsec_readline(nsc, &buflen,
-		 &errstr)) != NULL ; ) {
+		 &errstr, true)) != NULL ; ) {
 	if (doingEHLO
 	&& has_prefix(buffer, "250")
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ sm_sasl_callback(enum sasl_message_type mtype, unsigned const char *indata,
 	netsec_set_snoop_callback(nsc, netsec_b64_snoop_decoder, &snoopoffset);
 	snoopoffset = 4;
-	line = netsec_readline(nsc, &len, errstr);
+	line = netsec_readline(nsc, &len, errstr, true);
 	netsec_set_snoop_callback(nsc, NULL, NULL);
 	if (line == NULL)
@@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ sm_sasl_callback(enum sasl_message_type mtype, unsigned const char *indata,
 	 * Finish the protocol; we're looking for a 235 message.
-	line = netsec_readline(nsc, &len, errstr);
+	line = netsec_readline(nsc, &len, errstr, true);
 	if (line == NULL)
 	return NOTOK;
diff --git a/sbr/netsec.c b/sbr/netsec.c
index bf0ff9cf..12cae575 100644
--- a/sbr/netsec.c
+++ b/sbr/netsec.c
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ static SSL_CTX *sslctx = NULL;		/* SSL Context */
 /* I'm going to hardcode this for now; maybe make it adjustable later? */
 #define NETSEC_BUFSIZE 65536
+bool addnl;
  * Our context structure, which holds all of the relevant information
  * about a connection.
@@ -434,7 +436,7 @@ netsec_read(netsec_context *nsc, void *buffer, size_t size, char **errstr)
 char *
-netsec_readline(netsec_context *nsc, size_t *len, char **errstr)
+netsec_readline(netsec_context *nsc, size_t *len, char **errstr, bool strict)
 unsigned char *ptr = nsc->ns_inptr;
 size_t count = 0, offset;
@@ -443,10 +445,12 @@ retry:
  * Search through our existing buffer for a LF
+addnl = false;
-while (count < nsc->ns_inbuflen) {
+while (count < nsc->ns_inbuflen && count < BUFSIZ - 2) {
 	if (*ptr++ == '\n') {
+	addnl = true;
 	char *sptr = (char *) nsc->ns_inptr;
 	if (count > 1 && *(ptr - 2) == '\r')
@@ -478,14 +482,30 @@ retry:
- * Hm, we didn't find a \n.  If we've already searched half of the input
+ * Hm, we didn't find a \n.  Return half of a BUFSIZ buffer it not strictly
+ * searching for \n.
+ * Otherwise, if we've already searched half of the input
  * buffer, return an error.
-if (count >= nsc->ns_inbufsize / 2) {
-	netsec_err(errstr, "Unable to find a line terminator after %zu bytes",
-		   count);
-	return NULL;
+if (strict == true) {
+	if (count >= nsc->ns_inbufsize / 2) {
+	netsec_err(errstr,
+		   "Unable to find a line terminator after %zu bytes",
+		   count);
+	return NULL;
+	}
+} else {
+	if (count) {
+	count = min(BUFSIZ / 2, count);
+	ptr = nsc->ns_inptr + count;
+	char *sptr = (char *) nsc->ns_inptr;
+	if (len)
+		*len = ptr - nsc->ns_inptr;
+	nsc->ns_inptr += count;
+	nsc->ns_inbuflen -= count;
+	return sptr;
+	}
diff --git a/uip/imaptest.c b/uip/imaptest.c
index 9e19aac6..938c2506 100644
--- a/uip/imaptest.c
+++ b/uip/imaptest.c
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
 	die("%s", errstr);
-if ((cp = netsec_readline(nsc

Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-10 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Michael Richardson on Thu, 10 Nov 2022 13:08:02 +:

> Not sure where TRUE/FALSE is supposed  to be declared, but that didn't
> compile.

Not sure where they went... they used to be defined in mh.h:

#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE false
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE true

Thanks for  pointing out that  they're missing. I  guess a lot  more has
changed between 1.7.1 and master than I had thought.

I'm just about done with reworking the patch for master.



Re: inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-10 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said David Levine on Thu, 10 Nov 2022 05:51:12 -0800:

> Andy, are you able to create patches against HEAD?

Yes, I'll see about getting it applied to HEAD.



inc and non-compliant long lines redux

2022-11-09 Thread Andy Bradford
Hello again,

It's  been a  few years  since  I first  reported a  problem with  inc's
handling of  long lines  (e.g. those  that are  clearly longer  than RFC
mandated lengths).  Oddly enough, I have  only ever seen it  coming from
one  particular sender  (and the  problem still  persists to  this day).
Every other email sender from whom I receive email has never presented a

For historical context:

At any rate, I've been mulling over the source for the past few days and
decided to take a stab at addressing  the issue. Along the way I found 2
other bugs. Not only does inc fail with long lines that are greater than
32768 bytes, it  also truncates lines that are less  than that value and
longer than 1024 bytes (not sure if this behavior is intentional, but it
seems like an oversight  to me). The other minor bug  is that it appends
an extra newline  to the body after scanning the  terminating dot (.) at
the end  of the transaction, which  I decided was fairly  innocuous so I
didn't spend time on it.

Ken made  the suggestion that inc  should just be able  to handle longer
lines. Turns out that was quite  a challenge not being familiar with the
code and it's  possible that my modifications are  more complicated than
necessary, but attached is an attempt to  make it work. As it turns out,
inc's ability  to POP email had  no concept of "header"  and "body", but
merely "command"  and "lines of  content", so I  sought to make  it grok
when the  header ends  and the body  starts. After it  finds the  end of
headers (a line with 0 bytes of  data because CRNL are stripped from the
line) it then stops requiring CRNL  and reads in chunks of data instead,
while still  looking for CRNL  for conversion.  (I thought it  should be
strict with  CRNL parsing during headers,  but perhaps that's a  flaw in
this particular change I've made). When  I got that working I then found
that most of the message was still missing, and that's when I discovered
that inc discarded any characters after 1024 bytes on a line.

I've been  running it for  a couple of  days and it  seems to work  as I
haven't  discovered any  corrupted  message or  lost  anything; it  even
preserves the huge lines that shouldn't be present.

Can this be done better another way?  Is it sufficient?

The patch is against 1.7.1 since that is what is installed on my system.


Index: h/netsec.h
--- h/netsec.h
+++ h/netsec.h
@@ -149,11 +149,11 @@
  * Returns pointer to string, or NULL on error.
 char *netsec_readline(netsec_context *ns_context, size_t *length,
-		  char **errstr);
+		  char **errstr, int strict);
  * Read bytes from the network.
  * Arguments:

Index: mts/smtp/smtp.c
--- mts/smtp/smtp.c
+++ mts/smtp/smtp.c
@@ -783,11 +783,11 @@
 sm_reply.text[0] = 0;
 rp = sm_reply.text;
 rc = sizeof(sm_reply.text) - 1;
 for (more = FALSE; (buffer = netsec_readline(nsc, &buflen,
-		 &errstr)) != NULL ; ) {
+		 &errstr, TRUE)) != NULL ; ) {
 	if (doingEHLO
 	&& has_prefix(buffer, "250")
 	&& (buffer[3] == '-' || doingEHLO == 2)
 	&& buffer[4]) {
@@ -993,11 +993,11 @@
 	 * by base64 response data.
 	netsec_set_snoop_callback(nsc, netsec_b64_snoop_decoder, &snoopoffset);
 	snoopoffset = 4;
-	line = netsec_readline(nsc, &len, errstr);
+	line = netsec_readline(nsc, &len, errstr, TRUE);
 	netsec_set_snoop_callback(nsc, NULL, NULL);
 	if (line == NULL)
 	return NOTOK;
@@ -1049,11 +1049,11 @@
 	 * Finish the protocol; we're looking for a 235 message.
-	line = netsec_readline(nsc, &len, errstr);
+	line = netsec_readline(nsc, &len, errstr, TRUE);
 	if (line == NULL)
 	return NOTOK;
 	if (!has_prefix(line, "235 ")) {
 	if (len > 4)

Index: sbr/netsec.c
--- sbr/netsec.c
+++ sbr/netsec.c
@@ -44,10 +44,12 @@
 #endif /* TLS_SUPPORT */
 /* I'm going to hardcode this for now; maybe make it adjustable later? */
 #define NETSEC_BUFSIZE 65536
+int addnl;
  * Our context structure, which holds all of the relevant information
  * about a connection.
@@ -424,23 +426,25 @@
  * - If your data may contain embedded NULs, this won't work.  You should
  *   be using netsec_read() in that case.
 char *
-netsec_readline(netsec_context *nsc, size_t *len, char **errstr)
+netsec_readline(netsec_context *nsc, size_t *len, char **errstr, int strict)
 unsigned char *ptr = nsc->ns_inptr;
 size_t count = 0, offset;
  * Search through our existing buffer for a LF
+addnl = FALSE;
-while (count < nsc->ns_inbuflen) {
+while (count < nsc->ns_inbuflen && count < BUFSIZ - 2) {

Re: new release?

2022-04-19 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said David Levine on Tue, 19 Apr 2022 19:18:49 -0700:

> In  the meantime,  if those  who build  from the  repo could  pull and
> report the results  of "make check", that will help  reveal areas that
> we need to address.

OpenBSD 6.9 amd64:

$ make check
cc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.-DNMHBINDIR='"/usr/local/bin"'  
-DNMHLIBEXECDIR='"/usr/local/libexec/nmh"'  -DNMHETCDIR='"/usr/local/etc/nmh"'  
-DNMHDOCDIR='"/usr/local/share/doc/nmh"'  -DMAILSPOOL='"/var/mail"'  
-DSENDMAILPATH='"/usr/sbin/sendmail"'   -g -O2 -Wall -Wextra -MT 
sbr/sbr_libmh_a-fmt_rfc2047.o -MD -MP -MF sbr/.deps/sbr_libmh_a-fmt_rfc2047.Tpo 
-c -o sbr/sbr_libmh_a-fmt_rfc2047.o `test -f 'sbr/fmt_rfc2047.c' || echo 
sbr/fmt_rfc2047.c:391:12: error: use of undeclared identifier 'initialdstlen'
return initialdstlen - dstlen;
sbr/fmt_rfc2047.c:399:12: error: use of undeclared identifier 'initialdstlen'
return initialdstlen - dstlen - 1;
sbr/fmt_rfc2047.c:72:66: warning: unused parameter 'dest_charset'
decode_rfc2047 (char *str, char *dst, size_t dstlen, const char *dest_charset)
1 warning and 2 errors generated.
*** Error 1 in /tmp/nmh (Makefile:3435 'sbr/sbr_libmh_a-fmt_rfc2047.o')


Re: crufty stuff

2021-12-18 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Paul Fox on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 16:20:05 -0500:

> And others that Doug didn't introduce,  but which are somewhat long in
> the tooth:
> xv
> soffice

I still prefer to  use xv for image display. Also,  while Star Office is
long gone as a name, soffice still  works as a compatible name for Libre
Office (and in fact, seems to be  the official name with a symbolic link
for libreoffice, at least on OpenBSD):

$ which xv
$ which soffice
$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/libreoffice /usr/local/bin/soffice
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel7 Sep  4 10:51 /usr/local/bin/libreoffice@ -> 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  bin959 Apr 19  2021 /usr/local/bin/soffice*

Just my $0.02


Re: mts.conf not being read?

2021-08-17 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said David Levine on Tue, 17 Aug 2021 18:51:38 -0700:

> Does your  profile have  an -mts sendmail/pipe  switch for  send? send
> -help would show it.

I do have this:

postproc: /usr/local/libexec/nmh/spost

But nothing for send.

Also,  I notice  in analyzing  the trace  that the  process chain  looks
something like:

comp,  vi, mhbuild  (which  reads mts.conf),  spost,  post, and  finally

And apparently,  spost is actually just  a shell script that  calls post
with -mts sendmail/pipe. :-)

It's possible that at one point I ran into trouble using mts.conf (maybe
I  didn't realize  that  SMTP  had changed  to  SUBMISSION) and  somehow
figured out that I could use spost instead.


Re: mts.conf not being read?

2021-08-17 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Bakul Shah on Tue, 17 Aug 2021 18:38:21 -0700:

> Try ktrace -di comp

Wow, how did I miss that in the man page! Now after adding -i I see that
it does in fact read mts.conf.

Now back to my original question.

How is it possible that when mts.conf is configured as:

mts: smtp
servers: localhost

That it didn't somehow  use the "new default port of  587" and result in
failures in my environment which has no daemon on port 587. Furthermore,
it didn't even use port 25 because otherwise I would have evidence in my
MTA logs showing  that the messages were submitted via  SMTP and not via



mts.conf not being read?

2021-08-17 Thread Andy Bradford

While participating in  the recent thread, "Delivering  mail through nmh
via SMTP...",  I decided to  check my  mts.conf and discovered  that mts
wasn't actually configured as "sendmail/pipe" as I had thought (probably
got wiped away  when I upgraded); so I started  wondering why the change
hadn't impacted me at all.

In my mts.conf I had the following:

mts: smtp
servers: localhost

Yet, as I said in the previous  thread, I have nothing listening on port

$ telnet localhost 587
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused

Yet, whenever I send  email, it does in fact get  injected into my MTA's
queue via a  pipe! How is that  possible and why isn't  it attempting to
connect to port 587?

So I decided to use ktrace (similar to strace on Linux) to figure out if
it was even reading mts.conf, and it does not even open the file.

I ran:

ktrace -d comp

Composed a message and  then at the "What now?" pormpt  I typed send and
let it rip and  the email arrived as expected, but  MTA logs indicate it
was submitted via pipe sendmail interface.

Given this,  I'm curious  how it  could even be  working since  it isn't
reading my mts.conf?



Re: Delivering mail through nmh via SMTP...

2021-08-17 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Tue, 17 Aug 2021 21:01:18 -0400:

> 587 is the port that is supposed to be used by MUAs to submit mail.
> nmh is a MUA; it seems perfectly logical to me that the default that
> is used by nmh is the submission port.

Yeah, I can see your point though  I still think it was an abrupt change
[though in light of the dwindling  number of nmh/exmh users perhaps it's
perfectly fine for  the community]. Fortunately I  haven't been impacted
by this (I would  know because I don't run anything on  port 587) so I'm
really arguing more out of principle  of least surprise than anything. I
prefer to use  "sendmail/pipe" for the mts setting which  then allows me
to easily use scripts to filter emails as they are submitted.

Sure, that could also be done with  an SMTP server, but it's much easier
with a pipe.


Re: Delivering mail through nmh via SMTP...

2021-08-17 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said "Andy Bradford" on 17 Aug 2021 18:50:01 -0600:

> Thus said David Levine on Tue, 17 Aug 2021 05:28:29 -0700:
> > Starting with  nmh 1.7, nmh defaults  to port 587 instead  of 25 for
> > SMTP submission.
> Personally I think this was a  mistake. SMTP is port 25, SUBMISSION is
> port 587. If something  says SMTP, what comes to mind  is port 25, not
> 587.

Let me clarify what I meant since  I was looking at mts.conf when I read
your comment... (obviously you did mention submission).

Here is what is in mts.conf (much of which is mirrored in mh-tailor(5):

# The delivery method to use, which must be one of the following:
# smtp:  nmh opens a socket connection to the appropriate port
#on the servers listed below and speaks SMTP to the
#first one that responds.  This is the default.
# sendmail/smtp: nmh pipes messages directly to the sendmail program,
#speaking SMTP.  Can be abbreviated to "sendmail".
# sendmail/pipe: nmh pipes messages directly to the sendmail program,
#using the -t option so that addresses are retrieved
#from the message.

I  think  a  new  value  for   mts  should  have  been  invented  called
"submission" that would be used in place of smtp.

Also, given that  is it not possible to change  the smtp/submission port
in mts.conf, this further bolsters  the argument that it should probably
not have changed to 587 by default and a new mts method invented.


Re: Delivering mail through nmh via SMTP...

2021-08-17 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said David Levine on Tue, 17 Aug 2021 05:28:29 -0700:

> Starting with nmh 1.7, nmh defaults to port 587 instead of 25 for SMTP
> submission.

Personally I  think this was a  mistake. SMTP is port  25, SUBMISSION is
port 587.  If something says  SMTP, what comes to  mind is port  25, not

$ grep smtp /etc/services; grep submission /etc/services
smtp25/tcp  mail
smtps   465/tcp # SSL-wrapped SMTP
submission  587/tcp msa # mail message submission
submission  587/udp msa # mail message submission


Re: inc not sending password to POP3 server

2021-07-05 Thread Andy Bradford
Ken asked:

> What version of nmh were you running before?

Oddly enough, it would  seem that I was also running  nmh 1.7.1 prior to
upgrading the OS.

I  see that  I also  had a  local modification  that maybe  I forgot  to
communicate to anyone...

Index: sbr/ruserpass.c
--- sbr/ruserpass.c.orig
+++ sbr/ruserpass.c
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ ruserpass(const char *host, char **aname, char **apass
mypass = *aname;
-*aname = mh_xstrdup(mypass);
+*apass = mh_xstrdup(mypass);


Re: inc not sending password to POP3 server

2021-07-05 Thread Andy Bradford
[Apologies  that this  will break  threading, but  I cannot  yet receive

Ken asked:

> Is your password in a .netrc  file? Something different? Do you have a
> "credentials" entry in your .mh_profile?

I don't have a .netrc file at all:

$ ls -ld ~/.netrc
ls: /home/amb/.netrc: No such file or directory

Neither is there "credentials" in .mh_profile:

$ grep -i credentials ~/.mh_profile; echo $?

inc prompts for  the password (as can  be seen in the inc  output in the
original email).

I've started  looking at  the nmh  sources to  see if  I can  figure out
what's going on. If someone spots it sooner than I, please send response
to the mailing list.


inc not sending password to POP3 server

2021-07-05 Thread Andy Bradford

I recently upgraded  to OpenBSD 6.9 and consequently also  got nmh 1.7.1
and now find that inc no longer sends the password to my POP3 server:

$ inc +MyIncTmp -snoop -nochangecur -user username -host localhost
Trying to connect to "localhost" ...
Connecting to
<= +OK <83350.1625494797@localhost>
=> USER username
<= +OK 
Password (localhost:username): 
=> PASS (null)
<= -ERR authorization failed
inc: -ERR authorization failed

I also  used ktrace to  try to see  what inc was  doing and see  that it
reads the password:

 65472 inc CALL  read(5,0x75ee3000,0x1)
 65472 inc GIO   fd 5 read 9 bytes
 65472 inc RET   read 9

I also found this interesting behavior:

 65472 inc CALL  sendsyslog(0xcf7bdc67,43,0<>)
 65472 inc GIO   fd -1 wrote 43 bytes
   "<10>inc: vfprintf %s NULL in "PASS %s""
 65472 inc RET   sendsyslog 0

I wonder why  inc decided to send that particular  information to syslog
instead of stderr (where I would have actually seen it)?

And of  course, as snoop has  already revealed, it sends  (null) for the

 65472 inc CALL  write(4,0x4a3c2000,0xd)
 65472 inc GIO   fd 4 wrote 13 bytes
   "PASS (null)\r
 65472 inc RET   write 13/0xd

Any idea  why doesn't send  the real password?  I will probably  have to
read any responses  on the mailing list archives since  I'm not yet able
to receive email.


inc not sending password to POP3 server

2021-07-05 Thread Andy Bradford

I recently upgraded  to OpenBSD 6.9 and consequently also  got nmh 1.7.1
and now find that inc no longer sends the password to my POP3 server:

$ inc +MyIncTmp -snoop -nochangecur -user username -host localhost
Trying to connect to "localhost" ...
Connecting to
<= +OK <83350.1625494797@localhost>
=> USER username
<= +OK 
Password (localhost:username): 
=> PASS (null)
<= -ERR authorization failed
inc: -ERR authorization failed

I also  used ktrace to  try to see  what inc was  doing and see  that it
reads the password:

 65472 inc CALL  read(5,0x75ee3000,0x1)
 65472 inc GIO   fd 5 read 9 bytes
 65472 inc RET   read 9

I also found this interesting behavior:

 65472 inc CALL  sendsyslog(0xcf7bdc67,43,0<>)
 65472 inc GIO   fd -1 wrote 43 bytes
   "<10>inc: vfprintf %s NULL in "PASS %s""
 65472 inc RET   sendsyslog 0

I wonder why  inc decided to send that particular  information to syslog
instead of stderr (where I would have actually seen it)?

And of  course, as snoop has  already revealed, it sends  (null) for the

 65472 inc CALL  write(4,0x4a3c2000,0xd)
 65472 inc GIO   fd 4 wrote 13 bytes
   "PASS (null)\r
 65472 inc RET   write 13/0xd

Any idea  why doesn't send  the real password?  I will probably  have to
read any responses  on the mailing list archives since  I'm not yet able
to receive email.


Re: Is nmh suitable for managing multiple email accounts?

2021-03-07 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Michael Richardson on Sun, 07 Mar 2021 14:04:18 -0500:

> But that doesn't work anymore unless you control the DNS for all zones
> in question, and can set up SPF correctly. (Mostly, that actually does
> apply to me)

As  a  counterpoint, I  have  never  setup  SPF  and generally  have  no
problems. I  do, however,  control the DNS.  As a  counter counterpoint,
however, not many people run their own email anymore. :-)


Re: Synchronization Problem

2020-08-31 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Mon, 31 Aug 2020 13:25:17 -0400:

> Right, I  mean ...  that's probably sufficient.  But there  aren't any
> universal solutions. If you want to wrap every nmh command in a global
> lock, that's also an option.

The only command I run the risk  of running concurrently is inc, so this
is what I have:

$ cat /usr/local/bin/inc
REALINC=`dirname "$0"`/inc.real
INCLOCK=`mhpath +`/.inc.lock
exec setlock "$INCLOCK" "$REALINC" "$@"


I believe in  only one thing: liberty;  but I do not  believe in liberty
enough to want to force it upon anyone. --- H. L. Mencken

TAI64 timestamp: 40005f4d5609

Re: Forwarding html email

2020-01-11 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said on Fri, 10 Jan 2020 16:15:37 -0500:

> This gets me what I want and if that's the way it's done, so be it. My
> only complaint is that I don't see the message I'm forwarding.

You can always  re-edit after you have run the  mime command with "edit"
if I'm not mistaken.


TAI64 timestamp: 40005e1a762a

Re: Extracting Links from HTML Message

2020-01-06 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said "Martin McCormick" on Mon, 06 Jan 2020 07:03:14 -0600:


This  URL  looks like  it  has  an embedded  newline  in  it (maybe  the
result of quoted-printable  content being poorly handled  by the senders
text/plain conversion.

What if you just try putting it all in one URL:

TAI64 timestamp: 40005e139e47

Re: format and output all received: lines in an e-mail message

2019-11-23 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Sat, 23 Nov 2019 12:03:42 +:

> Andy is correct.  Mailman has a `nodupes' flag  for every subscription
> and it's set for Andy's subscription.

Not any longer. :-)

I didn't realize I had control over this.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005dd9a302

Re: format and output all received: lines in an e-mail message

2019-11-22 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Steffen Nurpmeso on Thu, 21 Nov 2019 23:14:29 +0100:

> I have heared someone revived qmail  and wants to include some patches
> for builtin TLS etc. That sounded very much interesting, especially if
> its mailing-list manager would be maintained again!

There has been some momentum around  creating a newer version that has a
forward path. I imagine there are  still some diehards out there like me
who  just continue  to  use  the original  software  (mine is  minimally
patched for example) because it "just works."

I  still use  unpatched ezmlm  for  my own  personal uses  for the  same
reasons,  though I  have added  an  extra binary;  but the  rest of  the
additional things that were added to it I haven't needed.

Curiously, the email  you sent me appears to have  never arrived via the
MLM that nmh-workers uses---I suspect it has one of those fancy features
that thinks an email that was sent to one address shouldn't be also sent
to another address (i.e. if the address of the To/Cc recipient is also a
member  of  the MLM  exclude  one  of  them).  Personally, I  prefer  to
distinguish between direct  replies and replies via MLM so  I don't mind
the extra because my filters funnel things appropriately.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005dd80178

Re: format and output all received: lines in an e-mail message

2019-11-21 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Greg Minshall on Wed, 20 Nov 2019 10:41:34 +0530:

> then, i'd like  to use something like fmttest(1) to  print out all the
> "Received:" lines in an e-mail message. ideally, each "Received:" line
> would come  out on a  separate line; less  ideally, but i'm  sure very
> practical, a very  long line would come out, with  some odd ascii code
> separating the individual lines.

I usually use  822field (from mess822 [1]) for this  kind of thing which
takes all received lines and reformats them one per line (odd ascii code
separating them is a newline).

For example, your message looks like:

$ 822field received < `mhpath cur` | tail -6   
 from ([2001:470:142:3::10]:33280) by with esmtp 
(Exim 4.90_1) (envelope-from ) id 1iXIOr-0005CP-UD for; Wed, 20 Nov 2019 00:19:34 -0500
 from Debian-exim by with spam-scanned (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from 
) id 1iXIOq-00089z-NS for; Wed, 20 Nov 
2019 00:19:33 -0500
 from ([]:21038) by with esmtp (Exim 
4.71) (envelope-from ) id 1iXIOq-00088d-K6 for; Wed, 20 Nov 2019 00:19:32 -0500
 from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with 
ESMTP id 001419805E3 for ; Wed, 20 Nov 2019 00:11:43 
-0500 (EST)
 from (unknown []) (using 
TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client 
certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 89AEF8F084C 
for ; Wed, 20 Nov 2019 00:11:43 -0500 (EST)
 from (localhost [IPv6:::1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E305D6089A for 
; Wed, 20 Nov 2019 10:41:34 +0530 (IST)


TAI64 timestamp: 40005dd69ee2

Re: [nmh-workers] FSF is changing Mailman list settings unless you opt out (fwd)

2019-09-26 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Thu, 26 Sep 2019 12:36:41 -0400:

> You can  read the details  in the  message for the  complete technical
> reasons  why this  is happening;  the other  option is  to do  what is
> called "Munge From" and I personally think this is 100x worse (I am on
> a Yahoo mailing list where this is done and I hate it).

I won't  mind if the  Subject stops being  mangled (I use  the list-post
header for filtering). I also won't mind if the body stops being mangled
with additional MIME parts; the same information is already available in
the  list-(un)?subscribe  headers) and  I'm  of  the opinion  that  list
control mechanisms  belong in headers.  Besides, how often  does someone
accidentally get subscribed to a mailing list anymore?

I don't think however, that "Munge From" sounds like a good idea.


TAI64 timestamp: 40005d8d7d75


Re: [nmh-workers] inc: Unable to find a line terminator after 32768 bytes

2019-09-10 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Tue, 10 Sep 2019 09:15:00 -0400:

> So how  big WAS this message,  actually? I'm trying to  understand the
> scope of the problem.

The  entire size  of the  message  on disk  (including additional  trace
headers added by  my MTA) is 11,374,046 while the  size of the offending
line is 11,370,773. That means that  the rest of the message headers and
text/plain part of the message occupy 3,273 bytes.
> Really,  I think  that the  best course  of action  would be  that inc
> always tries  to write something  out (unless it  encounters something
> like an I/O error) and exits cleanly.

Actually I failed to report that inc *did* write out something. It wrote
out until the MIME  content started, so it got up to  the headers of the
MIME  part and  then while  trying  to scan  the next  line issued  that
error---the resulting file was truncated. I found the problem later when
I was reading messages with EXMH which showed the attachment, but when I
saved the attachment it was a 0  byte file. EXMH must be lenient when it
comes to missing MIME part markers (maybe it just assumes end-of-file is
good enough).


TAI64 timestamp: 40005d77a9cf


Re: [nmh-workers] inc: Unable to find a line terminator after 32768 bytes

2019-09-09 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Mon, 09 Sep 2019 17:04:05 -0400:

> In a perfect world  I think we SHOULD parse those  messages (up to the
> limits of virtual memory), but right now we don't.

That's actually  how I figured  this problem out.  I found that  my POP3
daemon kept  crashing and when  I investigated it,  I found that  it was
because  it didn't  have  sufficient  memory to  respond  to inc's  RETR
command. After I increased the amount of memory that the POP3 daemon was
allowed to  allocate, the RETR  command succeeded,  but then I  ended up
with an inc that refused to incorporate emails.

Whether or not  we think making inc handle nonconforming  lines is worth
tackling, it  might be  a good  idea to  make inc  handle the  failure a
little better.  What happened instead  was that inc exited  after having
partially RETR'ieved the message, without having told the POP3 server to
DELE the  ones it had already  successfully pulled down. So  each time I
ran inc, it would pull down the messages, die on the same bogus message,
and repeat; so that I ended up with a few duplicates.

I think issuing a warning and leaving  a bad message on the server would
be better than aborting the entire POP3 session and causing a repeat.

> Based on my personal experience ... you may not be able to find anyone
> who really  cares about fixing that  (I have run into  some people who
> care about  fixing broken  email, most  of the time  I get  ignored or
> blown off). Just to warn you.

Yeah, I just wanted to double-check my  facts before I sent off an email
asking them if they are aware of their misbehaving mail system. I'll see
how they  react (if they even  get the message---it's difficult  to find
functioning postmaster@ addresses these days).


TAI64 timestamp: 40005d7706d8


[nmh-workers] inc: Unable to find a line terminator after 32768 bytes

2019-09-09 Thread Andy Bradford

This is the first time I've ever seen such an error from inc. In looking
at  the message  that is  causing the  problem, apparently  it's a  MIME
message that has a base64 encoded MIME body that is all on one line that
even sed has a hard time parsing:

$ time (cat bigmessage | sed -ne '62p' | wc)
   1   1 11370773
1m08.62s real 0m15.01s user 0m23.09s system

This just  seems ridiculous.  I'm tempted  to modify  my SMTP  server to
reject such messages, but I'm curious to know if this is simply a bug in
the sending software or if something has changed?

Unfortunately, I  cannot share the  entire message,  but I'm not  sure I
need to.  It should  be easily  reproduced by  simply base64  encoding a
large file and  putting it all on  one line. Here are  the redacted MIME

Content-Type: application/octet-stream; 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; 

Is this something I should report to  the sender as a clear violation of
RFC5322,  which as  far as  I can  tell, restricts  line lengths  to 998
characters, or is there something special about MIME that supersedes the
limit and which means inc needs fixing?


TAI64 timestamp: 40005d76af72


Re: [nmh-workers] Stupid 'pick' question...

2019-06-12 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said "Valdis Kl?tnieks" on Sat, 08 Jun 2019 21:26:46 -0400:

> In  a world  of Microsoft  Office  attachments, is  having -search  go
> through the body by default as well  still a good idea? Maybe having a
> separate -searchbody would be better?

Hard to  say what  it *should*  be. In my  environment, the  majority of
messages that I use -search with  do have searchable content in the body
of the message, so I've never really been concerned about it.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005d011078


Re: [nmh-workers] Flagging messages

2019-05-27 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said on Sat, 25 May 2019 10:37:17 -0400:

> Scenario:  you receive  an email  from  Geico informing  you your  car
> insurance payment  is due in  4 weeks. In mutt  or Apple Mail  you can
> flag that message so you're reminded of it each time you log in.

I'm not sure what "log in" means  in your environment. If you're using X
you could do something like this:

Identify a message for which you want a reminder

Use "mark -seq remind" to add the message to the remind sequence
or use "refile -link +Reminders" to link the message into a folder

Then in your .xsession you could place:

REMINDERS=`scan +folder -width 132 remind`
test "$REMINDERS" && xmessage -default okay -center -timeout 60 "$REMINDERS"

Or if using a folder:

REMINDERS=`scan +Reminders -width 132`
test "$REMINDERS" && xmessage -default okay -center -timeout 60 "$REMINDERS"

Then when  done you remove the  message from either the  sequence or the

TAI64 timestamp: 40005cec1f2e


Re: [nmh-workers] Thank You

2019-04-30 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Tue, 30 Apr 2019 13:23:37 -0400:

> Thank you for that pointer; sadly, I went through the whole process of
> getting it started, it DID pop up  the right window to prompt for MFA,
> but the domain  I use is configured to  require administrator approval
> to use another email application.

I think there may  also be an option to use a  personal token (which may
have to  be enabled). I  cannot search  for it at  the moment, but  I do
recall seeing some discussion in the  Davmail forums about using a token
instead of MFA.


TAI64 timestamp: 40005cc8a461


Re: [nmh-workers] Thank You

2019-04-29 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said on Thu, 25 Apr 2019 20:08:02 -0400:

> $WORK migrated my email to Office365 this week.

I've had a  similar experience and was able to  reintegrate nmh by using
Davmail to provide a POP  interface to Office365---if they don't provide
one for you already. Use search engines to discover more about Davmail.


TAI64 timestamp: 40005cc67ec3


Re: [nmh-workers] closefds() _before_ fork?

2019-04-24 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Tue, 23 Apr 2019 19:35:11 -0400:

> >setlock /tmp/mit.lock inc +MyIncTmp ...
> Well, my reading of the setlock man page (assuming this is the FreeBSD
> one) is that it  is not depending on a _descriptor_  to be passed down
> (I don't even know  how that would work), but in fact  it is opening a
> particular _file_ and locking it.

Sorry,  I should  have referenced  which  setlock I  intended. I  didn't
realize there  was more  than one  setlock. I  specifically had  in mind
setlock from daemontools  (see for more
information), though  it is  not the only  command that  implements this

Basically, it opens a file and  attempts to obtain an exclusive lock the
file  descriptor for  that  file. If/when  it  successfully obtains  the
exclusive lock  it then uses exec()  to execute a new  process, and that
new process inherits  the open file descriptor. As long  as that process
leaves the file  descriptor open, it continues to hold  the lock on said
file  which  prevents  any  similarly  invoked  processes  from  running

The  lock goes  away either  when the  file descriptor  is intentionally
closed, or the process exits or crashes.

> My change makes it so we no longer close all descriptors when creating
> a child process (in the majority of cases we didn't).  The particular
> change I have started implementing is that any descriptors _created by
> nmh_ will be marked as close-on-exec, so they will no longer be available
> to child processes (well, technically, child processes that have called
> exec(), but you know what I mean).

Yes, I see  what you mean---also, I didn't realize  that the approach in
nmh was so  varied, but then, I haven't looked  at the sources in-depth.
This change sounds  less drastic than I intially thought.  I've run into
problems before (most notably with Bash) where after setlock does exec()
the  new  process  will  close inherited  open  file  descriptors  which
basically  breaks this  particular  way of  resource control  (sometimes
referred to as Bernstein chaining).

Thanks  for  the  clarification;  it  does sound  like  it  will  be  an

TAI64 timestamp: 40005cbfdd37


Re: [nmh-workers] closefds() _before_ fork?

2019-04-23 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Paul Vixie on Tue, 23 Apr 2019 05:59:05 -0700:

> to that end,  i propose that we  treat any open descriptor  N>2 at the
> time  of an  exec() to  be a  bug,  which is  to be  fixed by  setting
> O_CLOEXEC at time of creation.

What impact will such a decision have on tools like setlock which open a
filedescriptor, obtain an  exclusive lock, and then exec  a process? For
example, I may  use something like the following in  a script to prevent
multiple processes from incorporating email:

setlock /tmp/mit.lock inc +MyIncTmp ...


TAI64 timestamp: 40005cbf7b26


Re: [nmh-workers] The State of exmh.

2018-11-08 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Thu, 08 Nov 2018 10:36:12 +:

> A workaround is  to subscribe the list to a  public archiver so Google
> can see everything  from the switch-over date onwards, as  long as the
> list-info page makes  this clear as otherwise new  posters still think
> it's semi-private.

If you didn't see  my previous email... It was already  done long ago by
MARC; these archives go back to 1998:

I  don't know  if they  are 100%  complete, but  I don't  know why  they
wouldn't be.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005be4538c


Re: [nmh-workers] The State of exmh.

2018-11-08 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Wed, 07 Nov 2018 15:52:32 -0500:

> >I considered poking around
> > for signs of life,
> >but those archives are subscriber only.
> You know, this has always driven me nuts.  Why is it set like this?  Can
> that be opened up?

I prefer these anyway:

TAI64 timestamp: 40005be451bc


Re: [nmh-workers] post 1.71 ug: "long line"/single newline paragraphs

2018-05-25 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Thu, 24 May 2018 19:28:25 -0400:

> So, I don't think this is necessarily a nmh problem, like I said. From
> a  practical standpoint,  you're probably  one of  the few  people who
> actually USES the text/plain content instead of the text/html content.

Count  me as  another one  of  those few  people who  actually uses  the
text/plain content. :-) For the most  part, I don't read emails that are
HTML only  unless I  absolutely have  to and if  there's a  text/plain I
manage with that unless it's terrible.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005b082e22


Re: [nmh-workers] Unnecessary dependency on vi???

2018-03-20 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Tue, 20 Mar 2018 12:56:09 -:

> For evermore, programs that only offer one means of invoking an editor
> have had to checking first $VISUAL, falling back to $EDITOR.  :-)

You mean like the following chunk of code: :-)

TAI64 timestamp: 40005ab16cc3


Re: [nmh-workers] Unnecessary dependency on vi???

2018-03-18 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Sun, 18 Mar 2018 19:49:03 -0400:

> If you're a long-time  MH user, I admit that I  am surprised you never
> set anything in  your profile; it seems like the  default was prompter
> for a long  time (although, like I said earlier,  that depends on your
> specific site configuration;

I've been  using (N)MH since  2,000 and I think  this is the  first time
I've run into  prompter; though I must  admit that I used  Exmh a couple
years before I began investigating the command line tools, but as far as
I can remember,  I've never had to interface with  prompter. As you say,
perhaps this was  due to specific configuration of which  I was unaware,
but I've usually just used whatever the OS vendor shipped as defaults.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005aaf0524


Re: [nmh-workers] Unnecessary dependency on vi???

2018-03-18 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Sat, 17 Mar 2018 20:25:05 -0400:

> Yeah, I  tried it quickly and  it seems simple enough.  And people who
> have  editor in  their profile  or  use EDITOR/VISUAL  won't notice  a
> change.

Under what conditions will this change? I have neither EDITOR/VISUAL nor
profile  settings for  editor, but  maybe that  won't matter  because my
usage patterns will never invoke prompter?

Right now, when I run comp from the command line, I get a vi editor with
with components in it. Is this where prompter comes in?

Sounds like I might  have to add something to my  profile now after this
change is made to avoid prompter.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005aae8212


Re: [nmh-workers] Unnecessary dependency on vi???

2018-03-17 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Paul Vixie on Sat, 17 Mar 2018 08:55:41 -0700:

> i have  not run  comp without  first setting VISUAL  for at  least two
> decades, but  when i used  to do this, it  would print a  message like
> "type your message  below, and then hit control-D" and  then read from
> standard input. when did that change to requiring an external editor?

I generally don't set VISUAL or EDITOR unless I absolutely have to (e.g.
on Ubuntu  which defaults to  nano) as I generally  expect vi to  be the

$ set | grep -E '(EDITOR|VISUAL)'
$ echo $?

TAI64 timestamp: 40005aad45d8


Re: [nmh-workers] Unnecessary dependency on vi???

2018-03-16 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Paul Fox on Wed, 14 Mar 2018 14:59:57 -0400:

> The big exception  that I remember was his  implementation of infinite
> undo using '.', which broke a corner  case of the redo command, but is
> so easy to use.

Oddly enough, that is one exception that I praise and the one difference
between nvi and vim that I cannot  live without. I use infinite undo via
'.'  all the  time,  but not  only  that,  I'm impressed  by  how I  can
``reverse'' the direction of the undo and '.' repeats that decision.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005aac2904


Re: [nmh-workers] Unnecessary dependency on vi???

2018-03-14 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Paul Fox on Tue, 13 Mar 2018 09:50:24 -0400:

> well, part of  me wants to take  offense at that, since  it's not like
> vim is completely  compatible with the "real" vi. nvi  is much closer,
> in that regard, and should really be  the rewrite that gets to use the
> /usr/bin/vi name.

As a long-time  nvi user, I'm always annoyed that  vim doesn't work more
like vi. :-)

TAI64 timestamp: 40005aa96d14


Re: [Nmh-workers] What OS/Architecture Do You Run nmh On?

2018-02-16 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Fri, 16 Feb 2018 10:44:06 -0500:

> Right, I was wondering if Dovecot  was cool with other Maildir clients
> modifying its store;  the answer is "yes". I was  also wondering if we
> do a "refile  +/path/to/dovecot/folder 42", should we  put the message
> in  "new" or  "cur"?  Since  it seems  (in  the  singular instance  of
> Dovecot) that "new" is for messages that are flagged as \Recent, and I
> don't  think  refiled messages  should  count  as \Recent,  then  that
> suggests that the message should go into cur.

I suppose that  depends on the meaning of the  word ``deliver'' and also
whether or  not the refile  command is moving  message 42 from  the same
filesystem, or crossing filesystem boundaries.  In the former case, it's
an  atomic operation,  but in  the latter  case, to  retain the  ``crash
proof'' nature of Maildir, it would seem that one should ``deliver'' the
message first into  Maildir/tmp, followed by an atomic  move into either
Maildir/new or Maildir/cur.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005a8753f1


Re: [Nmh-workers] What OS/Architecture Do You Run nmh On?

2018-02-16 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Thu, 15 Feb 2018 22:35:04 -0500:

> Well, you  can read the many  messages on this topic  from someone who
> will remain nameless, but who's name rhymes with "Maul Pixie".

In  the scenario  that he  who shall  remain nameless  presented, I  can
definitely see the need for it. In this case, nmh is running on the same
server where  the mail  is stored,  and it  would be  nice to  have both
command-line access with nmh and remote access with IMAP.

If one  wants to  access a  Maildir from  multiple locations  (e.g. IMAP
server, mutt, nmh,  whatever), then it would seem  worthwhile to discuss
Maildir support for nmh.

> (and while  our mailstore has  a number of  advantages, it also  has a
> number of disadvantages).

Is there a  documented pros/cons discussion of MH  mailstore vs Maildir.
They  do have  similar structures  in that  a Maildir  stores individual
messages in individual files. I've often wondered what I might gain from
switching to  Maildir (it's benefits  are clear with respect  to locking
and crash prevention).


TAI64 timestamp: 40005a875219


Re: [Nmh-workers] What OS/Architecture Do You Run nmh On?

2018-02-14 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Wed, 14 Feb 2018 14:22:56 -0500:

> If we scan  a Maildir folder, should  we be in charge  of moving stuff
> from new into cur? Maybe? Maybe not? You tell me!

Let's look at what qmail-pop3d does  when a client ``scans'' the list of

$ find new -type f| wc -l
$ find cur -type f| wc -l

So, I have one  message in Maildir/new and one in  Maildir/cur, and if I
login to my qmail-pop3d, run LIST,  nothing happens to the file on disk,
there remains one in Maildir/cur and one in Maildir/new.

1 559
2 563

However, as soon as I send QUIT  to my qmail-pop3d daemon, it moves that
message from Maildir/new to Maildir/cur:

$ find cur -type f| wc -l
$ find new -type f| wc -l

Does that mean that MH scan should do the same?

TAI64 timestamp: 40005a850851


Re: [Nmh-workers] What OS/Architecture Do You Run nmh On?

2018-02-14 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Tue, 13 Feb 2018 10:09:07 -0500:

> But Bernstein ignored MH because he was not trying to invent a MAILBOX
> format, he was trying to invent a mailDROP ... really, I went back and
> looked. Yes, I know  people now use Maildir as a  mailbox, and I think
> that's weird, but it wasn't his intention.

As a longtime (and current)  qmail user, I'm interested in understanding
this argument  more in detail;  e.g. where did you  go back and  look to
support the claim that he was trying to invent a maildrop?


Reliable: qmail's straight-paper-path philosophy guarantees that
a message,  once accepted into  the system, will never  be lost.
qmail also  optionally supports  maildir, a  new, super-reliable
user mailbox format. Maildirs, unlike mbox files and mh folders,
won't be corrupted  if the system crashes  during delivery. Even
better, not only  can a user safely read his  mail over NFS, but
any number  of NFS clients can  deliver mail to him  at the same

That certainly seems to me that he  intended for it to replace a MAILBOX
format (unless perhaps I misunderstand what is meant by it).

Also, theres:

Which again would seem to indicate that  it was intended to be a mailbox
and  not just  a maildrop;  here again,  it's entirely  possible that  I
misunderstand the difference to which you  alluded above, but I would be
interested in what  you found that suggests it was  intended solely as a
maildrop format.


TAI64 timestamp: 40005a85016a


Re: [Nmh-workers] What OS/Architecture Do You Run nmh On?

2018-02-14 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Tue, 13 Feb 2018 11:30:38 -0500:

> >We've talked a lot about the subtle change to move MH to Maildir, and
> >we never quite work out all the wrinkles, and I'd sure like to that.
> I hear people say this, and I have to wonder ... what's the goal here?

Again, as one  of the few remaining qmail users,  I've never really seen
the need for MH to move to Maildir. What exactly would I gain by that?

I use inc to pull mail via POP  from a qmail server, and then inc places
it into my  filesystem using MH storage routines (I  suppose it's slocal

TAI64 timestamp: 40005a850298


Re: [Nmh-workers] Where are we at for 1.7.1?

2018-02-01 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said "Todd C. Miller" on Wed, 31 Jan 2018 14:11:09 -0700:

> The  OpenBSD  C  compiler  does  not  look  in  /usr/local/include  or
> /usr/local/lib by default but the nmh port's Makefile does.

I  should have  cracked open  the  Makefile and  I would  have seen  the
obvious CONFIGURE_ENV options being passed in.

> CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" ./configure

Yes,  now  it   builds  and  the  test  passes,  and   now  I  see  that
test/ is  actually ``built''  on demand  from test/
with the  rest of the  build process  so that it  defaults ICONV_ENABLED
differently based  on how  it was configured.  That answers  my previous
question about  how ICONV_ENABLED could  ever be altered (it  happens at
``build'' time).

$ make TESTS=test/mhshow/test-charset check
make  test/fakehttp test/fakepop  test/fakesmtp test/getcanon  test/getcwidth 
test/getfullname  test/runpty test/
`test/fakehttp' is up to date.
`test/fakepop' is up to date.
`test/fakesmtp' is up to date.
`test/getcanon' is up to date.
`test/getcwidth' is up to date.
`test/getfullname' is up to date.
`test/runpty' is up to date.
`test/' is up to date.
make  check-TESTS
PASS: test/mhshow/test-charset
1 test passed


TAI64 timestamp: 40005a73d21d


Re: [Nmh-workers] Where are we at for 1.7.1?

2018-01-31 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said "Andy Bradford" on 31 Jan 2018 13:26:53 -0700:

> I believe the actual nmh port does enable iconv support, so this would
> not come out there. It only was detected because I didn't bother to do
> things in the ``standard'' way.

Apparently  I did  already have  libiconv  installed, I  just assumed  I
didn't  have it  because it  was failing.  As indicated  in my  previous
email, apparently configure is not detecting it.

Also, what's interesting  is that apparently while my  locally built nmh
doesn't have iconv, apparently the one built from ports does:

$ ldd uip/mhshow
StartEnd  Type Open Ref GrpRef Name
19619000 3962f000 exe  10   0  uip/mhshow
0f939000 2f951000 rlib 01   0  /usr/lib/
094de000 29507000 rlib 01   0  /usr/lib/
0726d000 0726d000 rtld 01   0  /usr/libexec/

$ ldd /usr/local/bin/mhshow 
StartEnd  Type Open Ref GrpRef Name
19629000 3963c000 exe  10   0  /usr/local/bin/mhshow
02c5b000 22c73000 rlib 01   0  /usr/lib/
0d635000 2d715000 rlib 01   0  /usr/local/lib/
0a9c1000 2a9ea000 rlib 01   0  /usr/lib/
05527000 05527000 rtld 01   0  /usr/libexec/

So it's interesting  that even though I have libiconv  installed, when I
build as indicated, I don't get iconv support linked in, but somehow the
port did (perhaps due to the LIB_DEPENDS) as mentioned previously.

Which means that when building from ports, nmh will have iconv, but when
building stand-alone, it will not (given that it couldn't find iconv.h).

Of course, all of this does not eliminate the problem of the test not 
working correctly when ICONV_ENABLED=0.


TAI64 timestamp: 40005a722bd7


Re: [Nmh-workers] Where are we at for 1.7.1?

2018-01-31 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Wed, 31 Jan 2018 09:22:20 -0500:

> Yeah ... I am kind of surprised OpenBSD doesn't ship with iconv, but I
> have to believe  it's available via a package. Like  I said, it's part
> of POSIX  so I think  requiring it  is perfectly reasonable.  Maybe he
> does have it and  our autoconf tests are wrong; if  that's the case we
> should spend our energy on fixing that.

While  it doesn't  ship with  it directly,  it is  a package,  and I  do
actually have it installed:

$ pkg_info | grep iconv
libiconv-1.14p3 character set conversion library

Here's what I found in config.log:

configure:6048: checking iconv.h usability
configure:6048: cc -c -g -O2 -Wall -Wextra  conftest.c >&5
conftest.c:72:19: error: iconv.h: No such file or directory
configure:6048: $? = 1

Here's where the header is:

$ pkg_info -L libiconv | grep iconv.h

TAI64 timestamp: 40005a7227fa


Re: [Nmh-workers] Where are we at for 1.7.1?

2018-01-31 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Wed, 31 Jan 2018 12:40:28 +:

> > This begs  a larger question ...  should we just specify  iconv as a
> > requirement for the next release?
> You're thinking  those without it,  e.g. Andy, could easily  get iconv
> with a package install?

You're right, I did not go through any extra effort beyond:

make checks

I believe the  actual nmh port does enable iconv  support, so this would
not come out there.  It only was detected because I  didn't bother to do
things in the ``standard'' way.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005a7226b2


Re: [Nmh-workers] Where are we at for 1.7.1?

2018-01-30 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Tue, 30 Jan 2018 17:01:58 +:

> That's  this  early   part.  Does  it  attempt  the   printf?  If  so,
> $ICONV_ENABLED  isn't  0,  and   iconv(1)  quite  reasonably  disliked
> converting from `?UTF-8'.

No, it does  not attempt the printf because ICONV_ENABLED=0  and I'm not
even sure what is supposed to alter  ICONV_ENABLED (I ran with sh -x and
only ever  see it accessed  once). I don't see  it anywhere in  the test
case in question, nor do I see it being set in test/

> > $ cat $MHTMPDIR/inbox/$msgnum 
> > Subject: invalid parameter value charset
> > MIME-Version: 1.0
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset*=invalid''%0Dus-ascii
> It expects  an error because  the charset is invalid.  The parameter's
> value is in  the `invalid' character set, with  no specified language,
> and it is a carriage return followed by `us-ascii'.

So,  even though  $actual and  $expected  are identical,  the output  is
incorrect in both?  That doesn't seem correct; rather, it  would seem to
me that if  ICONV_ENABLED=0 that the output is  actually correct output,
and that inspecting iconv_elides_question_marks is the wrong thing to do
(at least in this environment).  Accordingly, I just tried the following
and now the test passes:

$ diff -u test/mhshow/test-charset.orig test/mhshow/test-charset
--- test/mhshow/test-charset.orig   Thu Jan 18 18:23:34 2018
+++ test/mhshow/test-charsetTue Jan 30 13:40:48 2018
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 run_prog mhshow $msgnum > $actual 2>&1
-if [ $iconv_elides_question_marks -eq 1 ]; then
+if [ $ICONV_ENABLED -eq 0 -o $iconv_elides_question_marks -eq 1 ]; then
 check "$expected" "$actual"
 grep "Can't convert .*us-ascii to UTF-8" "$actual" >/dev/null  ||  failed=1

However, I'm not certain if that's the right thing to do here, but ti 
does pass:

$ make TESTS=test/mhshow/test-charset check
make  test/fakehttp test/fakepop  test/fakesmtp test/getcanon  test/getcwidth 
test/getfullname  test/runpty test/
`test/fakehttp' is up to date.
`test/fakepop' is up to date.
`test/fakesmtp' is up to date.
`test/getcanon' is up to date.
`test/getcwidth' is up to date.
`test/getfullname' is up to date.
`test/runpty' is up to date.
`test/' is up to date.
make  check-TESTS
PASS: test/mhshow/test-charset
1 test passed


TAI64 timestamp: 40005a70d9d6


Re: [Nmh-workers] Where are we at for 1.7.1?

2018-01-29 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said "Andy Bradford" on 29 Jan 2018 21:16:14 -0700:

> I'll try  to figure  out why  it's failing and  report back, ...

So, here's where I'm at; I see the script makes it to here:

if [ $iconv_elides_question_marks -eq 1 ]; then
check "$expected" "$actual"
grep "Can't convert .*us-ascii to UTF-8" "$actual" >/dev/null  ||  failed=1

It enters  the else  because iconv_elides_question_marks  was previously
set to 0 and  never altered thereafter. So, why does  it expect an error
in $actual  under these conditions? Here  is what I have  in $actual and

$ diff $actual $expected
$ echo $?
$ cat $actual
[ Message inbox:12 ]
Subject: invalid parameter value charset

MIME-Version: 1.0

[ part  - text/plain -   0B  ]

So, why  is this test  failing? It seems to  think that there  should be
some kind of  error in the file  that it expects mhshow  to produce, but
it's not going to.  Here is the given input for  mhshow (and output that
mhshow produces):

$ cat $MHTMPDIR/inbox/$msgnum 
Subject: invalid parameter value charset
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset*=invalid''%0Dus-ascii
$ mhshow $msgnum
[ Message inbox:12 ]
Subject: invalid parameter value charset

MIME-Version: 1.0

[ part  - text/plain -   0B  ]

Here are some  more relevant bits that were setup  prior to running this
test;  LC_ variables  were  removed  from the  environment  and a  local
appended to $MH (the .mh_profile):

$ env | grep LC
$ echo $?
$ tail -1 $MH
locale: en_US.UTF-8

So why does it think it needs  to change the test under these conditions
from a simple diff to a grep?


TAI64 timestamp: 40005a6ffceb


Re: [Nmh-workers] Where are we at for 1.7.1?

2018-01-29 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Mon, 29 Jan 2018 21:12:43 -0500:

> So I went and looked again at people who tried out 1.7.1-RC2; it seems
> there were some benign warnings (which  we didn't clean up, AFAIK) and
> Andy  Bradford reported  a failure  on the  test suite  that we  never
> resolved. Is that correct? Should we try to run that to ground?

I'll  try to  figure out  why  it's failing  and report  back, but  it's
probably not a show-stopper, more likely  a test that didn't account for
some environmental difference.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005a6ff1b3


Re: [Nmh-workers] Announcing the second release candidate of nmh 1.7.1

2018-01-23 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said David Levine on Tue, 23 Jan 2018 07:45:29 -0500:

> I usually cheat and just run the test directly:
> test/ali/test-ali

Ok, I'll give that a try. Interestingly:

$ make check TESTS=test/mhshow/test-charset
make  test/fakehttp test/fakepop  test/fakesmtp test/getcanon  test/getcwidth 
test/getfullname  test/runpty test/
`test/fakehttp' is up to date.
`test/fakepop' is up to date.
`test/fakesmtp' is up to date.
`test/getcanon' is up to date.
`test/getcwidth' is up to date.
`test/getfullname' is up to date.
`test/runpty' is up to date.
`test/' is up to date.
make  check-TESTS
first named test failure: replacement character in parameter value
FAIL: test/mhshow/test-charset
1 of 1 test failed
Please report to
*** Error 1 in . (Makefile:4853 'check-TESTS': @failed=0; all=0; xfail=0; 
xpass=0; skip=0;  srcdir=.; export srcdir;  list=' test/mhshow/tes...)
*** Error 1 in /tmp/nmh-1.7.1-RC2 (Makefile:5020 'check-am')

Let's see what failed:

$ ls test/testdir/
19455.actual19455.expected  inst/
$ diff test/testdir/19455.*; echo $?
$ md5 test/testdir/19455.*
MD5 (test/testdir/19455.actual) = cc15d943cbe66365f49268516f99e00c
MD5 (test/testdir/19455.expected) = cc15d943cbe66365f49268516f99e00c
$ cat test/testdir/19455.expected
[ Message inbox:12 ]
Subject: invalid parameter value charset

MIME-Version: 1.0

[ part  - text/plain -   0B  ]

So why is  this test failing? Maybe I misunderstand  the significance of
these files and how they're used. Time to do some more digging...

$ test/mhshow/test-charset 
first named test failure: replacement character in parameter value
$ echo $?

And with -x:

+ [ 0 -eq 1 ]
+ grep Can't convert .*us-ascii to UTF-8 
+ > /dev/null 
+ failed=1

So it's entering this:

if [ $iconv_elides_question_marks -eq 1 ]; then
check "$expected" "$actual"
grep "Can't convert .*us-ascii to UTF-8" "$actual" >/dev/null  ||  failed=1

Is it not honoring the locale: setting in .mh_profile?

And I'm out of time, so I'll have to look into it more tomorrow.


TAI64 timestamp: 40005a6820a8


Re: [Nmh-workers] Announcing the second release candidate of nmh 1.7.1

2018-01-23 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Tue, 23 Jan 2018 11:12:17 +:

> The vital  lines of  interest are in  the lead up  to that.  Should be
> something starting with a context diff.

There was no  lead up to it,  that's why I didn't  include it---and also
the reason why I was trying out that MH_TEST_NOCLEANUP variable; here is
what is output to my terminal:

PASS: test/mhparam/test-mhparam
PASS: test/mhpath/test-mhpath
PASS: test/mhshow/test-binary
first named test failure: replacement character in parameter value
FAIL: test/mhshow/test-charset
PASS: test/mhshow/test-cte-binary
PASS: test/mhshow/test-msg-buffer-boundaries
PASS: test/mhshow/test-qp

I'm going to experiment some more to see where the output is going.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005a67f827


Re: [Nmh-workers] Announcing the second release candidate of nmh 1.7.1

2018-01-23 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ralph Corderoy on Tue, 23 Jan 2018 11:03:46 +:

> What's the  `cc' line  from make's output  that compile's  post.c? And
> what version of  a C compiler is  it? Can't get the  warning here with
> gcc  7.2.1 20171224  and  `-std=c99  -pedantic -pedantic-errors  -Wall
> -Wextra -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-nonliteral'.

depbase=`echo uip/post.o | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.o$||'`; cc 
-DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -g -O2 -Wall -Wextra -MT uip/post.o -MD -MP -MF 
$depbase.Tpo -c -o uip/post.o uip/post.c && mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Po
uip/post.c: In function 'putadr':
uip/post.c:1239: warning: 'shlen' may be used uninitialized in this function

$ cc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-unknown-openbsd6.1/4.2.1/specs
Target: i386-unknown-openbsd6.1
Configured with: OpenBSD/i386 system compiler
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.2.1 20070719

> Does swapping the strlen and true line above shut it up?

I'm not sure why it would, but I tried:

if (savehdr) {
saveappend = 1;
shlen = strlen(savehdr);

And it still issued the same warning.

Also, I  tried compiling the same  code on OpenBSD 6.2  which apparently
now uses clang, and I didn't get any warning:

depbase=`echo uip/post.o | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.o$||'`; cc 
-DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -g -O2 -Wall -Wextra -MT uip/post.o -MD -MP -MF 
$depbase.Tpo -c -o uip/post.o uip/post.c && mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Po
cc  -g -O2 -Wall -Wextra -Qunused-arguments  -o uip/post uip/post.o 
uip/aliasbr.o mts/libmts.a sbr/libmh.a   -lssl -lcrypto  2>&1 | sed -e 's/: 
w\(arning: s.*() is .* misused, please use\)/: W\1/' 

$ cc -v
OpenBSD clang version 4.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_400/final) (based on LLVM 4.0.0)
Target: i386-unknown-openbsd6.2
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/bin


TAI64 timestamp: 40005a67f057


Re: [Nmh-workers] Announcing the second release candidate of nmh 1.7.1

2018-01-22 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Mon, 22 Jan 2018 14:20:32 -0500:

> This is a  patch release for 1.7, and fixes  some output problems with
> the format engine, issues with rcvdist(1) passing switches to post(8),
> and a number of problems discovered with the test suite.

Speaking of the test suite, I ran  it (on OpenBSD 6.1) and encountered a
failure I don't recall seeing previously:

first named test failure: replacement character in parameter value
FAIL: test/mhshow/test-charset
2 of 104 tests failed
(8 tests were not run)
Please report to

I'm not sure why it failed,  and while reading through test/, I
saw the following:

 If you're reading this  you can set MH_TEST_NOCLEANUP to prevent
 the test suite from cleaning up the results of a test run, if you need
 to do manual debugging on a test.

So I then ran:

env MH_TEST_NOCLEANUP=1 make check

And got a whopping 34 failures... not  sure if that's expected or not. 2
of the test cases asked me interactively for Disposition of a message (I
opted for replace because I didn't know one way or the other).

34 of 104 tests failed
(8 tests were not run)
Please report to

So, then I decided to run it a third time, again without the environment
variable and  got 4 failures (2  more than before without  the variable)
among which:

inc: field name 
 exceeds 997 bytes
??Format error (message 12) in component 5
inc: m_getfld() called with bogus state of -2
FAIL: test/folder/test-packf


inc: field name 
 exceeds 997 bytes
??Format error (message 24) in component 5
inc: m_getfld() called with bogus state of -2'
FAIL: test/inc/test-inc-scanout

Maybe  the environment  variable  to  not clean  up  corrupted the  test
environment and  I need  some way  to clean  it up?  I can  rerun ``make
check'' multiple  times and get  a consistent 2  failures, but if  I use
that environment  variable it  then hits 34  failures, and  then without
again 4.

Also, how do I check just a single test?


TAI64 timestamp: 40005a66dde6


Re: [Nmh-workers] Announcing the second release candidate of nmh 1.7.1

2018-01-22 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Mon, 22 Jan 2018 14:20:32 -0500:

> If you encounter  any problems or issues with  this release candidate,
> please don't hesitate to contact

This may be a known issue (or not an issue at all):

uip/post.c: In function 'putadr':
uip/post.c:1239: warning: 'shlen' may be used uninitialized in this function

>From a cursory look, it could  be uninitialized if the savehdr parameter
is NULL  and I  don't see any  code that guards  savehdr from  not being
NULL. I also cannot  easily say whether any of the  calls to putadr will
ever send in  NULL. Should shlen have a default  value, or should putadr
not allow the caller to send in NULL?

uip/fmttest.c: In function 'main':
uip/fmttest.c:123: warning: 'outputsize' may be used uninitialized in this 

Looks like  this one  will require even  more investigation  to discover
whether the warning is just a red herring or not.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005a66d8b1


Re: [Nmh-workers] why does mhfixmsg dislike long text lines?

2018-01-22 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said David Levine on Mon, 22 Jan 2018 20:43:50 -0500:

> > The  comment  in  mhfixmsg  which  I  quoted  at  the  beginning  of
> > this thread  seems to  be saying  that sometimes  message components
> > described  as  text/*   are  really  binary  files,   and  that  the
> > 998-character limit  is used  in mhfixmsg (only)  as a  heuristic to
> > identify this situation.
> I  wouldn't call  it a  heuristic. It's  definitive, according  to RFC
> 2045.

One of the reasons why RFC 2045  has this definition can be found in RFC
5321 (previously 2821, previously 821) where a Text Line is defined:  Text Line

   The maximum total length of a text line including the  is 1000
   octets (not counting the leading dot duplicated for transparency).
   This number may be increased by the use of SMTP Service Extensions.

So, regardless  of the on-disk  format or how  a message might  meet RFC
5322, if  it wants to be  sent via SMTP, it  will have to be  encoded in
some fashion (enter MIME, uuencode, etc...).

TAI64 timestamp: 40005a66d3a7


Re: [Nmh-workers] proposed patch for shell metacharacter failure in nmh-1.7

2018-01-20 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Sat, 20 Jan 2018 13:59:20 -0500:

> Forgive me if  this is a dumb  question, but ... why do  you care what
> the timezone is in your Date: headers?

Personally,  I've always  found the  timezone in  the Date  header quite
useful to convey a  sense of time. If all timezones  in Date headers are
UTC, then it  becomes difficult for interlocutors to  to predict whether
or not they're likely to receive a response to an email.

For example, the Date header in your  email indicates to me that you are
somewhere in EST and if I were  respond to this email at 22:00 MST time,
I wouldn't likely expect an answer until the next morning.

Indeed, his script does include this comment:

#  it's annoying to view Date: headers marked in a different time zone;
#  that annoyance wasn't important in a world where invalid time zones were
#  infrequent, but EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE from Concordia's new Exchange
#  servers is stamped in UTC :-(

I  too have  been extremely  annoyed by  the fact  that Outlook/Exchange
emails are all in UTC as it destroys the abovementioned utility.

Had your Date header  been in UTC, I could not  make any such inference,
however, given the  current state of communicating  with Exchange users,
would converting the Date  header to my local time be of  any use to me?
Yes, because at least now I can gauge it relative to my local time.

Fortunately, my  email client (exmh)  does this for me  without actually
altering the message itself. Your Date header in (exmh) shows up as:

Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 13:59:20 -0500 (11:59 MST)

While on disk it remains:

Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 13:59:20 -0500

TAI64 timestamp: 40005a63b250


Re: [Nmh-workers] 1.7's `make clean' is Overzealous.

2017-12-05 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Tue, 05 Dec 2017 10:43:36 -0500:

> But  it   sounds  like   with  the  way   things  are   currently  set
> up,  for  1.7  the  configuration   files  will  actually  end  up  in
> /usr/local/lib/nmh/nmh, which I  think most of us would  agree kind of
> sucks.

You're right,  I didn't try building  nmh-1.7 via OpenBSD ports.  I just
updated the  Makefile in ports to  build nmh-1.7 and indeed  it does now
have the double nmh directory:

$ find /usr/ports/pobj/nmh-1.7/fake-i386 -type d -name nmh

Has something changed  in nmh-1.7 that would make  sysconfdir be handled
differently, whereas in nmh-1.6 it worked fine?


TAI64 timestamp: 40005a2701da


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