A mechanistic model-based analysis of Fn14 - NFκB dysregulation in glioblastoma 
Dr. Dipak Barua, Research Principal Scientist at Takeda

Wednesday December 8, 2021, 12:00 to 1:00 pm EST

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Fn14 is a transmembrane receptor protein of the tumor necrosis factor receptor 
(TNFR) superfamily. The protein is found overexpressed in solid tumor cells and 
its elevated expression is often linked to the progression of glioma patients. 
The signaling pathway downstream of Fn14 shares many molecular interactions 
with TNF-α receptor (TNFαR), which is a more well-characterized member of the 
TNFR family. Nonetheless, reports indicate that these two receptor proteins 
display considerably distinct response characteristics when stimulated. 
Crosslinking of Fn14 by its extracellular ligand TWEAK induces prolonged 
activation of transcription factor NF-κB that sustains for a long period after 
the ligand exposure. In contrast, TNF-αR engagement of TNFα leads to transient 
NF-κB activation. This study was directed to understand the molecular 
mechanisms underlying this distinctive response behavior in Fn14 signaling. A 
mechanistic model was developed to characterize specific features of the Fn14 
pathway that could explain its divergence from TNFαR signaling leading to its 
elevated expression in glioblastoma. Analysis using the model revealed highly 
non-linear dynamics in Fn14 signaling, including stable limit cycles and 
bistable responses depending on the dose and duration of the TWEAK signal. 
Systematic interrogations using the model identified a positive feedback loop 
in the Fn14 pathway that may play a crucial role in the prolonged activation of 
NF-κB and elevated Fn14 expression under specific circumstances. The 
model-based analyses revealed potential targets for interventions to 
effectively counteract Fn14 overexpression in tumor progression.

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