[NotiAMCA] Pan American Studies Institute on Nano and Biotechnology (PASI) 2006

2006-03-09 Por tema Manuel Tovar
Dear students, colleagues and members of the physic community

The PASI 2006 is pleased to announce that the website has been changed. The new 
one is www.mech.northwestern.edu/PASI/ 

Please do not hesitate to contact us about any comment, suggestion or doubt 
concerning the PASI at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Local Organizing Committee
 próxima parte 
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From sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar  Thu Mar  9 16:05:15 2006
From: sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Thu Mar  9 16:11:59 2006
Subject: [NotiAMCA] CST2006 & ECT2006 (Las Palmas) Final Call for Papers

Dear Victorio

The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology
venue: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
dates: 12-15 September 2006
The Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology
venue: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
dates: 12-15 September 2006

Please note that the final calls for papers for the above conferences 
will close on the 31st March and abstracts may be submitted via the 
conference website:

Please email this information to colleagues.

Best Regards

Barry Topping
From sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar  Fri Mar 10 12:09:41 2006
From: sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Fri Mar 10 16:00:15 2006
Subject: [NotiAMCA] From Lelia y Sergio Idelsohn

- Original Message - 
From: "Sergio Idelsohn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 11:49 AM
Subject: From Lelia y Sergio Idelsohn

Estimados amigos de NOTIAMCA:
En los proximos días, según me lo han anticipado oralmente, tanto Lelia como 
yo recibiremos un telegrama de despido del CONICET. Quisieramos que tengan 
nuestra versión de los hechos.
Hace 15 años que viajamos regularmente a España por 6 meses y nadie puede 
decir que por ello nos hemos despreocupado de los problemas de la ciencia en 
Este año, hemos solicitado autorización para viajar por 9 meses al exterior, 
siempre, como todos los años, sin goce de haberes por parte del CONICET.
El CONICET, por primera vez en 15 años, no aceptó nuestra solicitud.
Yo envié una nota solicitando reconsideración cuya copia adjunto. No hemos 
recibido respuesta a la misma pero, aparentemente, ya conocemos la 
Quiero agregar que contrariamente a los que algunos creen, no hemos recibido 
por parte del CONICET ni la oferta de contratos anuales ni ninguna otra 
posibilidad de solución. Solamente me han ofrecido, en caso de que ambos 
presentemos la renuncia al CONICET, nombrarme a mi con un cargo honorario, 
fuera de la Carrera y que no tiene ningun tipo de obligación para ninguna de 
las partes. Ante esta alternativa hemos optado por esperar el telegrama de 
Para nosotros es muy importante que conozcan nuestra versión, que sepan que 
no es nuestra intención ni dejar el CONICET, ni dejar definitivamente la 
Argentina. Que lo hacemos obligados por los dirigentes actuales del CONICET, 
que volveremos tan pronto nos lo permitan y que entre tanto continuaremos, 
en la medida que nos dejen, trabajando para el Sistema Científico Argentino.
Aprovechamos para agradecer una vez más, el haber compartido con nosotros 
estos 20 años de trabajo inenterrumpido para nuestra Asociacion y para la 

Lelia y Sergio Idelsohn
 próxima parte 
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From n_a_calvo en yahoo.com.ar  Mon Mar 13 09:01:42 2006
From: n_a_calvo en yahoo.com.ar (Nestor Calvo)
Date: Mon Mar 13 09:20:51 2006
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Fw: Sergio

Amigos de Notiamca:

Estamos haciendo circular por el CIMEC esta carta al directorio de CONICET pues 
esta misma mañana se reune en Santa Fe, pero queremos participarlos de la misma 
en caso de que quieran adherirse.
En tal caso les ruego me respondan con una adhesion explicita por email 
indicando nombre y nro de documento.

Nestor Calvo

- Original Message - 
From: "Nestor Calvo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 8:35 AM
Subject: Sergio

Vamos a entregar esta carta al dir. del conicet hoy por la mañana. Quiero decir 
que si no hay errores graves

[NotiAMCA] Pan American Studies Institute on Nano and Biotechnology

2006-02-02 Por tema Laura Tovar
Saltado el tipo de contenido multipart/alternative próxima parte 

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From XXVII  Mon Feb  6 18:53:40 2006
Date: Tue Feb  7 09:57:27 2006

XXVII CILAMCE - Call for Abstracts

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the Brazilian Association of Computational Methods in 
Engineering (ABMEC) and the Iberian Latin American Association for 
Computational Methods in Engineering (AMC), we  are pleased to announce the 
27th Cilamce - Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in 
Engineering, to be held during September 3-6, 2006 at the Hilton Hotel, in 
the historical city of Belém-Pará, Brazil. The event will be hosted by the 
Graduate Program in Civil Engineering of Federal University of Pará.

The Organizing Committee of Cilamce 2006 invites you to submit one-page 
Abstracts for presentation in this event.
Addition information about the XXVII Cilamce, and abstract submission to 
the event is provided below.

We appreciate your interest in participating in this conference.

Regina Augusta Campos Sampaio and Remo Magalhães de Souza
Chairmen of the XXVII CILAMCE

Campus Universitário do Guamá, Edifício do Centro Tecnológico, salas 232 e 236.
Av. Augusto Corrêa, n. 1, Belém-Pa, BRAZIL CEP: 66075-900
Phone/Fax: +55(91) 3201-8133,  9614-7405
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] url: 


27th CILAMCE -  Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in 

Belém is located in the Guajará bay, in the delta of the Amazon River, 
close to "Ilha do Marajó", the largest fluvial island in the world. Belém 
prides itself on being the gateway to the Amazon Region and the cultural 
and commercial center of Northern Brazil. It grew substantially in size and 
importance during the nineteenth century rubber boom, and is now a large 
city with two million inhabitants. While the newer part of the city 
contains many modern buildings and skyscrapers, the colonial section still 
retains the charm of ancient churches and other historical buildings with 
their traditional Portuguese blue tiles. Belém has beautiful public squares 
and many mango-tree lined streets, and, for this reason, it is also known 
as "Cidade das Mangueiras" (City of Mango Trees).

Conference History
The conference has its origins in a meeting for Civil Engineers held in Rio 
de Janeiro in 1977. In the following year it was repeated in São Paulo. In 
1979, the scope of the conference was broadened, in Porto Alegre, to 
include a wide range of engineering applications, leading to the present 
name of the conference. At the same time, the AMC was created. Since then, 
the conference has grown even further in both scope and audience, and it 
now ranks as one of the most important conferences on its field of activity 
in the Iberian Latin American Community.

Throughout the years, the conference has played an increasingly vital role 
in providing an international forum for discussion and dissemination of 
scientific and technical knowledge related to the use of computer 
technology in the solution of engineering problems. The last editions of 
the conference were held in Giulianova/Italy (2002), Ouro Preto/Brazil 
(2003), Recife/Brazil (2004), and Guarapari/Brazil (2005).

Scientific Program
Cilamce 2006, the 27th Cilamce conference, will maintain the tradition, 
established by the previous editions, of providing a general forum for 
enhancing interdisciplinary interactions, and collaborations among all 
researchers, students and professionals interested in the application of 
computational methods to engineering.

The scientific program of the Congress consists of invited plenary 
lectures, invited mini-symposia keynote lectures by respected experts, 
contributed oral presentations, and poster presentations by undergraduate 
students. The keynote lectures and the oral presentations will be grouped 
in the following Minisymposia, covering a vast range of multidisciplinary 
subjects on computational methods in engineering and applied sciences:

• Advanced Analysis in Steel and Composite Structures
• Industrial CFD Applications
• Analysis and Design of Offshore Structures and Pipelines
• Beams, Plates, Shells and Solid Structures
• Biomechanics
• Boundary element methods
• Computational Fluid Dynamics
• Computational Geomechanics and Geophysics
• Computational Mechanics of Advanced Materials
• Concrete Structures
• Environmental Flows
• High Performance