Repository: libcloud
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/trunk 98c4fe0a0 -> 42839c65e



Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: 7949ca3ac7ca70277157e15424e8aa1a11d953c6
Parents: f3c7474
Author: andy <>
Authored: Sun May 21 10:36:39 2017 -0700
Committer: andy <>
Committed: Sun May 21 10:36:39 2017 -0700

 libcloud/container/drivers/ | 153 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 153 insertions(+)
diff --git a/libcloud/container/drivers/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3faf009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/container/drivers/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+from import GoogleOAuth2Credential
+class GKENodeDriver(NodeDriver):
+    """
+    GCE Node Driver class.
+    This is the primary driver for interacting with Google Container Engine.  
+    contains all of the standard libcloud methods, plus additional ex_* methods
+    for more features.
+    Note that many methods allow either objects or strings (or lists of
+    objects/strings).  In most cases, passing strings instead of objects will
+    result in additional GKE API calls.
+    """
+    connectionCls = GKEConnection
+    api_name = 'google'
+    name = "Google Container Engine"
+    type = Provider.GKE
+    website = ''
+    # Google Compute Engine node states are mapped to Libcloud node states
+    # per the following dict. GCE does not have an actual 'stopped' state
+    # but instead uses a 'terminated' state to indicate the node exists
+    # but is not running. In order to better match libcloud, GCE maps this
+    # 'terminated' state to 'STOPPED'.
+    # Also, when a node is deleted from GCE, it no longer exists and instead
+    # will result in a ResourceNotFound error versus returning a placeholder
+    # node in a 'terminated' state.
+    # For more details, please see GCE's docs,
+    #
+        "PROVISIONING": NodeState.PENDING,
+        "STAGING": NodeState.PENDING,
+        "RUNNING": NodeState.RUNNING,
+        "STOPPING": NodeState.PENDING,
+        "TERMINATED": NodeState.STOPPED,
+        "UNKNOWN": NodeState.UNKNOWN
+    }
+    AUTH_URL = "";
+    SA_SCOPES_MAP = {
+        # list derived from 'gcloud compute instances create --help'
+        "bigquery": "bigquery",
+        "cloud-platform": "cloud-platform",
+        "compute-ro": "compute.readonly",
+        "compute-rw": "compute",
+        "datastore": "datastore",
+        "logging-write": "logging.write",
+        "monitoring": "monitoring",
+        "monitoring-write": "monitoring.write",
+        "service-control": "servicecontrol",
+        "service-management": "",
+        "sql": "sqlservice",
+        "sql-admin": "sqlservice.admin",
+        "storage-full": "devstorage.full_control",
+        "storage-ro": "devstorage.read_only",
+        "storage-rw": "devstorage.read_write",
+        "taskqueue": "taskqueue",
+        "useraccounts-ro": "cloud.useraccounts.readonly",
+        "useraccounts-rw": "cloud.useraccounts",
+        "userinfo-email": ""
+    }
+        "centos-cloud": ["centos"],
+        "coreos-cloud": ["coreos"],
+        "debian-cloud": ["debian", "backports"],
+        "gce-nvme": ["nvme-backports"],
+        "google-containers": ["container-vm"],
+        "opensuse-cloud": ["opensuse"],
+        "rhel-cloud": ["rhel"],
+        "suse-cloud": ["sles", "suse"],
+        "ubuntu-os-cloud": ["ubuntu"],
+        "windows-cloud": ["windows"],
+    }
+    def __init__(self, user_id, key=None, datacenter=None, project=None,
+                 auth_type=None, scopes=None, credential_file=None, **kwargs):
+        """
+        :param  user_id: The email address (for service accounts) or Client ID
+                         (for installed apps) to be used for authentication.
+        :type   user_id: ``str``
+        :param  key: The RSA Key (for service accounts) or file path containing
+                     key or Client Secret (for installed apps) to be used for
+                     authentication.
+        :type   key: ``str``
+        :keyword  datacenter: The name of the datacenter (zone) used for
+                              operations.
+        :type     datacenter: ``str``
+        :keyword  project: Your GCE project name. (required)
+        :type     project: ``str``
+        :keyword  auth_type: Accepted values are "SA" or "IA" or "GCE"
+                             ("Service Account" or "Installed Application" or
+                             "GCE" if libcloud is being used on a GCE instance
+                             with service account enabled).
+                             If not supplied, auth_type will be guessed based
+                             on value of user_id or if the code is being
+                             executed in a GCE instance.
+        :type     auth_type: ``str``
+        :keyword  scopes: List of authorization URLs. Default is empty and
+                          grants read/write to Compute, Storage, DNS.
+        :type     scopes: ``list``
+        :keyword  credential_file: Path to file for caching authentication
+                                   information used by GCEConnection.
+        :type     credential_file: ``str``
+        """
+        if not project:
+            raise ValueError('Project name must be specified using '
+                             '"project" keyword.')
+        self.auth_type = auth_type
+        self.project = project
+        self.scopes = scopes
+        self.credential_file = credential_file or \
+            GoogleOAuth2Credential.default_credential_file + '.' + self.project
+        super(GCENodeDriver, self).__init__(user_id, key, **kwargs)
+        # Cache Zone and Region information to reduce API calls and
+        # increase speed
+        self.base_path = '/%s/projects/%s' % (API_VERSION,
+                                                      self.project)
+        self.zone_list = self.ex_list_zones()
+        self.zone_dict = {}
+        for zone in self.zone_list:
+            self.zone_dict[] = zone
+        if datacenter:
+   = self.ex_get_zone(datacenter)
+        else:
+   = None
+        self.region_list = self.ex_list_regions()
+        self.region_dict = {}
+        for region in self.region_list:
+            self.region_dict[] = region
+        if
+            self.region = self._get_region_from_zone(
+        else:
+            self.region = None
+        # Volume details are looked up in this name-zone dict.
+        # It is populated if the volume name is not found or the dict is empty.
+        self._ex_volume_dict = {}

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