[NotiAMCA] WCCM-VII - Call for Abstracts

2005-09-26 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Call for Abstracts
Seventh World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-VII)

W. K. Liu, T. Belytschko, B. Moran, L. Keer, H. Espinosa (Northwestern 
J. S. Chen, J. W. Ju, E. Taciroglu, S. Osher, T. Chan, N. Ghoniem, W. Klug 
(University of California, Los Angeles)

Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of WCCM-VII Organizing Committee, I am writing to invite you to 
submit one-page Abstracts for presentation in 2006 World Congress on 
Computational Mechanics to be held in Century Plaza Hotel & Spa at Century 
City, Los Angeles, California, USA, July 16-22, 2006.

The Abstracts submission deadline is November 15, 2005. All Abstracts must 
be submitted to the selected Minisymposia via the WCCM-VII website at

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Minisymposium Organizers.  The accepted 
Abstracts will be notified by December 15, 2005.

We appreciate very much your interest in participating in WCCM-VII.

J. S. Chen
WCCM-VII Technical Program Chair
Jiun-Shyan Chen
Professor & Vice Chair
Civil & Environmental Engineering Department
5713 Boelter Hall
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593, USA
(O)   310-267-4620
(FAX) 310-206-
From ntroyani en cantv.net  Thu Sep 29 23:03:38 2005
From: ntroyani en cantv.net (Nando Troyani)
Date: Mon Oct  3 08:07:40 2005
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Revista SID

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From sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar  Mon Oct  3 08:54:25 2005
From: sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Mon Oct  3 08:58:35 2005
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Seminarios IMAL

Seminarios del Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral - IMAL- Santa Fe

Los encuentros del segundo semestre del 2005 se desarrollarán los viernes en 
su horario habitual de las 15:30 hs., en el Aula 31, Güemes 3450, (3000) 
Santa Fe. Las Conferencias programadas para el mes de octubre son las 

Viernes 7: Kunibert G. Siebert (Universität Augsburg) "Convergence of 
adaptive finite element methods"

Viernes 15: Teresa Signes (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) " Interpolacion 
debil en espacios
generalizados de tipo Lorentz-Zygmund"

Viernes 21: Gustavo  Garrigos (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) 
"Desigualdades relacionadas con la conjetura
del multiplicador del cono"

Viernes 28: Julian Fernandez Bonder (Universidad de Buenos Aires) "Problemas 
de diseño óptimo para el primer autovalor de Steklov"


Ilda C. Hernández
Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral - IMAL
Güemes 3450
 (3000) Santa Fe

[NotiAMCA] WCCM-VII Call for Abstracts

2005-09-16 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Call for Abstracts
Seventh World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-VII)

W. K. Liu, T. Belytschko, B. Moran, L. Keer, H. Espinosa (Northwestern 
J. S. Chen, J. W. Ju, E. Taciroglu, S. Osher, T. Chan, N. Ghoniem, W. Klug 
(University of California, Los Angeles)

Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of WCCM-VII Organizing Committee, I am writing to invite you to 
submit one-page Abstracts for presentation in 2006 World Congress on 
Computational Mechanics to be held in Century Plaza Hotel & Spa at Century 
City, Los Angeles, California, USA, July 16-22, 2006.

The Abstracts submission deadline is November 15, 2005. All Abstracts must 
be submitted to the selected Minisymposia via the WCCM-VII website at

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Minisymposium Organizers.  The accepted 
Abstracts will be notified by December 15, 2005.

We appreciate very much your interest in participating in WCCM-VII.

J. S. Chen
WCCM-VII Technical Program Chair
Jiun-Shyan Chen
Professor & Vice Chair
Civil & Environmental Engineering Department
5713 Boelter Hall
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593, USA
(O)   310-267-4620
(FAX) 310-206-