*De: *"Sergio Junco" <srgju...@gmail.com>

Dear colleagues, members of IMAACA’s IPC:

I hope you are doing well!

Please find below, copied and pasted from the IMAACA 2021 webpage (
http://www.msc-les.org/imaaca2021/), the latest news concerning the
conference, the most relevant today being the deadline extension to May 15,

Another important feature is also announced, the Hybrid Participation, both
physical and virtual, of special significance due to the persistence of the
worldwide pandemic.

As always, we appreciate your help in disseminating these announcements. We
consider that you, as members of the IPC, constitute the backbone of the
conference in both, this preliminary stage of dissemination and call for
papers and the following of paper review.

Thank you very much in advance for all your efforts.

Best regards,

Sergio Junco

IMAACA 2021 General Chair


NEW: Full Draft Paper Submission Deadline Extended! There is still time to
submit your paper to IMAACA 2021! Due to several requests and the
challenges that the society is still facing, the submission deadline for
the full draft paper has been extended to *May 15**th**, 2021*! Please read
the guide for authors
the EasyChair instructions for authors
be sure to submit your paper
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=i3m2021> .

IMAACA 2021 Hybrid Participation. Due to the challenges that the SARS-CoV-2
pandemic is still posing on the global society and the different speed at
which countries around the world are adopting countermeasures, vaccination
programs and mitigation strategies, the *I3M 2021 Organization Board has
decided to adopt a Hybrid Participation (both physical and virtual
participation) approach* in order to give everyone the possibility to
attend the conference. The registration fees for the virtual participation
are available at the *Registration and Fees* section. More information will
be communicated by email to the authors and will be posted here, on the
conference website soon.

IMAACA 2021 Submission Procedure. The submission and review of papers for
IMAACA 2021 will be managed through EasyChair! Access the system and submit
your paper now <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=i3m2021>! Please
read the guide for authors
and EasyChair
instructions for authors

I3M 2021 Call for Papers. The I3M 2021 Call for Papers is now available!
Download it here <http://www.msc-les.org/conf/i3m2021/i3m2021_cfp.pdf>
Los mensajes son archivados en la pagina Web del AMCA

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