Will T-Mobile, Sprint actually merge this time?


        T-Mobile USA and Sprint have been talking about merging
        several times over the last several years, but they never
        actually make it happen. Word is that they are at it once
        again. So, will they have any more luck this time pulling off
        a merger? If you were an odds-maker, what would you say the
        chances are of this merger happening?  Well, some things have
        changed, both in the wireless industry and with the two
        companies themselves. So, perhaps this time around they can
        come to terms. If they can, that's great, but that's only
        stage one. Stage two, they would still need to convince
        regulators to approve the merger. So, the T-Mobile, Sprint
        merger still has two big mountains to climb.

 - - -

It might not be a disaster, IF Sprint/SoftBank aren't in control. If
the combined company were simply called T-Mobile, with Legere at the
helm, probably OK. Otherwise, hellish.

Lauren Weinstein (lau...@vortex.com): https://www.vortex.com/lauren 
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