Desde: 21-05-2000
Hasta: 24-05-2000
Lugar: Austin, Texas, EEUU

Dear Colleagues:

I  am  writing  to  invite   you  to  participate  in  the  Fourteenth
Engineering Mechanics  Conference (EM2000) of the  American Society of
Civil  Engineers.   EM2000  will  be  held  at  the  Joe  C.  Thompson
Conference Center on  the campus of The University  of Texas at Austin
and  will provide  the framework  for presentation  and  discussion of
recent developments in engineering mechanics.

The Technical Program  of EM2000 will be composed  of keynote lectures
and presentations on current research in engineering mechanics. Topics
include:  biomechanics,  computational  fluid dynamics,  computational
mechanics,   damage    mechanics,   elasticity   and   elastodynamics,
experimental techniques, fluid mechanics, fluid-structure interaction,
fracture   mechanics,   geomechanics,   hydrodynamics,   inelasticity,
micromechanics,  mechanics   of  composite  materials,  nondestructive
testing, nonlinear  dynamics and chaos,  nonlinear mechanics, offshore
structural  mechanics,  smart  materials, soil-structure  interaction,
solid  mechanics,   stability,  stochastic  mechanics,   dynamics  and
control,    damage   assessment,   structural    reliability,   system
identification, turbulence and wave propagation.

If you are interested in  presenting a paper, please submit a one-page
abstract  by September  30,  1999.  The  abstract  should address  the
objectives of the work to  be presented, outline the methods employed,
and summarize the conclusions.  Please state authors' affiliations and
addresses  clearly and  identify  a corresponding  author.  If at  all
possible,  abstracts should  be  submitted as  text  or attachment  by
e-mail to:

Otherwise, you can submit a  copy of the abstract by conventional mail
to the address below.

Notification regarding abstract acceptance  will be mailed on November
30, 1999. Authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to submit 4-page
papers by February  29, 2000 for inclusion in  the Proceedings. A copy
of  the Proceedings on  a CD-ROM  will be  provided to  the Conference
participants along  with a booklet  containing the EM2000  Program and
the one-page  abstracts of the  papers to be presented.  The Executive
Committee  of  the  Engineering  Mechanics Division  of  the  American
Society of  Civil Engineers  has approved a  competition for  the best
mechanics  papers  by  undergraduate  students during  the  Fourteenth
Engineering Mechanics Conference at The University of Texas at Austin,
May 21-24, 2000. Details of  this competition and other information on
EM2000 is available on the World Wide Web:

Please transmit inquiries or communications by e-mail to:

or contact:

Professor John L. Tassoulas
Department of Civil Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712-1076
Telephone:  (512) 471-4553
Fax:  (512) 471-8477

Please mark your calendars (EM2000:  May 21-24, 2000, Austin) and make
plans to participate in EM2000 and visit Austin. Thank you.


John L. Tassoulas
Chair, Organizing Committee
Fourteenth Engineering Mechanics Conference
American Society of Civil Engineers
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