Great news, and good job, team!

  Eduardo Alvarez

On Mon, Jan 7, 2019, at 7:15 AM, Philipp Takacs wrote:
> Hi everyone
> After more then a year I can announce the release of mmh-0.4
> The important changes are:
> - pick now has thread support
> - pick and scan merged into one binary
> - mhl globing support for filter out some header fields
> - mhl trim (ported from nmh)
> - whatnow2 is finished for replacing whatnow
> - whom supports message argument
> Have a look at the NEWS file in the tarball for more information about
> the changes. The full changelog is in the ChangeLog file in the tarball.
> All changes and the current developer version can be found in the git
> at
> mmh 0.4 has in total 33,072 SLOC. This is a bit more then then mmh 0.3
> which has 32,645 SLOC.
>       SLOC    Change  Directory       SLOC-by-Language (Sorted)
>       19159   (+100)  uip             ansic=18320,sh=839
>       7061    (+102)  sbr             ansic=6987,awk=74
>       3236    (+219)  test            sh=3236
>       2753            top_dir         sh=2753
>       764             h               ansic=764
>       60              config          ansic=60
>       38              man             sh=38
> The most new code comes from new features in mhl and the scan/pick
> merge. On the other side the whole scan.c file is removed. Also whatnow
> is still in the count. (All numbers calculated by sloccount.)
> Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release. Some of the work is
> ported from nmh. The commits:
>     47  Philipp Takacs <>
>     22  markus schnalke <>
>      7  Dmitry Bogatov <>
>      5  c_14 <>
>      4  Vasilii Kolobkov <>
>      2  Larry Hynes <>
>      1  David Levine <>
>      1 <>
> Further contributions on the mailing list by: Jan/subpath, and Link
> Satonaka.
> Philipp
> -- 
> nmh-workers


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