----- Original Message ----- 
From: "E.H. van Brummelen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:38 AM
Subject: final call special session at WCCM 2006: "Fluid-Structure 
Interaction of Thin-Walled Structures and Membranes"

Dear Colleagues,

With the deadline for early registrations for WCCM2006
approaching, we would once more like to invite you to present a
paper in the special session:

"Fluid-Structure Interaction of Thin-Walled Structures and Membranes"

An abstract of the special session is provided below. If you are
interested in contributing to this special session, please submit a one
page abstract to one of us not later than Monday 6 Februari, 2006.

Further information on the conference can be found on the conference


If you have any further question regarding the conference or the special
session, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to
receiving your positive response, and to welcoming you to a fruitful
discussion on advanced computational techniques for FSI of thin-walled
structures and membranes.

With kind regards, Harald van Brummelen and Kurt Maute


"Fluid-Structure Interaction of Thin-Walled Structures and Membranes"

Fluid-structure-interactions involving thin-walled structures and
membranes occur in many engineering disciplines, e.g., airbags in
automotive engineering, heart valves in biomechanical engineering, and
inflatable structures in aerospace and civil engineering. The numerical
simulation of such fluid-structure-interaction problems poses many
daunting challenges. Typically, the fluid and the structure are strongly
coupled, which can make the application of iterative solution methods
and loosely-coupled time-integration methods less effective. Moreover,
the fluid domain generally sustains very large deformations, and
sometimes even topological changes. These large changes in the geometry
of the fluid domain prompt sophisticated discretization techniques:
Conventional boundary-fitted meshes for the fluid must be endowed with
adaptive refinement, or embedded/immersed boundary techniques must be

This minisymposium endeavors to provide a forum for discussing
state-of-the-art computational techniques for
fluid-structure-interaction problems pertaining to thin-walled
structures and membranes. Papers in the following areas are welcome:
- Fast and robust iterative solution procedures for strongly-coupled FSI
- Embedded/Immersed boundary techniques for fluids and FSI
- Fictitious-domain/Lagrange-multiplier methods for fluids and FSI
- Adaptively-refined ALE/space-time discretizations for FSI
- Applications of computational techniques to problems within the above

Dr. Ir. Harald van Brummelen
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, EM Chair
P.O. Box 5058, 2600 GB Delft, The Netherlands
phone: +31 15 278 9545, fax: +31 15 261 1465
URL: http://www.em.lr.tudelft.nl/~brummelen

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