Estimado Victorio:

Le envío material sobre un curso de posgrado sobre métodos numéricos
aplicados a circulación oceánica costera que me gustaría publicar en

Un resúmen del aviso es el siguiente:
International Short Course:

Numerical Modeling of Continental Shelves

Place and date:

The  course will be given at Fundaçao Universidade Federal do Rio Grande,
Rio Grande. Brazil,
between 22 November and 3 December, 2004.


Dr. Elbio Palma, Departamento de Física, Universidad del Sur and Instituto
Argentino de Oceanografía, Argentina
Dr. Ivan Soares, Departamento de Física, Fundaçao Universidade Federal do
Rio Grande, Brazil.

Course outline:

The course will offer an introduction to the techniques used in numerical
models of coastal ocean circulation.
After presenting the governing equations and discussing their general
characteristics, the standard numerical
methods used for their spatial and temporal discretization will be analyzed.
The objective is to bring the students
the basic information to understand the performance of the models that are
currently used for research and prediction.
The evolution of numerical modeling techniques will be discussed focusing on
the physical problems that originate
their development. In the second part of the course, the participant will
make his own simulations using a freely
available state-of-the-art coastal ocean circulation model.

The full course contents are available through the SACC homepage at:

Application Deadline:

Complete instructions on how to apply for participation in the Course are
available at the SACC Internet site:
In order to be considered complete application materials must be e-mailed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] no later than 20 September 2004.


Le adjunto además -a continuación- un aviso más completo del curso.

Quedo a su disposición para cualquier consulta. Muchas gracias,

Dr. Elbio D. Palma
Universidad Nacional del Sur
Departamento de Física
Av. Alem 1253
(8000) Bahía Blanca

The South Atlantic Climate Change (SACC) - Cooperative Research Network
(CRN) is sponsored by the Inter American Institute for Global Change
Research. The general goal of the SACC Consortium is to coordinate and
enhance human and institutional resources in the participating countries in
order to advance the understanding of the coupled effects of global change
and climate variability on the oceanic, atmospheric and terrestrial
ecosystems of the Western South Atlantic (WSA) region.
SACC activities are summarized at
Among several other activities the SACC has organized a series of short
courses aimed at addressing subjects related to its goals and objectives.
The topic of the fourth course is Numerical modeling of continental shelves.

The Short Course - 2004
The fourth course will be given at Fundaçao Universidade Federal do Rio
Grande, Rio Grande. Brazil, between 22 November and 3 December, 2004.  The
course Instructors are Dr. Elbio Palma, Departamento de Física, Universidad
del Sur and Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía, Argentina and Dr. Ivan
Soares, Departamento de Física, Fundaçao Universidade Federal do Rio Grande,

Course Outline:
The full course contents are available through the SACC homepage at:
  The course will offer an introduction to the techniques used in numerical
models of coastal ocean circulation. After presenting the governing
equations and discussing their general characteristics, the standard
numerical methods used for their spatial and temporal discretization will be
analyzed. The objective is to bring the students the basic information to
understand the performance of the models that are currently used for
research and prediction. The evolution of numerical modeling techniques will
be discussed focusing on the physical problems that originate their
development. In the second part of the course, the participant will make his
simulations using a freely available state-of-the-art coastal ocean
circulation model.

1. Introduction to coastal ocean modeling.
2. Numerical approximation concepts.
3. Two dimensional numerical coastal models..
4. Three dimensional numerical coastal models.

Applicants must have academic and/or professional background in marine
physics, or atmospheric sciences.  Minimum academic qualifications include a
4-year university degree in a relevant discipline. However, applications
from outstanding, advanced undergraduate students are also encouraged.
Applicants must be affiliated with a research, educational, or resource
management institution, governmental or not, in an IAI Ratified Member
Country (although they may be temporarily in another institution, for
example as graduate students).  Currently the IAI Ratified Member Countries
include: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama,
Paraguay, Peru, United States of America, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Applicants must be actively involved in scientific research.  Applicants
involved in activities related to the course topic, particularly as part of
ongoing or future IAI-sponsored projects, will have a better opportunity of
being selected.
Applicants need to have sufficient command of English and Spanish (the
languages in which the course will be conducted) not only to understand
lectures and assigned reading material, but also to participate actively in
discussions and group activities.

Selection Criteria
Participants will be selected on the basis of:
- Academic and/or professional record;
- Conceptual clarity of the application essay (Statement of Interest);
- Relevance of the course topic to the applicant's current research or
professional activities;
- Participation in ongoing or planned IAI-sponsored research; and Reference

Geographic distribution and gender balance between participants will be
additional considerations for selection.  Selected participants must commit
to exclusive dedication to the course activities during the two-week period
between 22 November and 3 December, 2004.

Financial Support
Limited funds are available to cover course participation expenses.
Applicants selected for financial support will receive round-trip airfare
between the airport closest to their home institution and Porto Alegre,
Brazil.  Housing facilities in Rio Grande will also be made available.
Alternate or longer accommodations cannot be supported.  Participants will
also receive a stipend to cover meal expenses (except when meals are
provided as part of Course activities).  Participants or their home
institutions must cover all other expenses, including health insurance.

Application Deadline
In order to be considered complete application materials must be e-mailed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] no later than 20 September 2004.

How to Apply
Complete instructions on how to apply for participation in the Course are
available at the SACC Internet site: Potential applicants
having difficulties in accessing the instructions via the Internet can
request a printed copy via e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by fax  (5511
3091-6597, Attn.: Dr. Carlos Lentini).

Contact Information
Any questions related to the Course activities should be addressed to:

Dr. Carlos A.D. Lentini
Pça. do Oceanográfico, 191, Cid. Universitaria
05508-900 São Paulo, SP, Brasil
Tel: 5511 3091-6584        -         Fax: 5511 3091-6597

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