
I have just recently tested this with nonmem 7.3, and the fort.50 and fort.51 
files show up on the worker directories, so I am not sure if something is going 
on in your environment.  If you can describe your OS, and send your pnm file, 
I'll try to figure out what it going on.  By the way, there is an example8b 
described in nm730.pdf, which shows how to place these worker files to your 
manager directory.

Bob Bauer

From: [] on behalf of 
Bill Gillespie []
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2015 10:36 AM
Subject: [NMusers] Using FORTRAN write statement with parallel NONMEM

Dear all,

I'm using the BAYES method and attempting to write out MCMC samples for 
individual parameters per the method shown in example 8 of the NONMEM 7.2 
documentation. This involves using a FORTRAN write statement in verbatim code 
at the end of the PK block:

 "98 FORMAT(I12,1X,F14.0,4(1X,1PG12.5))

This works as expected when running on a single processor. The desired samples 
are written to a file called fort.50. When I try to run this in parallel per 
"Introduction to NONMEM 7.2.0" p. 70, the run completes successfully, but only 
a subset of the MCMC samples are written to fort.50. I'm guessing this is the 
subset that are computed on the master node. Comparable files for the worker 
nodes are nowhere to be found. In particular they do not appear in the 
directories named worker1, worker2, etc.

Any idea where the samples are being written or alternative approaches to 
access those values?

<br /><br />
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