Do you need a life scientist for QSP modeling?
Katherine Kudrycki, PhD, Principal Scientist at Rosa & Co. LLC
On October 14, 2020 at 12:00-1:00 PM EST
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While QSP models are defined as comprehensive models of biological mechanisms, 
the inclusion and role of life scientists and disease area experts in model 
development are often omitted or overlooked. This webinar addresses how 
including dedicated life scientists on the QSP modeling team can improve model 
quality and enhance research results.
QSP modeling begins with scoping of the biological system and progresses to 
include equations and parameters consistent with physical and biochemical 
principles. Each decision in the development and qualification of QSP models 
requires scientific judgment. Life scientists with expertise and experience in 
the appropriate therapeutic area or biological field can provide essential 
input for the design of the model. Life scientists apply expert judgment to 
make scope decisions, assess data, inform assumptions where knowledge gaps 
exist and provide a biologically relevant interpretation of model simulation 
results. Without dedicated expert life scientist input, a team may run the risk 
of building models that "work" but are not fit for purpose or are not 
biologically sound. For example, a model may show good agreement with data on 
previously measured outcomes but have unrealistic parameter values or 
qualitative behaviors that are clear to a biologist.
Life scientists' interpretation of simulation results can improve the 
likelihood of meaningful and actionable conclusions. The life scientists can 
also help the team to communicate these results in a way relevant to the 
project's stakeholders. Having dedicated life scientists on the team leads to 
more efficient model building, qualification, and interpretation of the 
results, and can help ensure impact.

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