
I actually vote for letting the annual indication go all together. We have proved that we can organize an event at least once a year.

So the suggested naming convention:


should even apply for Copenhagen, Olso, Stockholm, Riga and Talinn.

So we can have more NPWs in a year if we want to.


On 27/05/2009, at 14.13, Andrew Shitov wrote:

Let NPW::$year be the NPW that rotates yearly between nordic countries
and, say, NPW::Riga (or NPW::Baltic or NPW::Tallinn)

OK, I've got your point.

Any possible Baltic event can have "NPW" substring in its name only if
the event is the part of NPW. Otherwise it is just silly.

Andrew Shitov
a...@shitov.ru | http://shitov.ru

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