On Jun 6, 2009, at 2:43 PM, Jouke wrote:

> Just switched to Mac and I have been looking for a decent Finance
> programming and I think I have found it in MoneyWell, until now I love
> it!
> Here is my question about importing the CSV-format. I use this for
> importing data from the Dutch bank ING. This format has the following
> fields:
> "Datum","Naam / Omschrijving","Rekening","Tegenrekening","Code","Af
> Bij","Bedrag (EUR)","MutatieSoort","Mededelingen"
> i.e.
> Date, Name/description, my account nr, account nr of the other, Code,
> Deposit type, Amount, Type, Memo
> My problem is that I do not have enought collumns to assign to. Right
> now I use Memo for "Name/description", "Payee" for the account number
> of the other and "Check ref" for the Type. But I miss Memo.
> I tried to assign "Memo" for two fields but that does not work, it
> will only use one (the last one I believe). Is this perhaps possible
> in a future release, I mean to merge two collumns? Because right now
> it's sometimes difficult to memorize what the transaction was for.
> And where is Check ref. for?

I would recommend using the the Payee for "Name/Description" and the  
Memo to hold the account number. Don't use the Check Ref. unless this  
is actually a check (or cheque) written for a transaction.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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