Dear all,

As you are probably aware, FDA recently announced a public docket entitled 
"Exposure-Response Analysis in Drug Development and Regulatory Decision Making; 
Request for Comments" ( to give interested parties an 
opportunity to identify areas of scientific policy that may need further 
clarity or elaboration, as well as any obstacles preventing use of 
exposure-response analyses in drug development and regulatory review.

The community has been invited to provide detailed information and comments on 
the use of exposure-response analysis in drug development and regulatory 
review. Particularly, the following questions have been posed:

  1.  In general, are there any aspects of the 2003 guidance for industry 
titled "Exposure-Response Relationships--Study Design, Data Analysis, and 
Regulatory Applications" 
 that merit further elaboration? Additionally, are there any new topic areas 
that should be addressed?
  2.  What are best practices for conducting exposure-response analysis that 
can be generally applied across development programs and regulatory 
submissions? Input on best practices can include any of the following topic 
     *   Planning and design (e.g., data considerations, assumption setting)
     *   Analytical approaches (e.g., exposure and response metrics, choice and 
inclusion of predictors, methods for addressing confounding factors)
     *   Model evaluation and qualification (e.g., goodness-of-fit, assessment 
of model risk, impact on regulatory decisions)
     *   Communication of results and impact on subsequent drug development or 
regulatory decisions
  3.  What attributes of an exposure-response analysis are critical to 
effectively inform a drug development or regulatory decision? Additionally, 
what are the main obstacles preventing widespread acceptance of 
exposure-response analyses?
  4.  During which stages of drug development would it be most productive to 
interact with the FDA regarding exposure-response analysis planning? What type 
of feedback would be useful to inform exposure-response analyses and to reduce 
uncertainty in regulatory acceptance?
ISoP plans to submit a consensus response which represents the views of our 
community. If you would like to participate or contribute, please submit your 
input via the online form at 
You can also access the form from the ISoP information page at

We plan to share and discuss the first round of feedback (received by May 25, 
2018) face-to-face at the PAGE meeting in the last week of May, and 
additionally via TC thereafter for those not attending PAGE. We will continue 
to accept input until June 8, 2018, after which we intend to start work on our 
final response document, which is due on July 5, 2018. Every contributor will 
be invited to take part in the crafting and review of the final response, and 
contributors need not be current ISoP members to participate. Contributors are 
naturally still free, and are indeed encouraged, to provide their comments on 
the draft guidance document independently of ISoP, and we welcome discussions 
and collaboration with other groups working to prepare responses should they be 

Feedback need not be provided as a fully-formed document - bullet points are 
sufficient, although detail is welcome.

This effort will be coordinated through the ISoP Standards and Best Practices 
Committee, and will be co-led by Al Maloney (, who 
independently broached this topic on this list a couple of days ago (thanks for 
agreeing to help, Al!), and ISoP Board member Jonathan French 
( Please reach out to them if you have any questions!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,
Justin Wilkins

on behalf of ISoP

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