Desde: 26-09-1999
Hasta: 29-09-1999
Lugar: Barcelona, Espana

                     Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
                            Sabadell, Barcelona
                         September 26th-29nd, 1999

                           FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS

Main Topics

PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) and MPI (Message Passing Interface) are
the most frequently used tools for parallel programming according to the

message-passing paradigm. The meeting is dedicated to the latest
developments of PVM and MPI and their applications.

This is the Sixth EuroPVM/MPI meeting of the series, previous ones being

held at

        * University of Rome - Italy (1994),
        * ENS Lyon - France (1995),
        * TU Muenchen, Germany (1996),
        * Institute of Computer Science & ACC CYFRONET, Krakow -Poland
        * University of Liverpool - United Kingdom (1998).

The 6th European PVM/MPI User's Group Meeting will be a forum for the
users and developers of PVM, MPI and other message-passing programming
environments. They will have the opportunity to meet each other, share
ideas and experiences, and meet members of the PVM and MPI teams.

Main topics of the meeting will be:

        * Algorithms using message-passing paradigm
        * Applications in science and engineering based on
        * Latest extensions and improvements to PVM and MPI
        * Evaluation of PVM and MPI
        * Performance of PVM and MPI
        * Tools for PVM and MPI
        * HPF/MPI extensions
        * Implementation issues

General Chair

Jack Dongarra        University of Tennessee and ORNL    USA

Program Chairs

Emilio Luque         Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona   Spain
Tomas Margalef       Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona   Spain

Program Committee

Vassil Alexandrov        Univeristy of Liverpool, UK
Ranieri Baraglia         CNUCE - Institute of the Italian National
                         Council, Pisa, ITALY
Arndt Bode               LRR- Technische Universität München, GERMANY
Peter Brezany            University of Vienna, AUSTRIA
Shirley Browne           University of Tennessee, USA
Marian Bubak             Institute of Computer Sicence, University of
                         Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow, POLAND
Jacques Chassin          IMAG - LMC, Grenoble, FRANCE
Jens Clausen             Technical University of Denmark, DENMARK
Jeremy Cook              Parallab, University of Bergen, NORWAY
Yiannis Cotronis         University of Athens, GREECE
José Cunha               Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Ivan Dimov               Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, BULGARIA
Jack Dongarra            University of Tenesse and ORNL, USA
Graham Fagg              University of Tenesse, USA
Afonso Ferreira          INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, FRANCE
Al Geist                 Oak Ridge National Labs, USA
Michael Gerndt           Forschungszentrum Juelich, GERMANY
Rolf Hempel              C&C Research Laboratories, NEC Europe
Erik D'Hollander         University of Gent, BELGIUM
Ladislav Hluchy          Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA

Robert Hood              NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Henryk Krawczyk          Technical University of Gdansk, POLAND
Jan Kwiatkowski          Wroclaw University of Technology, POLAND
Miron Livny              University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
Thomas Ludwig            LRR- Technische Universität München, GERMANY
Emilio Luque             Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, SPAIN
Tomàs Margalef           Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, SPAIN
Hermann Mierendorff      GMD, GERMANY
Barton Miller            University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
Benno Overeinder         University of Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
Andrew Rau-Chaplin       Dalhousie University, Halifax, CANADA
Yves Robert              Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, FRANCE
Casiano Rodríguez        Universidad de La Laguna, SPAIN
Wolfgang Schreiner       RISC, Univeristy of Linz, AUSTRIA
Subhash Saini            NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Miquel A.Senar           Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, SPAIN
Joao Gabriel Silva       Universidade de Coimbra, PORTUGAL
Vaidy Sunderam           Emory University, Atlanta, USA
Francisco Tirado         Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SPAIN
Bernard Tourancheau      Universite Claude Bernard de Lyon, FRANCE
Pavel Tvrdik             Czech Technical Univeristy, CZECH REPUBLIC
Marian Vajtersic         Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA

Jerzy Wásniewski         The Danish Computing Centre for Research and
                         Education, UNI-C, Lyngby, DENMARK
Stephen Winter           University of Westminster, UK
Roland Wismueller        LRR- Technische Universität München, GERMANY
Zahari Zlatev            National Environmental Research Institute,
                         Copenhagen, DENMARK

Paper Submission

We invite everyone with ideas or experiences in parallel and distributed

computing to submit papers for EuroPVM/MPI'99. Submissions are to be in
PostScript and should be in the form of full paper (no longer than 8
pages) in the publisher style. Style files can be found on
Springer-Verlag Web site
Papers must be sent by e-mail to the conference address

Submissions should include: paper title, authors name and affiliation
and full address including phone, fax, Email and the name of the
corresponding author.

Final version of accepted papers should be no more than 8 pages and
should be prepared according to the requirements of the publisher.
Please see Author's instructions for preparing papers to be published in

LNCS volume under
Conference proceedings, including all invited and accepted papers, will
be published in the "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" Springer series.

Proceedings will be available at the conference.

Important Deadlines

Final Date for Submissions                  23rd April 1999
Notification of Acceptance                    1st June 1999
Final Copy and Author registration            1st July 1999

About Barcelona

Barcelona is a modern and cosmopolitan city located in Catalonia in the
NE of Spain. It offers to the visitor many interesting monuments and
museums from different periods of the history of the city: from the
roman basements till Gaudi's "Sagrada Familia", from the gothic quarrel
till Picasso museum.

Barcelona is on the Mediterranean Sea and has a nice harbor and beaches.

Close to Barcelona is the "Costa Brava" where there are nice beaches and

villages with a traditional Mediterranean atmosphere.

Local Organizing Committee

Miquel Angel Senar          Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Antonio Espinosa            Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Jose Antonio Marco          Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain

Unitat d'Arquitectura d'Ordinadors i Sistemes Operatius
Departament d'Informatica
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra, SPAIN

Phone:        + 34 93 581 13 56
              + 34 93 581 21 98
              + 34 93 581 19 90

FAX:          + 34 93 581 24 78

Email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Computer Science Department
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona). SPAIN
Phone:  + 34 93 581 13 56
FAX:    + 34 93 581 24 78

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