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Today's Topics:

   1. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: Notepad++    v5.4.1
   2. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:      Suggestion: Invert
      bookmarks (
   3. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: Req: Default file
      extension when saving (
   4. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:      Suggestion: Invert
      bookmarks (
   5. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: Notepad++    v5.4.1
   6. [notepad-plus - Help] RE: [Linux] Npp always      creates/opens
      file 'exep' (
   7. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: Notepad++    v5.4.1
   8. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: Notepad++    v5.4.1
   9. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: Notepad++    v5.4.1
  10. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: Notepad++    v5.4.1
  11. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] [Feature Requests]
      Extend/crea in javascript (


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 04:29:35 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        Notepad++       v5.4.1
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: sharljimhtsin

4. Fix lastRecentFileList localization issue. 

Sorry,the bug disappeared again

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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 05:57:08 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        Suggestion: Invert bookmarks
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: danavni

i know i can record a macro but my suggestion is to have this built into the
editor and not have this as a macro. the feature exists in the textpad editor
and i find it very usefull for filtering a text file to only lines containing
specific strings:
i bookmark all lines with the string, invert thebookmarks and delete all 
lines. this way i am left with only the lines i need. on my specific case 
the bookmarked lines to another file is not possible because of the size of
the file (~300MB before filtering the lines)

so it's true that a macro would work but a built in command would do it better

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Message: 3
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 06:10:04 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: Req:
        Default file extension when saving
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: uninfected

Of course I change the "new1" base names. The point is that a predefined 
would be an easy way to save the user from typing "foo.txt" or "bar.txt" the
whole day. Just "foo" and "bar" would be what's needed, then.

And the predefined extensions in the drop-down box are fine but have to be 
manually by clicking, searching and choosing. This is even more time consuming
than typing the dot and the extension.

My idea was just to provide a convenient way to save the user from some typing.

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Message: 4
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 09:27:02 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        Suggestion: Invert bookmarks
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: sigvald

I do not know if an inverted bookmark would be useful for me, I guess not.

An other bookmark feature which I would really like is the idea of bookmarks
You could created a namned  or numbered set from the currently active bookmarks.
A namned or numbered set can be deativated, activated, saved and deleted.
Only the currently active set can be added to, deleted from and navigated with
the usual keys.
An inactive set can either use an different colour or not be visible at all.

Maybe this can be just a plugin.

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Message: 5
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 09:37:47 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        Notepad++       v5.4.1
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: dv__

Regarding "Match case": I meant, cyrillic text in ANSI files is correctly 
case-insensitivetly when "Match case" is off. In non-ANSI file it is always
searched case-sensitivetly, ignoring the "Match case" option.

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Message: 6
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 09:55:00 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Help] RE: [Linux] Npp
        always  creates/opens file 'exep'
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: haraldc

I disabled all the plugins as you said (so there was no TextFX and Plugins menu
anymore), but it was still asking for that 'exep' file.

The workaround with the -nosession parameter still did the trick, but I wanted
my previous session back, so I tried the -multiInst parameter instead.
It worked!
That means: 
- the behaviour is not caused by a plugin,
- it is only triggered if there is no command line parameter.

That's fine for me, but...

(There are some other problems under Linux (Ubuntu 9.04) which I can submit
if somebody is interested.)

Thank you so far.

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Message: 7
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 10:04:52 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        Notepad++       v5.4.1
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: dv__

... ant the cause is inside Document::FindText(). One big part of this function
has been removed for some reason, and it makes absolutely imposible to search
for non-Latin text in UTF-8 case-insensitively.
The cause is in the following: non-Latin characters in UTF-8 are represented
by 2 or 3 bytes.
Current implementation of Document::FindText() performs char by char (i.e. byte
by byte) comparison which can not be applied to non-Latin characters
case-insensitively becasue the same non-Latin character can be of 2 bytes in
Upper Case and of 3 bytes in Lower Case or otherwise. Therefore we need some
additional temporary buffer which will initially store the searched UTF-8 string
in Upper Case, and then compare it character by character with characters form
current document also converted to Upper Case. As an example of such approach,
you can look at implementation of Document::FindText() in the sources of 
used in Notepad++ 5.0.

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Message: 8
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 09:34:48 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        Notepad++       v5.4.1
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: dv__

I can confirm only the 3rd bug: cyrillic text in UCS-2 and UTF-8 files is ALWAYS
searched case-sensitivetly, ignoring the option "Match case". However, cyrillic
text in ANSI files is correctly searched case-sensitivetly when "Match case"
is off. So there seems to be some error with "Match case" when searching 
(i.e. UCS-2 or UTF-8) cyrillic (I think, non-Latin in general) text.

Regarding the 1st and 2nd problems mentioned, I think it can be caused by 
(or non-Ukrainian, for example) locale (Control Panel -> Regional and Language

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Message: 9
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 11:27:01 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        Notepad++       v5.4.1
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: golem777
Russian version/ XP sp3

So! What you tell now? ))))

2 - - O_o
Search UCS-2 on the Cyrillic is a work strange way 

He finds: 

3 - The option "Match case" in the menu Find dont work properly. (he always
This problem too UCS-2 and UTF-8

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Message: 10
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 11:32:36 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        Notepad++       v5.4.1
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: golem777

BUG ? 2 
UCS-2 and UTF-8 too

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Message: 11
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 12:23:08 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] [Feature
        Requests] Extend/crea in javascript
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: drshelper

I really like Notepad++, but after using pspad I find one feature from pspad
that I'd love to see in notepad++ - writing extensions in javascript.  pspad
uses wsh to execute scripts and provides a set of additional funcitons to enable
scripts to get access to the key editor functions.  Right now you have to write
native windows code to create an extensiton and this limits the number of folks
who can create extensions.  But all programmers know javascript and I think
that being able to create extensions using javascript would enable a lot more
folks to participate.

If you install pspad, in the install directory you can find documentation in
the scripts directory in a file called readme.rtf.

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