We would like to bring to your attention that we still have some seats 
available for the 8th Annual Introductory Pharmacometric Training Course on

'Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Protein Therapeutics - Concepts and 
Hands-On Modeling and Simulation'

will be held at the facilities of the University of Tennessee Health Science 
Center in Memphis, TN, USA, on April 16-20, 2018.

The 5-day course continues on the successful concept used in previous year 
offerings. It will introduce participants to basic principles in the 
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation of novel therapeutic proteins 
and will provide opportunities for hands-on PK and PK/PD modeling and 
simulation examples relevant to therapeutic proteins. Topics include 
target-mediated drug disposition, tissue and tumor penetration, interspecies 
scaling, first-in-human dose selection, immunogenicity, model-based drug 
development, special populations, biosimilars, and drug-drug interactions. The 
target audience comprises pharmaceutical scientists from industry, academia and 
regulatory agencies with basic knowledge in PK and PK/PD that had only limited 
exposure to the challenges associated with developing therapeutic proteins and 
that would like to receive a comprehensive overview or refresher on the PK and 
PK/PD of this class of compounds.

Although the course includes hands-on exercises that are performed individually 
or in small groups, participants do NOT need to have prior experience with any 
particular PK/PD analysis software.

For more detailed information on the preliminary course program and faculty, as 
well as on the registration process, please visit


We hope you will join us in April in Memphis!

The Course Directors
Bernd Meibohm, University of Tennessee & Johan Gabrielsson, Swedish University 
of Agricultural Sciences

Bernd Meibohm, PhD, FCP, FAAPS
Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Programs
Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
College of Pharmacy
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
881 Madison Avenue, Rm. 435
Memphis, TN 38163, U.S.A.
Phone (901) 448-1206
Fax (901) 448-6940
Email bmeib...@uthsc.edu<mailto:bmeib...@uthsc.edu>
For more information:

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