Hi all,

Polls close soon for the International Society of Pharmacometrics (ISoP) Board 
elections – don’t miss your opportunity to play your part in selecting ISoP’s 
next generation of leaders! We encourage all of our members to exercise their 
right to vote before midnight on Friday (and we encourage those of you who are 
not members to consider joining!)

This year marks the end of the term for two of our Directors, Jin Jin and 
Mirjam Trame. A tremendously well-qualified slate of individuals has been put 
forward this year to fill the substantial gap they will leave in 2020! Read 
about them here:

• Sihem 
• Joy 
• Vijay 
• Mark 
• Arnab 
• Chris 

The two new Directors that the ISoP membership chooses in the next few days 
will join current Board members Peter Bonate, Brenda Cirincione, Stephen 
Duffull, Jonathan French, Siv Jonsson, CJ Musante, Yusuke Tanigawara, Heather 
Vezina, and Justin Wilkins.

Members are entitled to vote for two candidates. Before voting, please 
carefully review each of the statements from our candidates so you can make an 
informed choice. Please submit your vote by Friday, October 16 by midnight 
Eastern time, after which the polls will be closed!

Follow this link to 

Please login with your ISoP membership credentials to vote. Thanks for your 
continued participation!

Justin Wilkins
President, ISoP

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