Desde: 31-8-1999
Hasta: 3-9-1999
Lugar: Munich, Alemania

Informacion sobre el ECCM'99 puede obtenerse en la pagina web:
o por e-mail en:
a continuacion se transcribe en formato texto algunas paginas
de la direccion Web indicada.

European Council of Computational Mechanics


European Conference on

Computational Mechanics

Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems

in Engineering

Second Announcement

August 31 - September 3, 1999

Munich, Germany

Organized by the German Association for Computational Mechanics (GACM)
and the Technische Universität München

[Importand dates]

November 1, 1998 Abstracts due (new deadline!)

January 1, 1999 Notification of authors

May 1, 1999 Final papers due and Registration

[Call for papers]

Prospective authors are invited to submit three copies of an extended
abstract (with a short summary) of ap proximately 800 words (2 pages) on

topics related to the theme of the conference.
Abstracts should outline the main features,results and conclusions as
as their general significance and contain relevant references. All
communications must be in English and bear the names of all authors,
affiliations and full mailing addresses.

Detailed instructions on the preparation of the extended abstract are
available here:


Authors whose abstracts have been accepted will receive detailed
instructions concerning the format of the final papers.

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