 Este archivo es mantenido por Mario Storti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
             Si desea comunicar algun congreso o evento enviar los datos
                                           correspondientes a  M. Storti

CURSO                    LUGAR Y FECHA                CONTACTAR:
Escuela de Matematica   |5-23/Ago/'96                |Fac. de Ing.
Aplicada para la        |Mar del Plata, Argentina    |G.Elicabe
Industria 1996          |                            |JB.Justo 4302
                        |                            |7600-Mar del Plata
                        |                            |Tel:23-81-6600 (int 217)
                        |                            |FAX:23-81-0046
                        |                            |[EMAIL PROTECTED]
V Congreso Argentino de |10-13/Sep/96 Tucuman        |Lab. Estructuras
Mecanica Computacional  |             Argentina      |Univ. Nac. de Tucuman
Mecom'96                |                            |CC 134 - Correo Central
                        |                            |4000 - Tucuman, Arg.
                        |                            |[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        |                            |Fax: (081) 24.13.38
X Jorn. Arg. de Hormigon|7-12/Oct/'96 Buenos Aires,  |Asoc. Arg. del Hormigon
Pretensado              |             Argentina      |Pretensado
XV Jorn. Arg. de Ing.   |                            |San Martin 1137
Estructural             |                            |(1004) Buenos Aires
                        |                            |Argentina
First International     |30/Oct-1/Nov/'96,           |Aristotle Univ.
Conference EARTHQUAKE   |     Thessaloniki, Greece   |Thessaloniki
RESISTANT ENGINEERING   |                            |
STRUCTURES 96           |                            |
CMEM 97                 |21-23/Jul/97  Rhodes, Greece|Univ. of Naples &
8th Int. Conf.          |                            |Univ. of Thessaloniki
Computational Methods   |                            |
and Experimental        |                            |
Measuerements           |                            |
STREMAH 97              |25-27/Jul/97  San Sebastian,|Wessex Institute of
Fifth International     |                 Espa#a     |Technology
Conference in Structural|                            |
Studies, Repairs and    |                            |
Maintenance of          |                            |
Historical Buildings    |                            |
WCCM IV                 |29/Jun-2/Jul 1998           |AMCA
Fourth World Congress   |  Buenos Aires, Argentina   |Guemes 3450
on Computational        |                            |3000 - Santa Fe
Mechanics               |                            |Tel:54-42-55.66.73
                        |                            |Fax:54-42-55.09.44
                        |            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        |            |http://venus.unl.edu.ar/bsas98web.html


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