Hello all,

I have recently made the purchase for Moneywell and so far so good...I
am trying to make the comfortable conversion from Quicken Deluxe
2009.  I am super satisfied with my experience so far, but there is
one thing that I can't figure out that is keeping me from total

Budget forecasting based on scheduled bills.  In Quicken, I am able to
set up all of my bills for each month with the dates they are due.
Quicken takes that information and plots my forecasted balance on a
day-by-day graph over the course of the month.  This allows me to see
spots in the month where I could possibly dip below a comfortable
level and adjust accordingly.  This has been helpful in so many ways.
For example, on mulitple occasions, I have seen my balance fall below
$0 simply based on the date I was forecasting to pay a particular bill
in one month.  By choosing to pay the same bill two days later, I see
my forecasted balance is adjusted and everything stays at very
comfortable levels.

Is there anyway to achieve this level of functionality with
Moneywell?  I am at the point in my set up where I am about to start
setting up scheduled transactions but i have a few transactions such
as my salary that is paid every two weeks and I couldn't see how to
set up that frequency.  I am guessing if that frequency doesn't exist,
then I may not be getting the accuracy I am used to with Quicken
Deluxe and I am going to have to continue to suffer through a Windows
virtual machine until the functionality is added.

Thanks to those who read this through and offer some insight.  I am
hoping to get away from my Windows dependency altogether.


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