13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference

1998-05-28 Thread Victorio E. Sonzogni
Desde: 13-06-1999
Hasta: 16-06-1999
Lugar: Baltimore, Maryland, Estados Unidos

13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference - June
13-16, 1999


The 13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Specialty Conference will be held
in Baltimore, Maryland June 13-16, 1999.

We have a web site for the conference:


which will contain up-to-date conference information.  We will be
distributing a limited number paper versions of the first announcement
in the next several weeks (they are the same as what is on the web).
As I had your email address on file, I am taking the liberty of
sending you an electronic version. Please feel free to distribute this
among your colleagues.

If you are interested in this meeting (and I sincerely hope that you
may be) please contact us by mail, email or via the web page response
form so we can keep you on the mailing list for future information on
the conference.

If you want to be REMOVED from the mailing list for all future
information, please also notfy us immediately and we will take you off
the emailing list.  Some of you will receive multiple copies of this
email through mutiple addresses.  Please notify us which is your
preferred address, and we will remove the others so as to avoid this
in the future.

Nick Jones and Roger Ghanem
Conference Cochairs
Department of Civil Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD 21218, USA

13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division
  Department of Civil Engineering
   The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD, USA
 June 13-16, 1999

 First Announcement and Call for Abstracts


The 13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division Conference provides a
major forum for the exchange of information and discussion of recent
developments in, and applications of, engineering mechanics.


The conference sessions will be conducted on the beautiful 140-acre
Homewood campus of the Johns Hopkins University.  The tranquillity of
Homewood is just minutes away from downtown Baltimore and the
attractions of the Inner Harbor, and less than an hour by train or car
from Washington, D.C.

Technical coverage

The technical program for the conference comprises keynote lectures
and submitted papers on completed and ongoing research covering topics
in engineering mechanics.  Specifically, the following representative
topics will be covered:

Solid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Computational Mechanics
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Mechanics of Composites
Continuum Mechanics
Elasticity and Elastodynamics
Nonlinear Mechanics
Linear/Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos
System Identification and Control
NDE, Damage and Condition Assessment
High-Performance Materials, Smart Materials and
Fracture, Crack Propagation, Damage Mechanics
Fluid-Structure Interaction
Soil Mechanics and Dynamics
Stochastic Mechanics
Mechanics of Granular Materials
Experimental Analysis

Call for papers

Prospective authors are requested to submit a one-page abstract by
August 31, 1998.  The abstract should contain sections addressing the
objective of the work presented, the methods employed, and
conclusions.  Abstracts should be submitted electronically (i.e., by
email, through the WWW site or by diskette) to Professor Nicholas P.
Jones, at the address provided below.  Submission of hard copy (i.e.,
paper) abstracts - while acceptable - is strongly discouraged. Authors
of accepted papers will be notified electronically on November 1,
1998, and will be requested to submit manuscripts electronically and
prepared in accordance with guidelines, by January 31, 1999.  Papers
will be limited to four (4) pages.

Conference publications

Accepted abstracts will be published on the Conference WWW site before
the meeting.  All invited and contributed papers will be published in
a CDROM volume of the conference proceedings, to be made available at
the time of registration. In addition, a booklet containing the
program and all one-page abstracts will also be provided at
registration.  Full papers will also be made available on the
Conference web site.

Important dates

  August 31, 1998   Submit
  November 1, 1998  Notify
  January 31, 1999  Submit
  June 13-16 , 1999 Conference


Lodging will be available in suite-style dormitory accommodations in
Wolman and McCoy Halls, as well as at hotels near the campus. It is
expected that the majority of attendees will stay
on-campus. Reservation and payment for on-campus accommodations must
be received by March 31, 1998.  Off campus accommodations have been
blocked out at the DoubleTree Inn at the Colonnade, a short walk from
the Homewood campus of Johns Hopkins.  Other hotels are available near
the Baltimore 


1998-07-21 Thread Victorio E. Sonzogni
Desde: 27-8-1998
Hasta: 29-8-1998
Lugar: San Juan- Argentina


 27, 28 y 29 de Agosto de 1998

Aula MAgna de la Facultad de Filosofia,
Humanidades y Artes.
Av. Ignacio de la Roza 230 (OESTE) San
Juan- Argentina


Dr. Rolando Carrasco- INGLATERRA
Dr. Peter Kollig- ALEMANIA
Dr. Ismael Soto- CHILE
Dr. Mario Lopez- CHILE
Mgter. Victor Paredes- CHILE
Mgter. Beatriz Ontiveros- ARGENTINA
Mgter. Nora Nappa- ARGENTINA
Mgter(C) Ricardo Romero- ARGENTINA

Marco Referencial:

En el marco de un intercambio cultural entre
diferentes paises se
desarrollara el II Seminario de Tecnologias de
Informacion para Docentes,
Investigadores, Alumnos y profesionales en
general, orientados a difundir
las tecnologias existentes y las areas de
aplicacion de estas tecnologias en
el ambito educacional y empresarial.


Comunicaciones y Redes Inalambricas

Control de Calidad Aplicado a la
Ensenanza: Sistema Curricular Ingles

Presente y Futuro de Dispositivos
Multimediales basados en Tecnologias
Digitales Opticas

Comunicaciones Moviles: Personal
Comunication System (PCS)

Universidad Virtual

Reingieneria de Procesos, Administracion

Sistemas Criptograficos

La Ensenanza de las Ciencias y la
Tecnologia Multimedial

Ciencia, Tecnologia, Sociedad y Educacion

Para Mayor Informacion:

Los mensajes son archivados en:

Curso de Posgrado: Matematica Numerica

1998-08-31 Thread Victorio E. Sonzogni
Desde: 5-10-1998
Hasta: 17-10-1998
Lugar: Santiago del Estero, Argentina

Anuncio de Curso de Postgrado en  la Facultad de
Ciencias Exactas y Tecnologias (FACEyT) de la
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero


 Matematica Numerica 

dictado por C. Neuman y  M. Bergallo 
de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral.

El curso sera de 60 horas presenciales y
habilitara con 6 creditos al
programa de postgrado de la FACEyT. El mismo se
desarrollara desde el 5 al 17 de octubre de 1998.

Los temas a tratarse en el curso son: 
aproximaciones polinomicas, ecuaciones no lineales
de 1 variable, 
derivacion e integracion numerica, integrales
sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, matrices
especiales, metodos
iterativos para sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, 
resolucion de sistemas de ecuaciones no lineales.

Por informes sobre el curso, los interesados deben
dirigirse a la Lic.
Palliotto, Secretaria Academica, FACEyT,
Universidad Nacional de Sgo. del
Estero. Tel. 085220624 o 085509500.
Los mensajes son archivados en:

CACiC'98: reservas e inscripcion

1998-08-31 Thread Victorio E. Sonzogni
IV Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la

Les recordamos a los interesados en asistir a :

 IV Congreso Argentino de
Ciencias de la
Computacion - CACiC'98
 VI Ateneo de Profesores
Universitarios de
Computacion - APUC'98
 II Escuela Internacional
de Informatica
CACIC'98 - EIIC'98
 V Workshop sobre Aspectos
Teoricos de la
Inteligencia Artificial -ATIA'98
  I Congreso
Iberolatinoamericano de Informatica
Educativa Especial - CIIEE '98
  Exposicion de
Computacion y Telecomunicaciones

a realizarse en la Universidad Nacional del
Comahue -Neuquen - entre el
26 y el 31 de octubre proximo realizar su reserva
hotel y pasajes en for...@satlink.com   (Sra.
Graciela) a la brevedad.

Para inscribirse en el CACiC, APUC, ATIA y EIIC se
debe realizar un
deposito en la
Caja de Ahorro Nro. 5 - 330680  018 a nombre de
Jorgelina Giorgetti,
habilitada en el Citibank sucursal Neuquen.
Se solicita, una vez realizado el deposito, enviar
la fotocopia del
comprobante del deposito a:

Jorgelina Giorgetti
Casilla de Correo 753
(8300) Neuquen

o bien remitirlo via fax al numero 099-490313 de
la Facultad de Economia

y Administracion, Universidad Nacional del
( Si se comunica desde el exterior el numero es

Adjuntar, en uno u otro caso, el listado de los
inscriptos discriminando
la condicion de los mismos:
docentes, alumnos,empresarios,etc.
En caso de que el inscripto opte por uno de los
cursos de la EIIC
indicar explicitamente el nombre del mismo.

Para realizar consultas gratuitas sobre sucursales
del Citibank esta
habilitado el telefono 0-800- 42484.

En caso de no contar en la localidad de origen con
sucursales del
Citibank, se solicita comunicarse con el Comite
al telefono 099-490312 o via email a

Mas informacion en http://cacic98.uncoma.edu.ar
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