Dear NMuser,


We are looking for you to join our community groups.


Help us develop better standards and tools for the pharmacometric community.


As you are part of the community, your contribution can make a difference.

Kick-off meeting 

The DDMoRe Foundation will initiate three community groups to facilitate
community initiatives to support the development of:

*  Languages

o    progress the standards (MDL, PharmML, SO and Prov-O) 

*  Model Repository

o    enhance the repository content and improve the user experience 

*  Thoughtflow

o    take the proof of concept to the next level 

During the kick-off meeting, we will inform you on the details per group, so
you can choose where your contributions might fit best. 

If you are interested in following us or willing to contribute?

Please register here:  <>

Thank you for your contribution and hope to speak to you in the New Year.

The team that will support the coordination of the community groups:
Celine Sarr, Mike Smith, Justin Wilkins, Stuart Moodie and Wendy Aartsen

On behalf of the DDMoRe Foundation Board
Paolo Magni, Marylore Chenel and Mats Karlsson


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