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Desde: 30-05-2005
Hasta: 03-06-2005
Lugar: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

6th World congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization.
Rio de Janeiro, May 30-June 3, 2005

Structural Optimization

Modern design techniques seek the best design to perform the desired =
tasks. Structural Optimization deals with the optimal design of =
structural elements and systems employed in several engineering fields. =
It was first applied in the aerospace industry, where reducing the =
structural weight is of utmost importance.=20

Nowadays, use of Structural Optimization is rapidly growing in =
automotive, aeronautical, mechanical, civil, nuclear, naval, and =
off-shore engineering. This is due to the increase of technological =
competition and the development of strong and efficient techniques for =
several practical applications.=20

These techniques integrate CAD tools for geometric modeling, general =
analysis methods, like the finite element method, and methods of design =
sensitivity analysis with mathematical programming or other numerical =
optimization techniques. The increasing speed and capacity of digital =
computers makes large-scale structural optimization possible and =
profitable in large number of applications.=20

MDO - Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

Engineering Systems are increasingly complex and represented by large =
and sophisticated numerical models. They involve several interacting =
disciplines or are made up of distinct interacting subsystems that must =
be considered simultaneously to obtain efficient designs.=20

Multidisciplinary Design Optimization is devoted to the design of =
complex systems involving interacting subsystems or disciplines. The =
main scientific challenges of MDO are concerned with the development of =
strong and efficient numerical techniques and with the computational =
organization required for the necessary coupling of disciplines software =

However, since it is an interdisciplinar activity, a fundamental need =
for MDO is the establishment of a strong communication of engineering, =
mathematicians and scientists acting in different disciplines or =
developing basic optimization techniques. This is one of the mains =
objectives of ISSMO and WCSSMO is an appropriate forum to bring together =
scientists and practitioners working in different areas of engineering =
optimization. =20


Please fill the Pre-Registration Form


15 June 2004=20

One-page abstract submission begins=20


15 January 2005=20

One-page abstract submission deadline=20


15 February 2005=20

Notification of acceptance=20


15 March 2005=20

Deadline for early registration=20


7 April 2005

Deadline for authors registration=20


7 April 2005=20

Short paper deadline=20


15 April 2005=20

Final program on the congress website=20


15 May 2005=20

Deadline for full paper in digital form=20


30 May 2005=20

The Congress=20


WCSMO6 IS Organized on behalf of ISSMO by:

UFRJ - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
LNCC - National Laboratory for Scientific Computing
UFJF - Federal University of Juiz de Fora

General Chairman:

Jos=E9 Herskovits
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Local Organizing Committe:

Raul A. Feij=F3o
Edgardo Taroco
LNCC - National Laboratory for Scientific Computing

Luis Alfredo V. Carvalho
Anatoli Leontiev
UFRJ - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Sandro Mazorche
Wilhelm Passarella
UFJF - Federal University of Juiz de Fora

International Organizing Committee (Provisory)

Chairman for North America:
Prof. Kyung K. Choi
The University of Iowa

Chairman for Asia
Prof. Byung Man Kwak=20
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Chairman for Europe:
Carlos A. Mota Soares
Technical University of Lisbon.

Papers Committee:=20


Niels Olhoff
Aalborg University, Denmark


Kyung K. Choi
The University of Iowa, USA

Byung Man Kwak
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

Andrzej Osyczka
Cracow University of Technology, Poland

John E. Renaud
University of Notre Dame, USA

Edgardo O. Taroco
National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Brazil

International Scientific Committee =20

S. Adali, Durban, South Africa  =20

H. Adeli, Ohio, USA=20

M. Akgun, Ankara, Turkey=20

N. M. Alexandrov, Langley, USA=20

G. Allaire, Paris, France=20

H. Alves, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil=20

J. S. Arora, Iowa City, USA=20

H. Baier,  Munich, Germany=20

N. V. Banichuk, Moscow, Russia=20

S. Bastos, Recife, Brazil=20

M. L. Bittencourt, Campinas, Brazill=20

K. U. Bletzinger, Munich, Germany=20

B. Bochenek, Cracow, Poland=20

D. Boussa, Marseille, France=20

A. Cherkaev, Salt Lake, USA=20

D. H. Choi, Seoul, Korea=20

A. R. De Faria, S. J. dos Campos, Brazil=20

K. Dems, Lodz, Poland=20

A. Diaz, East Lansing, USA=20

P. Eberhard, Stuttgart, Germany=20

E. Fancello, Florianopolis, Brazil=20

C. Fleury, Liege, Belgium
A. Friedlander, Campinas, Brazil=20

M. B. Fuchs, Tel Aviv, Israel=20

O. Ghattas, Pittsburgh, USA=20

P. D. Gosling, Newcastle, UK=20

R. V. Grandhi, Dayton, OH, USA=20

A. A. Groenwold, Pretoria, South Africa=20

Y. Gu, Dalian, China=20

J. M. Guedes, Lisbon, Portugal=20

W. Gutkowski, Warsaw, Poland=20

A. Habbal, Nice, France=20

R. B. Haber, Urbana, IL, USA=20

B. Horowitz, Pernambuco, Brazil=20

S. Idelsohn, Santa Fe, Argentina=20

K. Jarmai, Miskolc, Hungary=20

S. Kalisky, Budapest, Hungary=20

M. F. Kataoka, S. J. Dos Campos, Brazil=20

A. Klarbring, Linkoeping, Sweden=20

A. Keane, Southampton, UK=20

F. V. Keulen, Delft, The Netherlands=20

Y. Y. Kim, Seoul, Korea =20

U. Kirsch, Haifa, Israel=20

M. Kocvara, Prague, Czech Republic=20

J. Koski, Tampere, Finland=20

P. Le Tallec, Paris, France=20

J. Lellep, Tartu, Estonia=20

T. Lewinski, Warsaw, Poland=20

O. Lim, Busan, Korea=20

J. Logo, Budapest, Hungary=20

E. Lund, Aalborg, Denmark=20

M. Masmoudi, Toulouse, France=20

K. Maute, Boulder, USA=20

Z. Mr=F3z, Warsaw, Poland=20

Y. Murotsu, Osaka, Japan=20

P. Y. Papalambros, Ann Arbor, USA=20

P. Pedersen, Lyngby, Denmark=20

A. Picuga, Mostar, Bosnia Herzegovina  =20

O. Pironneau, Paris, France
O. Querin, Leeds, UK=20

J. Rasmussen, Aalborg, Denmark=20

R. Rikards, Riga, Latvia=20

U. Ringertz, Stockholm, Sweden=20

H. C. Rodrigues, Lisbon, Portugal=20

M. Rovati, Trento, Italy=20

Y. S. Ryu, Busan, Korea=20

S. V. Selyugin, Moscow, Russia=20

B. Sensale, Montevideo, Uruguay=20

A Seyranian, Moscow, Russia=20

O. Sigmund, Lyngby, Denmark=20

E. C. N. Silva, S=E3o Paulo, Brazil=20

L. M. C. Simoes, Coimbra, Portugal=20

J. A. Snyman, Pretoria, South Africa=20

C. M. M. Soares, Lisbon, Portugal=20

J. S. Sobieski, Hampton, USA=20

K. Svanberg, Stockholm, Sweden=20

D. A. Tortorelli, Urbana, USA=20

G. N. Vanderplaats, Goleta, USA=20

L. E. Vaz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil=20

P. Venini, Pavia, Italy=20

Y. M. Xie, Melbourne, Australia=20

K. Yamazaki, Kanazawa, Japan=20

S. K. Youn, Daejeon, Korea=20

M. Zhou, Irvine,  USA  =20



WCSMO6 Secretariat

OptimizE - Engineering Optimization Lab
COPPE/Mechanical Engineering Program
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Caixa Postal 68503
21945 970 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Phone: (55) 21 2562 8798
Fax : (55) 21 2562 8383

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Desde: 30-05-2005</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Hasta: 03-06-2005</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Lugar: Rio de Janeiro, =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>6th World congress on Structural and=20
Multidisciplinary Optimization.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Rio de Janeiro, May 30-June 3, =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Structural Optimization</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Modern design techniques seek the best =
design to=20
perform the desired tasks. Structural Optimization deals with the =
optimal design=20
of structural elements and systems employed in several engineering =
fields. It=20
was first applied in the aerospace industry, where reducing the =
weight is of utmost importance. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Nowadays, use of Structural =
Optimization is rapidly=20
growing in automotive, aeronautical, mechanical, civil, nuclear, naval, =
off-shore engineering. This is due to the increase of technological =
and the development of strong and efficient techniques for several =
applications. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>These techniques integrate CAD tools =
for geometric=20
modeling, general analysis methods, like the finite element method, and =
of design sensitivity analysis with mathematical programming or other =
optimization techniques. The increasing speed and capacity of digital =
makes large-scale structural optimization possible and profitable in =
number of applications. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>MDO - Multidisciplinary Design=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Engineering Systems are increasingly =
complex and=20
represented by large and sophisticated numerical models. They involve =
interacting disciplines or are made up of distinct interacting =
subsystems that=20
must be considered simultaneously to obtain efficient designs. =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Multidisciplinary Design Optimization =
is devoted to=20
the design of complex systems involving interacting subsystems or =
The main scientific challenges of MDO are concerned with the development =
strong and efficient numerical techniques and with the computational=20
organization required for the necessary coupling of disciplines software =

systems. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>However, since it is an =
interdisciplinar activity,=20
a fundamental need for MDO is the establishment of a strong =
communication of=20
engineering, mathematicians and scientists acting in different =
disciplines or=20
developing basic optimization techniques. This is one of the mains =
objectives of=20
ISSMO and WCSSMO is an appropriate forum to bring together scientists =
practitioners working in different areas of engineering =
<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>IMPORTANT DATES </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV><FONT face=3DArial =
<DIV><BR>Now </DIV>
<DIV>Please fill the Pre-Registration Form</DIV>
<DIV>15 June 2004 </DIV>
<DIV>One-page abstract submission begins </DIV>
<DIV>15 January 2005 </DIV>
<DIV>One-page abstract submission deadline </DIV>
<DIV>15 February 2005 </DIV>
<DIV>Notification of acceptance </DIV>
<DIV>15 March 2005 </DIV>
<DIV>Deadline for early registration </DIV>
<DIV>7 April 2005</DIV>
<DIV>Deadline for authors registration </DIV>
<DIV>7 April 2005 </DIV>
<DIV>Short paper deadline </DIV>
<DIV>15 April 2005 </DIV>
<DIV>Final program on the congress website </DIV>
<DIV>15 May 2005 </DIV>
<DIV>Deadline for full paper in digital form </DIV>
<DIV>30 May 2005 </DIV>
<DIV>The Congress <BR></DIV>
<DIV>WCSMO6 IS Organized on behalf of ISSMO by:</DIV>
<DIV>UFRJ - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro<BR>LNCC - National =
for Scientific Computing<BR>UFJF - Federal University of Juiz de =
<DIV>General Chairman:</DIV>
<DIV>Jos=E9 Herskovits<BR>Federal University of Rio de Janeiro</DIV>
<DIV>Local Organizing Committe:</DIV>
<DIV>Raul A. Feij=F3o<BR>Edgardo Taroco<BR>LNCC - National Laboratory =
Scientific Computing</DIV>
<DIV>Luis Alfredo V. Carvalho<BR>Anatoli Leontiev<BR>UFRJ - Federal =
of Rio de Janeiro</DIV>
<DIV>Sandro Mazorche<BR>Wilhelm Passarella<BR>UFJF - Federal University =
of Juiz=20
de Fora</DIV>
<DIV>International Organizing Committee (Provisory)</DIV>
<DIV>Chairman for North America:<BR>Prof. Kyung K. Choi<BR>The =
University of=20
<DIV>Chairman for Asia<BR>Prof. Byung Man Kwak <BR>Korea Advanced =
Institute of=20
Science and Technology</DIV>
<DIV>Chairman for Europe:<BR>Carlos A. Mota Soares<BR>Technical =
University of=20
<DIV>Papers Committee: </DIV>
<DIV>Chairman: </DIV>
<DIV>Niels Olhoff<BR>Aalborg University, Denmark</DIV>
<DIV>Members: </DIV>
<DIV>Kyung K. Choi<BR>The University of Iowa, USA</DIV>
<DIV>Byung Man Kwak<BR>Korea Advanced Institute of Science and =
<DIV>Andrzej Osyczka<BR>Cracow University of Technology, Poland</DIV>
<DIV>John E. Renaud<BR>University of Notre Dame, USA</DIV>
<DIV>Edgardo O. Taroco<BR>National Laboratory for Scientific Computing,=20
<DIV>International Scientific Committee&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>S. Adali, Durban, South Africa&nbsp;&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>H. Adeli, Ohio, USA </DIV>
<DIV>M. Akgun, Ankara, Turkey </DIV>
<DIV>N. M. Alexandrov, Langley, USA </DIV>
<DIV>G. Allaire, Paris, France </DIV>
<DIV>H. Alves, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil </DIV>
<DIV>J. S. Arora, Iowa City, USA </DIV>
<DIV>H. Baier,&nbsp; Munich, Germany </DIV>
<DIV>N. V. Banichuk, Moscow, Russia </DIV>
<DIV>S. Bastos, Recife, Brazil </DIV>
<DIV>M. L. Bittencourt, Campinas, Brazill </DIV>
<DIV>K. U. Bletzinger, Munich, Germany </DIV>
<DIV>B. Bochenek, Cracow, Poland </DIV>
<DIV>D. Boussa, Marseille, France </DIV>
<DIV>A. Cherkaev, Salt Lake, USA </DIV>
<DIV>D. H. Choi, Seoul, Korea </DIV>
<DIV>A. R. De Faria, S. J. dos Campos, Brazil </DIV>
<DIV>K. Dems, Lodz, Poland </DIV>
<DIV>A. Diaz, East Lansing, USA </DIV>
<DIV>P. Eberhard, Stuttgart, Germany </DIV>
<DIV>E. Fancello, Florianopolis, Brazil </DIV>
<DIV>C. Fleury, Liege, Belgium<BR>A. Friedlander, Campinas, Brazil =
<DIV>M. B. Fuchs, Tel Aviv, Israel </DIV>
<DIV>O. Ghattas, Pittsburgh, USA </DIV>
<DIV>P. D. Gosling, Newcastle, UK </DIV>
<DIV>R. V. Grandhi, Dayton, OH, USA </DIV>
<DIV>A. A. Groenwold, Pretoria, South Africa </DIV>
<DIV>Y. Gu, Dalian, China </DIV>
<DIV>J. M. Guedes, Lisbon, Portugal </DIV>
<DIV>W. Gutkowski, Warsaw, Poland </DIV>
<DIV>A. Habbal, Nice, France </DIV>
<DIV>R. B. Haber, Urbana, IL, USA </DIV>
<DIV>B. Horowitz, Pernambuco, Brazil </DIV>
<DIV>S. Idelsohn, Santa Fe, Argentina </DIV>
<DIV>K. Jarmai, Miskolc, Hungary </DIV>
<DIV>S. Kalisky, Budapest, Hungary </DIV>
<DIV>M. F. Kataoka, S. J. Dos Campos, Brazil </DIV>
<DIV>A. Klarbring, Linkoeping, Sweden </DIV>
<DIV>A. Keane, Southampton, UK </DIV>
<DIV>F. V. Keulen, Delft, The Netherlands </DIV>
<DIV>Y. Y. Kim, Seoul, Korea&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>U. Kirsch, Haifa, Israel </DIV>
<DIV>M. Kocvara, Prague, Czech Republic </DIV>
<DIV>J. Koski, Tampere, Finland </DIV>
<DIV>P. Le Tallec, Paris, France </DIV>
<DIV>J. Lellep, Tartu, Estonia </DIV>
<DIV>T. Lewinski, Warsaw, Poland </DIV>
<DIV>O. Lim, Busan, Korea </DIV>
<DIV>J. Logo, Budapest, Hungary </DIV>
<DIV>E. Lund, Aalborg, Denmark </DIV>
<DIV>M. Masmoudi, Toulouse, France </DIV>
<DIV>K. Maute, Boulder, USA </DIV>
<DIV>Z. Mr=F3z, Warsaw, Poland </DIV>
<DIV>Y. Murotsu, Osaka, Japan </DIV>
<DIV>P. Y. Papalambros, Ann Arbor, USA </DIV>
<DIV>P. Pedersen, Lyngby, Denmark </DIV>
<DIV>A. Picuga, Mostar, Bosnia Herzegovina&nbsp;&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>O. Pironneau, Paris, France<BR>O. Querin, Leeds, UK </DIV>
<DIV>J. Rasmussen, Aalborg, Denmark </DIV>
<DIV>R. Rikards, Riga, Latvia </DIV>
<DIV>U. Ringertz, Stockholm, Sweden </DIV>
<DIV>H. C. Rodrigues, Lisbon, Portugal </DIV>
<DIV>M. Rovati, Trento, Italy </DIV>
<DIV>Y. S. Ryu, Busan, Korea </DIV>
<DIV>S. V. Selyugin, Moscow, Russia </DIV>
<DIV>B. Sensale, Montevideo, Uruguay </DIV>
<DIV>A Seyranian, Moscow, Russia </DIV>
<DIV>O. Sigmund, Lyngby, Denmark </DIV>
<DIV>E. C. N. Silva, S=E3o Paulo, Brazil </DIV>
<DIV>L. M. C. Simoes, Coimbra, Portugal </DIV>
<DIV>J. A. Snyman, Pretoria, South Africa </DIV>
<DIV>C. M. M. Soares, Lisbon, Portugal </DIV>
<DIV>J. S. Sobieski, Hampton, USA </DIV>
<DIV>K. Svanberg, Stockholm, Sweden </DIV>
<DIV>D. A. Tortorelli, Urbana, USA </DIV>
<DIV>G. N. Vanderplaats, Goleta, USA </DIV>
<DIV>L. E. Vaz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil </DIV>
<DIV>P. Venini, Pavia, Italy </DIV>
<DIV>Y. M. Xie, Melbourne, Australia </DIV>
<DIV>K. Yamazaki, Kanazawa, Japan </DIV>
<DIV>S. K. Youn, Daejeon, Korea </DIV>
<DIV>M. Zhou, Irvine,&nbsp; USA&nbsp;&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>WCSMO6 Secretariat</DIV>
<DIV>OptimizE - Engineering Optimization Lab<BR>COPPE/Mechanical =
Program<BR>Federal University of Rio de Janeiro<BR>Caixa Postal =
970 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil</DIV>
<DIV>Phone: (55) 21 2562 8798<BR>Fax : (55) 21 2562 8383<BR>Email: <A=20


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