[GitHub] wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure.

2018-12-12 Thread GitBox
wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure. URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/issues/1708#issuecomment-446839175 Any update for this? @kkroy-zs If still don't have an update in next two weeks, I will remove the milestone.

[GitHub] wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure.

2018-09-30 Thread GitBox
wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure. URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/issues/1708#issuecomment-425723487 We definitely welcome all kinds of contributions. Consider priority and workloads. Let's make this work step by step.

[GitHub] wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure.

2018-09-27 Thread GitBox
wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure. URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/issues/1708#issuecomment-425119621 > Great work! In my own opinion, @kkroy-zs 's work is going to open up a new and important area for skywalking. I have

[GitHub] wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure.

2018-09-27 Thread GitBox
wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure. URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/issues/1708#issuecomment-424977824 When you are ready, post the draft here. Thanks. Interesting proposal.

[GitHub] wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure.

2018-09-26 Thread GitBox
wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure. URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/issues/1708#issuecomment-424756265 @liuhaoyang Do you have any metric suggestion? I have known you have some experiences about this.

[GitHub] wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure.

2018-09-26 Thread GitBox
wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure. URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/issues/1708#issuecomment-424708373 > I have reservations about using gRPC in javascript. We have done this before, but we have encountered compatibility

[GitHub] wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure.

2018-09-26 Thread GitBox
wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure. URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/issues/1708#issuecomment-424707858 For backend performance, read our document to get some idea 1. Our backend analysis based on OAL,

[GitHub] wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure.

2018-09-26 Thread GitBox
wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure. URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/issues/1708#issuecomment-424702752 FYI @liuhaoyang @terrymanu @terrymanu You may begin to think about database **Source** and **Metric Service** too. Count

[GitHub] wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure.

2018-09-26 Thread GitBox
wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure. URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/issues/1708#issuecomment-424702048 The first step, we need to design the **source** and **gRPC service** for browser side. @kkroy-zs Do you have something in

[GitHub] wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure.

2018-09-26 Thread GitBox
wu-sheng commented on issue #1708: Design for web performance's data structure. URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/issues/1708#issuecomment-424701318 Wow!! This is a very big forward step for SkyWalking. @peng-yongsheng @hanahmily @liuhaoyang @ascrutae I invite all of you