Desde: 4-8-1999
Hasta:  6-8-1999
Lugar:  Boulder, Colorado, Estados Unidos

La informacion sobre este congreso puede obtenerse en la pagina Web:
o bien por e-mail en:
A continuacion se transcribe en formato ASCII la pagina de entrada de
la direccion Web indicada arriba.

                        FIFTH US NATIONAL CONGRESS ON
                          COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS
       University of Colorado at Boulder, CO, USA - August 4-6, 1999

 This is the fifth official Congress of the U.S. Association for
 Computational Mechanics (USACM). It will be held at the Boulder Campus
 of the University of Colorado on Wednesday through Friday, August 4-6,
 1999. The Congress is partly supported by these sponsors. A
 Post-Conference Short Course will be offered on Saturday August 7.

 The theme of the congress is recent developments in the disciplinary
 bases and applications of Computational Mechanics to science and
 engineering for the new milennium. The Congress covers a wide spectrum
 of disciplines and applications. Bringing together researchers,
 developers and users is a key objective of this meeting.

 The Congress is put together by a Local Organizing Committee advised by

 a Scientific Program Committee . These are some important dates.

 Below are some useful links, to be polished as this site is developed.


 Announcement Flyer.  Contains summary information about the Congress.
 Printed on September 2, 1998.


 Technical Program Information
 Contributed Abstract Submission
 MiniSymposia Organizers E-mail
 Congress Timetable


 Registration, Travel and Lodging Information
 Travel & Accomodations
 Directions & Maps
 Parking on Campus


 Internal Planning (password required)
 Mailing Databases

             You are the [Image] th visitor since July 16, 1998


Last update: September 4, 1998.

This page constructed by Jisung Yang: and Carlos

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