Subject:         Fwd: Postdoctoral and Professional positions at McGill
and Laval Universities, Please post
   Date:         Fri, 16 Feb 2001 10:19:20 -0800 (PST)
   From:         Axel Larreteguy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     To:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  Podrias por favor dar difusion a este mensaje que me
mando Fred Habashi?

  Gracias y saludos,


Note: forwarded message attached.
 Subject:         Postdoctoral and Professional positions at McGill and
Laval Universities, Please post
   Date:         Wed, 14 Feb 2001 17:45:54 -0300
   From:         Wagdi Habashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     To:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

February 14, 2001

Dear Colleague:

I wiuld greatly appreciate if you could post in your department, this ad
for two post-doctoral and one professional opportunity in large-scale
distributing computing at McGill and Laval Universities in Canada.

One file is in English, the other is in French.


Dr. W.G. Habashi
Director, CFD Lab
J. Armand Bombardier CFD Chair
Pratt & Whitney Canada Research Fellow

Department of Mechanical Engineering
McGill University
688 Sherbrooke West, Suite 715
Montreal, Qc, Canada H3A 2S6
Tel: +1 (514) 398-3747, Admin. Asst: 6005, Fax : 2203

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Attachment: recrut-PIGE-Bref-F.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: recrut-PIGE-Brief-E.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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