[NotiAMCA] International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics

2008-06-06 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Important Dates: 21 Nov 08 -- Abstract Submission Deadline 3 Feb 09 -- Notice of acceptance 22-24 Jun 09 -- 2009 IFASD Conference Dear Colleague, We invite you to participate in the 2009 International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Struct

[NotiAMCA] Concurso posdoctorado en Universidad de Santiago de Chile

2008-06-09 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Se llama a concurso de presentación de antecedentes para realizar un postdoctorado en el tema: “Modelación del comportamiento mecánico de arterias” que corresponde al proyecto que la académica Marcela Cruchaga ha presentado al Programa de Contratación de Postdoctorados y que ha sido financiado.

[NotiAMCA] New deadline full-length papers ENIEF 2008: July 20

2008-06-10 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
(Please find English version below) La fecha para presentación del artículo completo para ENIEF 2008 ha sido extendida hasta el 20 de JULIO de 2008. La página web para la gestión científica del congreso es: http://www.cimec.org.ar/enief2008. Desde allí, tendrá acceso a información variada s

[NotiAMCA] Postdoctoral research position at Geosciences Montpellier

2008-06-13 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Postdoctoral research position (24 months) at Geosciences Montpellier Position description 24 months postdoctoral research position funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France) project "CrystalTex: In situ observation of texture evolution during recrystallization and phase transition

[NotiAMCA] ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences 2009 - Announcements

2008-06-13 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
KomPlasTech 2009 Computer Methods in Materials Technology January 11-14, 2009 Krynica-Zdrój, Poland Important! Deadline for abstract submission is June 30, 2008 Further information available on www.komplastech.agh.edu.pl 2nd International Conference on Numerical Methods in Tunnelling E

[NotiAMCA] Seminario del IMAL viernes 20/6

2008-06-17 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Seminario del IMAL "Carlos Segovia Fernandez" 20 de junio, 15:30hs: Ricardo H. Nochetto (Universidad de Maryland, EE.UU.) Titulo: "Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Electrowetting on Dielectric with Contact Line Pinning" Resumen: Electrowetting on dielectric (EWOD) refers to a parallel-plate

[NotiAMCA] Conferencia del Prof. Marcelo Epstein en IMATEC

2008-06-23 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
El viernes 27/6 a las 17:30hs el IMATEC desarrollará un seminario en el que participará el Prof. Marcelo Epstein de la U. of Calgary, Canada. Tema a desarrollar por el Prof. Epstein: . GEOMETRIA, INHOMOGENEIDAD Y EVOLUCION MATERIAL Se dará una introducción general a la teoría geométrica de las dist

[NotiAMCA] [Seminario del IMAL "Carlos Segovia Fernandez"] charla viernes 27/6

2008-06-23 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Seminario del IMAL "Carlos Segovia Fernandez" 27 de junio, 15:30hs: Eduardo Garau (IMAL - UNL) Titulo: "Aproximación numérica de problemas de autovalores mediante métodos de elementos finitos adaptativos" Resumen: Se plantea un algoritmo adaptativo usual de métodos de elementos finitos para apro

[NotiAMCA] pos-doctoral research positions

2008-06-24 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
The Associate Laboratory in Energy, Transports and Aeronautics (LAETA) ( http://www.idmec.ist.utl.pt/laeta/index.html) offers 10 pos-doctoral research positions in the fields:   1 position at IDMEC/IST-1: Modeling and Structural Optimization of Dampe

[NotiAMCA] Particles 2009 International Conference

2008-06-24 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Particles 2009 International Conference on Particle-Based Methods Fundamentals and Applications   25-27 November 2009, Barcelona, Spain   PARTICLES 2009 will address both  the fundamental basis and the applicability of state of the art particle-based computational methods that can be eff

[NotiAMCA] PARENG2009: Call for Papers: Pecs, Hungary

2008-07-02 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
The First International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for Engineering venue: Pécs, Hungary date: 6-8 April 2009 Please note that the call for papers for the above conferences closes on the 10th July 2008 and abstracts may be submitted via the conference website: http://w

[NotiAMCA] Charla de Mecánica Computacional

2008-07-11 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Estimados, El Jueves 31 de Julio a las 17 hs en el Salón del Consejo de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UBA (Paseo Colón 850 PB, Buenos Aires) el Prof. Raúl Radovitzky (Depto. de Aeronáutica y Astronáutica de MIT) (http://web.mit.edu/aeroastro/people/radovitzky/) disertará sobre: 'Modelado en


2008-07-11 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

[NotiAMCA] 1st International Conference on Material Modelling

2008-07-24 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
1st Announcement 1st International Conference on Material Modelling        September 15th - 17th, 2009        Dortmund, Germany Scientific Objectives During the last decades material modelling has become a field of central scientific importance. Although there exist many workshops, meetings, co

[NotiAMCA] WCSMO8 -Abstract Submission

2008-07-24 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague: The Abstract submission for the 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization is now open. For complete and up-to-date information, please visit the congress web site: http://www.wcsmo8.org Your participation is welcom

[NotiAMCA] Seminário sobre Incertezas e Modelagem Estocástica

2008-07-24 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Seminário sobre Incertezas e Modelagem Estocástica PUC-Rio

[NotiAMCA] postdoc opening

2008-08-04 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague, I would greatly appreciate if you could forward the following position announcement to anyone who might be interested. ___ Postdoctoral position at University of Cambridge A postdoctoral research associate position is available starting October 1st at the

[NotiAMCA] Segundo ENEBI - Florianópolis

2008-08-06 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Prezado colega, Gostariamos de chamar sua atenção para a primeira chamada para o Segundo Encontro Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomecânica, na página www.enebi2009.ufsc.br. O evento deverá se realizar em Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, de 6 a 8 de maio de 2009, e estaremos recebendo resumos dos ar

[NotiAMCA] CURSO POSGRADO " Métodos Numéric os Avanzados"

2008-08-07 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
MAGISTER EN MÉTODOS NUMÉRICOS Y COMPUTACIONALES EN INGENIERÍA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS Y TECNOLOGÍA Universidad Nacional de Tucumán Curso de Posgrado: Métodos Numéricos Avanzados (60 horas) Disertante: Dr. Ing. Jorge E. Gatica Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Cleveland State

[NotiAMCA] XXII Encontro da SOBRAC: Acustica e vibracoes em ambientes de trabalho

2008-08-08 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Prezado Colega, Gostaria convida-lo para participar do XXII Encontro da SOBRAC. DATA DE REALIZACAO: 26 a 29 de novembro de 2008. LOCAL: CREA - Belo Horizonte-MG NOVA DATA PARA SUBMISSAO de RESUMOS: 20 de agosto de 2008. Envio de artigo técnico: ate 20 de setembro de 2008 Maiores informacoes no

[NotiAMCA] Post doctorado LNCC

2008-08-13 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Posición de Post Doctorado en el Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica (LNCC/MCT – www.lncc.br) para actuar dentro del grupo HeMoLab (www.lncc.br/prjhemo) en las siguientes áreas: *      Modelado del sistema cardiovascular. *      Procesamiento de imágenes médicas incluyendo segmentació,

[NotiAMCA] Postulaciones para organizacion de Congresos

2008-08-14 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
La Asociacion Argentina de Mecánica Computacional (AMCA) llama a la presentación de candidaturas para la organización de su congreso anual 2009. Los grupos interesados pueden ponerse en contacto con la secretaria de AMCA ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), a los efectos de recibir el formato de la presentación.


2008-08-21 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
DUODÉCIMO ENCUENTRO DE LOS USUARIOS ARGENTINOS DEL SISTEMA GTSTRUDL 26 Agosto 2008 Local: Anfiteatro 3- Facultad de Ingenieria, Dto. de Construcciones y Estructuras Las Heras 2214 , Buenos Aires PROGRAMA DE LAS PRESENTACIONS 18:00h Registro de los partic

[NotiAMCA] NONLINEAR F.E. ANALYSIS Paris-France Dec. 8-12.2008, by T.J.R.Hughes & T.Belytschko

2008-08-21 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Paris-France Dec. 8-12.2008, by T.J.R.Hughes & T.Belytschko COURSE OBJECTIVES The purpose of this course is to provide engineers, scientists, and researchers with a critical survey of the state-of-the-art of finite element methods in solids, structures, and fluid

[NotiAMCA] Parallel & Scientific Comput. - Post-doc and PhD student positions open at Umea University, Sweden

2008-08-27 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Post-doc and PhD student positions in Parallel and Scientific Computing at Dept. of Computing Science and HPC2N, Umea University, Sweden - We seek outstan

[NotiAMCA] Seminario del prof. Manolis Papadrakakis

2008-09-01 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Estimados, El jueves 23 de septiembre a las 17hs el Prof. Manolis Papadrakakis (http://users.civil.ntua.gr/papadrakakis/), una de las figuras más importantes del escenario internacional de la mecánica Computacional, desarrollará un seminario en el Salón del Consejo de la Facultad de Ingeniería de l

[NotiAMCA] Correccion: Seminario del prof. Manolis Papadrakakis

2008-09-01 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
CORRECCION: MARTES 23 de Setiembre! - Estimados, El MARTES 23 de septiembre a las 17hs el Prof. Manolis Papadrakakis (http://users.civil.ntua.gr/papadrakakis/), una de las figuras más importantes del esce

[NotiAMCA] ERES 2009 - Call for Papers from WIT

2008-09-04 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Call for Papers: Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures Newsletter ERES 2009 Seventh International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures 11 - 13 May

[NotiAMCA] Programa Jornada de  Mecánica Comp utacional 2008, Chile

2008-09-04 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Estimados: Les adjunto el programa de la Jornada de Mecánica Computacional 2008 a realizarse mañana viernes 5/9 en el Campus San Joaquín. Saludos, Diego Celentano PD: El programa y la ubicacion de las salas pu

[NotiAMCA] PARENG2009: Call for Papers: Pecs, Hungary

2008-09-16 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Victorio The First International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for Engineering venue: Pécs, Hungary date: 6-8 April 2009 Please note that the second call for papers for the above conferences closes on the 1st October 2008 and abstracts may be submitted via the conf

[NotiAMCA] Composites2009

2008-09-16 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear colleague, I would like to draw your attention to the ECCOMAS Composites 2009 conference. The deadline for abstracts is October 15th. Please see the leaflet. With best regards Raimund Rolfes === Leibniz Universität Hannover Institut für

[NotiAMCA] Becas de postgrado de la Universidad de Sydney

2008-09-16 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
-- Mensaje reenviado -- Asunto: Becas de postgrado de la Universidad de Sydney Fecha: Mar 16 Sep 2008 De: Comunicación Institucional - Area Prensa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED] La

[NotiAMCA] ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences 2009

2008-09-18 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague, You will find below the announcement of upcoming international conferences organized in the frame of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences 2009 series. The complete list is posted on: http://www.cimne.com/eccomas/html/link3.htm 18th International Conference on Computer Methods

[NotiAMCA] Seminario del prof. Manolis Papadrakakis - ULTIMO Recordatorio

2008-09-22 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
-- Mensaje reenviado -- Asunto: Seminario del prof. Manolis Papadrakakis - ULTIMO Recordatorio Fecha: Sáb 20 Sep 2008 De: "Eduardo Dvorkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Para: "Eduardo Dvorkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Estimados, El martes 23 de septiembre a las 17hs el Prof. Manolis Papadrak

[NotiAMCA] Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures

2008-09-25 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear researcher, Number 3, Volume 5, of the Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures is now available for free download. Just inform your email address in the LAJSS webpage www.lajss.org to get access to the following articles: Neural network approach for failure analysis of rectangula

[NotiAMCA] Becas para Estudiantes ENIEF 2008

2008-09-26 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Becas para Estudiantes El Comite Organizador de ENIEF 2008 ofrece becas para facilitar la participacion en el ENIEF 2008 de estudiantes no graduados en los ultimos anos de su carrera. Deberan encontrarse cursando carreras de ingenieria (en cualquier orientacion), o licenciaturas de fisica o Matema

[NotiAMCA] OPTI 2009 - Optimum Design of Structures and Materials in Engineering

2008-10-01 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Desde: 08-06-2009 Hasta: 10-06-2009 Lugar: Algarve, Portugal     OPTI 2009 - Eleventh International Conference on Optimum Design of Structures and Materials in Engineering *Organised By:* Wessex Institute of Technology, Uk & University La Coruna,

[NotiAMCA] Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en In geniería 2009

2008-10-01 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería 2009 29 Junio - 2 Julio 2009, Barcelona   El Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería será el foro que recopile los trabajos científicos y técnicos más relevantes en relación con los métodos numéricos y la mecánica computacional, así como sus aplica

[NotiAMCA] ICCM-17 17th Int. Conf. on Composite Materials

2008-10-01 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Desde: 27-07-2009 Hasta: 31-07-2009 Lugar: Edinburgh, UK ICCM-17 17th International Conference on Composite Materials 27 Jul 2009 - 31 Jul 2009, Edinburgh International Convention Centre (EICC), Edinburgh, UK Organised by IOM Communications Ltd on behalf of The British Composites Society, a di

[NotiAMCA] [Abmec-l] Brazil AFOSR Workshop

2008-10-07 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Prezados Colegas, Anexo divulgação do Brazil AFOSR Workshop e chamada de trabalhos para este evento. Atenciosamente, Paulo Sollero FEM / UNICAMP Brazil AFOSR Workshop Com o tema "Mecânica Estrutural Avançada e Matemática Computacional", o Escritório de Pesquisa Científica da Força Aére

[NotiAMCA] Convocatoria a Asamblea de AMCA

2008-10-15 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
orden del día será el siguiente: 1) Informe del Presidente 2) Informe sobre la organización de ENIEF 2008 3) Realización de próximos congresos 4) Premios AMCA 5) Cuotas societarias AMCA y IACM 6) Varios Esperando contar con su presencia, reciba un cordial saludo. Victorio Sonzogni Presidente

[NotiAMCA] ECCOMAS Upcoming Conferences

2008-10-20 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague, You will find below updated information about some upcoming International Conferences organized in the frame of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences 2009 series. The complete list is posted on: http://www.cimne.com/eccomas/html/link3.htm IV International Conference on Adaptive Modeling

[NotiAMCA] SEECCM2009 Call for papers

2008-10-20 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague, We would like to announce that the "Call for Papers" for SEECCM2009 is now open and closes on November 30, 2008.   Abstracts may be submitted, in accordance with the Instructions, via the Conference Website   www.seeccm2009.org Best regards, Manolis Papadrakakis an

[NotiAMCA] Posdoc Positions in Glacier and Earth crust Mechanics at The University of Texas at Austin

2008-10-21 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Job Description Two post-doctoral positions are available to investigate glacier and Earth crust mechanics. The positions are associated with the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES) and the Institute for Geophysics, Jackson School of Geosciences of the University of Texas a

[NotiAMCA] ESMC2009 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference 2nd Announcement

2008-10-29 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleagues We invite you to participate in the 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference ( ESMC2009), to be held at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, under the auspices of European Mechanics Society ( EUROMECH), during

[NotiAMCA] Invitacion AR-SIAM - ASAMACI

2008-10-29 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Estimados Victorio y Mario: a pesar de que seguramente ya la habrán recibido por otro lado, les envío una invitación muy especial a toda la gente del CIMEC y del AMCA en general para participar de la Reunión Anual de AR-SIAM y de la constitución de la Asociación Argentina de Matemática Aplicada, C


2008-11-14 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague, The Symposium (to be held at ICCES09, 8-13 April 2009 in Phuket, Thailand) will gather prominent researchers with common interests in computational mathematics and computational mechanics from all over the world. It is expected that researchers from different fields will exchan

[NotiAMCA] Multiscale Science Based-Modeling and Simulation and Experimental Validation on Enabling Materials

2008-11-14 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleagues: On behalf of the NSF Summer Institute on Nanomechanics, Nanomaterials, and Micro/Nanomanufacturing, I am pleased to announce a new short course entitled "Multiscale Science Based-Modeling and Simulation and Experimental Validation on Enabling Materials", to be offered from May 27

[NotiAMCA] Seminario de Víctor Calo : Cancelad o

2008-11-17 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Deseamos comunicarle que el Seminario del Dr. V. Calo programado para el 26 de noviembre ha sido cancelado. --- Sent: Viernes, 14 de Noviembre de 2008 14:57 To: notiamca@venus.santafe-conicet.gov.ar Subject: [NotiAMCA] Seminario de Mecánica Computacional

[NotiAMCA] ECCOMAS Thematic Event - SEDUREC 2009

2008-11-19 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
SEDUREC 2009 Int. Symp. On Safety and Durability of Materials and Constructions 25-27 february Barcelona, Spain Introduction SEDUREC 2009 will address the advances in both the computational methods and the experimental techniques for the analysis of the safety and durability of materials an

[NotiAMCA] RCEM 2009 : 6th Symp. on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics

2008-11-24 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
6th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, RCEM 2009. September 21 - 25, 2009 Santa Fe, Argentina www.unl.edu.ar/rcem2009 Welcome to RCEM2009 The International Association on Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IARH) and its Latin American Division (LAD), in association with

[NotiAMCA] CC2009 & CSC2009 Conferences: Madeira: Call for Papers

2008-11-24 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
CC2009: The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing date: 1-4 September 2009 & CSC2009: The First International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Please note that the call for papers

[NotiAMCA] Materials Characterisation 2009: Call for Papers from WIT

2008-11-24 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Materials Characterisation 2009 - Fourth International Conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in Materials Characterisation Organised By: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK & University of New Mexico, USA Sponsored By: WIT Transactions o

[NotiAMCA] Programa de Verão 2009 - LNCC, Bra sil

2008-11-24 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Programa de Verão 2009 Home Page: http://www.lncc.br E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] O Programa de Verão do LNCC é composto por mini-cursos, palestras, e outras atividades, como jornadas e encontros. O conteúdo do Programa é de caráter multidisciplinar e concentra-se em Matemática Aplicada e Comput

[NotiAMCA] Deadline for SEECCM 2009 and COMPDYN 2009

2008-11-25 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague, This is a kind reminder that the deadline (November 30^th ) for receiving a one page abstract of your presentation at ECCOMAS-IACM Special Interest Conference: *2^nd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics (http://www.seeccm2009.org/) is approaching. We

[NotiAMCA] Primer Encuentro de Matemática Discre ta

2008-11-25 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
El I Encuentro de Matemática Discreta se llevara a cabo en Salta entre el 12 y el 14 de marzo de 2009, en ocasión del 80 cumpleaños del Dr. Hibbard. En el link: http://venus.ceride.gov.ar/twiki/pub/AMCA/RepositorioAMCA/ProgramaMatematicaDiscreta.pdf se halla el Primer Anuncio. Cordiales sal

[NotiAMCA] ECMS2009 Madrid June 9-12, 2009

2008-11-25 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Professionals and Research Students working in areas involving simulation and its applications, we are inviting you to join us for our 23rd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation ECMS 2009, which will be held June 9-12th in Madrid, Spain and hosted by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlo

[NotiAMCA] EECI Graduate School on Control: programme, registration, support

2008-11-25 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Becas para difusion, otra vez, si les parece pertinente. Detalles de la escuela en http://venus.ceride.gov.ar/twiki/pub/AMCA/RepositorioAMCA/EECI-Modules-2009.pdf Sergio Mensaje original Asunto: Fwd: EECI Graduate School on Control: prog

[NotiAMCA] Workshop on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for HEC (P2S2)

2008-11-26 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
CALL FOR PAPERS === Second International Workshop on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-end Computing (P2S2) Sept. 22nd, 2009 To be held in conjunction with ICPP-09: The 38th International Conference on Parallel Processing, Sept. 22-25, 2009, Vienna, Austria

[NotiAMCA] Bolsa PNPD para projeto em Conformaç ão de Metais

2008-11-26 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
O Depto. de Eng. Mecânica da UFPE está selecionando recém-doutor para participar do projeto de pesquisa intitulado: Desenvolvimento de Software para Análise de Processos de Conformação de Metais Utilizando a Teoria Convencional do Método de Elementos Finitos e a Teoria de Elementos Finitos Generali

[NotiAMCA] Convite para organizacão de mini-simp ósio no PACAM XI.

2008-11-27 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Prezado colega, Em nome da Academia Americana de Mecânica (AAM), convido-lhe para submeter proposta de mini-simpósio ao 11º Congresso Pan-Americano de Mecânica Aplicada - PACAM XI (www.set.eesc.usp.br/pacam2010/), o qual será realizado no Parque Tecnológico de Itaipu (PTI) no período de 4 a 8 de

[NotiAMCA] Vacantes Geotecnia Universidad Católi ca de Chile

2008-11-27 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
-- Mensaje reenviado -- Asunto: Vacantes Geotecnia Universidad Católica de Chile Fecha: Mié 26 Nov 2008 De: José Luis Almazan Campillay Para: "'Victorio Sonzogni'" Estimado Victorio, En primer lugar felicitarte por el último Congreso Enief, me encantó, po

[NotiAMCA] III Taller Argentino de Matemática Ap licada, Computación Científica e Ingeniería

2008-12-01 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
-- Mensaje reenviado -- Asunto: III Taller Argentino de Matemática Aplicada, Computación Científica e Ingeniería Fecha: Jue 20 Nov 2008 De: "Argentinean Section of SIAM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Para: undisclosed-recipients:; --

[NotiAMCA] BCAM: International Call for researchers' positions

2008-12-03 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
2-12-2008 -- BCAM: International Call for researchers' positions Dear friend and colleague, BCAM the newly created Basque Center for Applied Mathematics has just opened an International Call, with the aim of appointing RESEARCHERS on a temporary or permanent basis, in order to carry out resear

[NotiAMCA] Seminario de Mecánica Computacional. Univ. Buenos Aires

2008-12-09 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
El Prof. Adrián Lew de Stanford University desarrollará un seminario el Lunes 15 de diciembre a las 17.30 hs en el Salón del Consejo de la FIUBA (Paseo Colón 850  planta Baja, Buenos Aires, Argentina) … Resumen: . Some Applications of Discontinuous Galerkin methods in Solid Mechanics Discontinuou

[NotiAMCA] Posicion post-grado o post-doc en USA

2008-12-09 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Posición disponible para estudiante de post-grado o post-doc en proyectos de investigación relacionados con el desarrollo del corazón durante la gestación y aparición de malformaciones congénitas.  Los proyectos incluyen simulación numérica de flujo sanguíneo, y desarrollo e implementación de a

[NotiAMCA] LAJSS, index in SCOPUS and Web of Science, is out

2008-12-12 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear colleagues, Number 4, Volume 5, of the Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, LAJSS, is now out and available for free download in www.lajss.org. This issue present four interesting articles (see below) on chaotic vibration, crashworthiness and composites, with authors from Ind

[NotiAMCA] Charla de G. Buscaglia en la UADE, Buenos Aires.

2008-12-15 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
  Título:           Acoplamiento de modelos de distinta dimensionalidad en fluidodinámica computacional Tema:           ¿Cómo resolver en detalle en dos o tres dimensiones espaciales la parte del sistema que reviste mayor interés y utilizar un modelo unidimensional más simple  para el resto del

[NotiAMCA] Seminario del IMAL "Carlos Segovia Fernandez" : charla extraordinaria

2008-12-22 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Seminario del IMAL "Carlos Segovia Fernandez" Lunes 29/12, 15:30hs. Sebastián Pauletti, University of Maryland (EEUU) Título: Parametric Adaptive Finite Elements for Geometric Equations and Fluid-Membrane Interaction (la charla será en castellano) Sobre un trabajo en colaboración con: Andrea

[NotiAMCA] 8-EIPAC-09

2008-12-29 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
8-EIPAC-09 Encuentro de Investigadores y Profesionales Argentinos de la Construcción 1 al 4 de Septiembre 2009 Mendoza, Argentina El IMERIS, Instituto de Mecánica Estructural y Riesgo Sísmico, de la Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, lo invita a usted a as

[NotiAMCA] CADIR : Congreso Argentino de Ingenier ía Rural

2008-12-29 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Estimados Colegas El motivo de este mail es para comunicarles que el Congreso Argentino de Ingeniería Rural (CADIR) se va a realizar en conjunto con la, International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR), Section V (“Management, Ergonomics and Systems Engineering”) del 1 al 4 de septiembr

[NotiAMCA] ESMC2009 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference 3rd Announcement

2009-01-14 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
http://www.dem.ist.utl.pt/esmc2009/Documents/ESMC2009_2nd_Announcement.pdf Dear Colleagues We invite you to participate in the 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference ( ESMC2009), submit your abstract to any of the General Sessions or to contact the mini-symp

[NotiAMCA] III Conferência Nacional em Mecânic a dos Fluidos, Termodinâmica e Energia no IPB

2009-01-14 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
III Conferência Nacional em Mecânica dos Fluidos, Termodinâmica e Energia no IPB Ex.mo. Sr. Prof. / Investigador, Vimos por este meio convidá-lo para participar na MEFTE – BRAGANÇA 09 (III Conferência Nacional em Mecânica dos Fluidos, Termodinâmica e Energia), que irá decorrer em 17 e 18 de

[NotiAMCA] IFIP 2009 : 24th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization

2009-01-16 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
The 24th IFIP TC7 conference will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina in July 27-31, 2009 IFIP, the International Federation for Information Processing: *is the leading multinational, apolitical organization in Information & Communications Technologies and Sciences. *is

[NotiAMCA] ParCFD 2009 : Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics

2009-01-22 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Desde: 18-05-2009 Hasta: 22-05-2009 Lugar: Moffett Field, California, USA 21st International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (ParCFD) Moffett Field, California, May 18-22, 2009 http://www.parcfd.org/2009/ To: Members of the Parallel Computing and CFD Communities Dear Com

[NotiAMCA] Fifth M.I.T. Conf. on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics -- Focus: Advances in CFD; June 17-19, 2009

2009-01-22 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague, Happy New Year! Please recall that the One-page Abstracts for presentations are due February 15, 2009; for details see http://www.fifthmitconference.org/ We are looking forward to seeing you at the Conference! Best regards, KJ Bathe Professor K.J. Bathe, Ph.D., D.Sc., Dr.-Ing.

[NotiAMCA] Optimum Design in Engineering 2009: Call for Papers from WIT

2009-01-22 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
OPTI 2009 - Eleventh International Conference on Optimum Design of Structures and Materials in Engineering *Organised By:* Wessex Institute of Technology, Uk & University La Coruna, Spain *Sponsored By:* WIT Transactions on the Built Environment

[NotiAMCA] Mini-symposium at the 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics

2009-01-22 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague, As part of the 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics to be held in Columbus, OH, July 16-19 2009, we are organizing a mini-symposium entitled: New Trends in Thin Structures A brief description of the MS can be found at the end of this message and also at

[NotiAMCA] Engineering Optimization at EURO - Bonn 2009

2009-01-23 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleagues, I would like to invite engineers, applied mathematicians and computer scientists working on research, development and practical application of Engineering Optimization to the sessions of the stream: "Engineering Optimization" EURO XXIII, 23rd European Conference on Operatio

[NotiAMCA] XFEM2009 : Extended Finite Element Methods

2009-01-23 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Desde: 28-09-2009 Hasta: 30-09-2009 Lugar: Aachen, Germany Extended Finite Element Methods - Recent developments and applications (XFEM2009) 28-30 September 2009, Aachen, Germany Deadline for presenting a one-page abstract: February 15, 2009 http://www.xfem2009.rwth-aaachen.de -<*>-<*>--

[NotiAMCA] USNCCM 10 Session: "New Advances in Topology Optimization"

2009-01-27 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Vitorio, Prof. Paulino (UIUC), Prof. Silva (USP), and myself (U of Liege) are co-organizing a minisymposium (MS) on ‘New Advances in Topology Optimization’ as part of the 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, which will be held from 16-19 July, 2009 in Columbus, Ohio. In view

[NotiAMCA] ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences 2009 - Updated Information

2009-01-27 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague, You will find below updated information about some upcoming International Conferences organized in the frame of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences 2009 series. The complete list is posted on: http://www.cimne.com/eccomas/html/link3.htm EUROGEN 2009 - Evolutionary and Deterministic M

[NotiAMCA] Madeira Conf Spec Session on " Domain Decomposition Methods"

2009-01-29 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
For your information there will be a special session on Algorithms Based on Domain Decomposition Methods, organised by Dr J. Kruis, Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic at CC2009 The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing 1-4 Se

[NotiAMCA] Call for Papers: HPC Symposium 2009

2009-01-29 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Call for Papers +==+ High-Performance Computing Symposium 2009 (HPC2009) Mar del Plata, Argentina August 26-27, 2009 held as part of the 38th JAIIO – Argentine Multiconference on Informatics Mar del Plata, Argentina August 24-28,

[NotiAMCA] EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference: Extended Deadline

2009-01-29 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleagues, In face of the different requests for an extension of the deadline for the abstract submission to the 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference ( ESMC2009), we inform you that the new deadline is: The NEW abstract submission deadline is February

[NotiAMCA] Particles 2009 International Conference

2009-02-03 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Particles 2009 International Conference on Particle-Based Methods Fundamentals and Applications 25-27 November 2009, Barcelona, Spain PARTICLES 2009 will address both the fundamental basis and the applicability of state of the art particle-based computational methods that can be eff


2009-02-10 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague, Following the success of the previous editions of the European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics held in Stuttgart (1994), Athens (1998), Swansea (2001) and Egmond aan Zee (2006), it is our pleasure to cordially invite you to participate in the Fifth European Conferen

[NotiAMCA] Hands-On Research in Complex Systems School

2009-02-16 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Fecha: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 08:39:27 -0500 De: guillermo marshall Asunto: Fwd: request from Harry Swinney Para: sonzo...@intec.unl.edu.ar Victorio, Por favor, podrias enviar este mensaje a toda la comunidad computacional, es muy importante, y podria haber gente interesada. Harry Swinney

[NotiAMCA] Fwd: [Abmec-l] Solvers

2009-02-17 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
-- Mensaje reenviado -- Asunto: [Abmec-l] Solvers Fecha: Lun 16 Feb 2009 De: r...@lncc.br Para: abme...@dees.ufmg.br, cp...@lists.lncc.br, cm...@lists.lncc.br Caros Os links abaixo podem ser uteis Sairam na NA Digest Sunday, February 15, 2009 Volume 08 : Issue 07 Abrac

[NotiAMCA] Postdoctoral Fellow Positions Available

2009-02-17 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Job Title: Post-Doctoral Fellow Application Deadline: The deadline for applications is April 15, 2009 but applicants will be considered until the position is filled. Position Start Date: Flexible (Flexible around Fall 2009) Academic Field: Computational Mechanics: Modeling and Simulation of Gla


2009-02-17 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
-- Mensaje reenviado -- Asunto: ECCOMAS TC 2009 Fecha: Lun 16 Feb 2009 De: ecco...@cimne.upc.edu Para: sonzo...@intec.unl.edu.ar Dear Colleague, You will find below updated information about some upcoming International Conferences organized in the frame of the ECCOMAS

[NotiAMCA] ESMC2009 Mini-Symposium Invitation (2nd call - new deadline for abstract submission)

2009-02-17 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
From: Robertt Valente [mailto:robe...@ua.pt] Sent: Friday, 13 February, 2009 13:39 To: undisclosed-recipients: Subject: ESMC2009 Mini-Symposium Invitation (2nd call - new deadline for abstract submission) [Please accept our apologies for any cross-posting of this message.] Optimization Metho

[NotiAMCA] Multiscale Science Based-Modeling and Simulation and Experimental Validation on Enabling Materials

2009-02-20 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
From: Summer Institute [mailto:summerinstit...@mail.mech.northwestern.edu] Sent: Wednesday, 18 February, 2009 11:45 To: leofra...@aol.com Subject: Multiscale Science Based-Modeling and Simulation and Experimental Validation on Enabling Materials Dear Colleagues: On behalf of the NSF Summer

[NotiAMCA] Postdoctoral openings in combustion and aerosols research

2009-02-23 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear all, I've meant to send out my post-doc announcements for a while. Here they are... Could you circulate the email below and announcements (attached) to colleagues, friends, and coworkers? All the best, Fabrizio Re: Postdoctoral openings in combustion and aerosols research Dear Colleagu

[NotiAMCA] High Performance Computing in Pecs

2009-02-23 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Professor Sonzogni A Five Day Course for Engineering PhD Students & Research Assistants "HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTATIONS FOR ENGINEERING" 17th May - 22nd May 2009 Organised by: Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering, University of Pécs, Hungary Course Objectives: To provide an overview of the

[NotiAMCA] PACAM prazo terminando

2009-02-23 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Lembramo-lhe que a data limite para o envio de resumos ao PACAM XI está próxima: 02 de Marco de 2009. Você pode realizar a sua pré-inscrição e submissão de resumos na página www.set.eesc.usp.br/pacam2010/preregistration.php O PACAM XI (11o Congresso Pan-Americano de MecânicaAplicada) ocorrerá no P

[NotiAMCA] CC2009 Madeira Sept 2009: Final Call for Papers

2009-02-26 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Professor Sonzogni The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing venue: Funchal, Madeira, Portugal date: 1-4 September 2009 Please note that the final call for papers for the above conferences closes on the 28th February and abstracts may

[NotiAMCA] Anuncio IV International Symposium on Nonlinear PDEs & Free Boundary Problems

2009-03-02 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
-- Forwarded Message -- Subject: Anuncio IV International Symposium on Nonlinear PDEs & Free Boundary Problems Date: Saturday 28 February 2009 From: Argentinean Section of SIAM To: undisclosed-recipients: Estimados socios, se envía información sobre el IV International Symp

[NotiAMCA] Anuncio conferencia métodos de aproxi macion, diseño y control

2009-03-02 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
-- Forwarded Message -- Subject: Anuncio conferencia métodos de aproximacion, diseño y control Date: Saturday 28 February 2009 From: Argentinean Section of SIAM To: undisclosed-recipients: Estimados socios, se envía información sobre el III International Conference on Approxi

[NotiAMCA] Seminario del IMAL : "Analysis of Conforming Adaptive Finite Elements"

2009-03-02 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
-- Forwarded Message -- Subject: [Seminario del IMAL "Carlos Segovia Fernandez"] charla viernes 6/3 Date: Monday 02 March 2009 From: Pedro Morin To: seminario-i...@fiq.unl.edu.ar Seminario del IMAL "Carlos Segovia Fernandez" Viernes 6/3, 10:30hs: Kunibert G. Siebert (Universi

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