Desde: 21-06-2000
Hasta: 23-06-2000
Lugar: Madrid, Espana

>Third   International   Conference
>MARAS 2000
>Mobile and Rapidly Assembled Structures
>21 - 23 June 2000
>Madrid,  Spain
>Organized by
>Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK
>Sponsored by
>School of Architecture, University of Seville, Spain
>Politechnic University of Madrid, Spain
>Structures that move in the course of normal use, or which have to be
>assembled at high speed on a relatively unprepared site, offer a
>particular challenge to the designer.  The interaction between the
>structure and the mechanism by which it moves is important for mobile
>frameworks such as radio telescopes or jet engine rotors.  The speed
>of assembly, and what this means in terms of logistics, materials and
>cost, is a major factor in many structures.
>There are common problems such as the efficient design of assembly
>joints, the resistance to damage of membrane and metal sheets,
>crashworthiness and the limits of serviceability.  Some areas of the
>subject are already well organized, such as the structural design of
>aircraft, ships, cars, and railway rolling stock.  However, there
>remains a whole range of structures where there is very little design
>guidance available in the form of textbooks, data sheets or codes of
>The interaction of ideas and experience during the Conference may lead
>to new mobile structural forms and an increased awareness of the
>problems of rapid assembly and mobility of structures.
>This multi-disciplinary meeting will bring together  engineers,
>architects and researchers concerned with the design, analyses,
>manufacture and erection of rapidly assembled structures.  This
>Meeting  follows the success of the previous Conferences in this
>series held in Southampton, UK in 1991 and, Seville, Spain in 1996 the
>proceedings of both these previous Conferences are now widely
>distributed throughout the world.
>- Rapidly erected bridges and transportable bridges 
>- Mobile inspection platforms 
>- Containers, road vehicles bodies, rail transport carriages
>- Radio telescopes and radar dishes
>- Telescopic and folding masts
>- Tower cranes and mobile lifting apparatus
>- Telescopic gangways
>- Leisure structures, demountable grandstands and scaffolding
>  systems
>- Inflated buildings, inflated boats, tenents and membrane shelters
>- Trackways and prefabricated paving for roads and airfields
>- Structures subject to high speed rotation
>- Protective structures
>- Temporary structures
>- Structures in adverse conditions
>- Rapid repairs of structures
>- Rapid assembly of self designing structures
>- Spacecraft structures
>Prof F Escrig, School of Architecture, University of Seville, Spain
>Prof A Samartin, Politechnic University de Madrid, Spain
>Prof C A Brebbia, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
>Dr E S Ayllon, CITEFA, Argentina
>Prof H Azegami, Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, Japan
>Prof A F M Azevedo, University of Porto. Portugal
>Dr J W Bull, Univ. of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
>Prof J Doltsinis, Stuttgart University, Germany
>Prof M Domaszewski,Universit Tech. de Belfort-Montbeliard, France
>Prof M E El-Sayed, Kettering University, USA
>Prof C Gantes, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
>Prof P Gaudenzi, University Roma 'La Sapienza', Italy
>Dr B W Golley, Australian Defence Force Academy, Australia
>Dr S Hernandez, Universidad de la Corune, Spain
>Dr E Kita, Nagoya University, Japan
>Prof M Mollaert, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
>Prof C P Pantelides, University of Utah, USA
>Mr J Perez Valcarcel , University of La Coruna, Spain
>Dr R Schmidt, Technical Univ of Aachen, Germany
>Prof A Wada, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
>Papers are invited on the topics outlined below and others failing
>witihin the scope of the Meeting.  Abstracts should be submitted by
>mail, fax or Email as soon as possible and no later than 2 November
>1999.  Abstracts of no more than 300 words should clearly state the 
>purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the 
>final paper.  The final acceptance will be based on the full length 
>paper.  The author must attend the conference to present the paper if 
>accepted.  Each submitted paper is subject to a separate 
>registration. Please tick the box most relevant to your paper.
>Madrid as the capital of Spain has a great deal to offer.  With its
>diverse mixture of cultural history in a vibrant modern city, Madrid
>is full of life and character. This contrast in classic and
>contemporary culture can be witnessed in the juxtaposition of the
>city's 'magic triangle', consisting of some of Europe's finest art
>galleries, the 'Museo del Prado', Centro de Arte Reina Sofia and the
>Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza.  Leaving aside the art museums, the
>splendour of the Plaza Mayor and Palacio Real, and the elegance of the
>Parque del Buen Retiro, the essence of  Madrid is in the lively street
>The conference will be held at the Melia Madrid, which is located in
>the heart of Madrid's regal area.  The hotel is just a short distance
>from the "Plaza de Espana", the  Royal Palace and the exceptional
>"Jardines del Moro".  This is a superior first-class hotel fully
>modernized.  Specially negotiated rates will be offered to delegates
>attending the conference.
>International and domestic flights arrive at Madrid's Barajas 
>airport. Central Madrid can be reached easily and efficiently by bus 
>or taxi. For travel to Madrid contact your local travel agent.
>The Proceedings of the Conference will be published in book form by
>WIT Press and will be available to the delegates at the time of
>registration.  In addition, the Proceedings will be widely distributed
>internationally, immediately after the Conference.  The language of
>the Conference will be English.
>Further information is available on our website, 
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