Dear Colleagues,

The EPFL School of continuing education presents a short course on the 
extended finite element method (XFEM) taking place Dec. 7-9 2005, in 
Lausanne, Switzerland.

Program web page :
Registration form :

This course is of interest to those in aeronautics, automotive industry, 
transport, mechanical, civil and nuclear industries, and to all interested 
in numerical methods for engineering.

The XFEM is a novel numerical method which extends the standard finite 
element method and allows handling problems with interfaces and 
singularities (fluid-fluid, fluid-solid, solid-solid, etc.) to be solved 
without meshing/remeshing the interface as it evolves. Examples of 
applications include fracture mechanics multiphase flows, solidification 
problems, microstructure modeling, material interfaces, bio-engineering, 
localization, etc.

The course will start from the basics so as to be understandable by all. In 
addition, examples will be presented, including real-world problems such as 
the damage tolerance assessment of a Boeing 757 door, fluid-structure 
interaction problems, and biofilm growth.

Hands-on applications will allow the participants to implement the method 
themselves, with the guidance of the instructors.

A round table is organized so as to facilitate communication between the 
participants, and stimulate the exchange of ideas. This round table will be 
moderated by Assistant Professor Anthony Gravouil, INSA Lyon, France.

Class notes, including a complete bibliography on the method will be given 
to the participants.

Generic Libraries to Support FEM Applications, a talk by Peter Gottschling 
(Matrix Template Library) will open the course.
Please contact me for any other details you might require.

Thank you for your time, and best regards from Switzerland,

Stéphane Bordas

-- _________________________________________________________________Stephane 
Laboratory of structural and continuum mechanicsLaboratoire de mécanique des 
structures et milieux continus (LSC)EPFL/ENAC/IS/LSC GC A2 454Station 18 
EPFL-LSC, Ecublens CH-1015 LausanneSuisse/Switzerland/Schweiz
Tél: +41 21 693 24 03 Fax: +41 21 693 63 40 

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