Hey *,

I'm currently using gmail for my mail and trying to port its behaviour
to notmuch. I had a go at writing a python script to convert my gmails
to notmuch tag commands along the lines of Carl's post [0]. It uses
the Gmail labs feature to export filters (to an XML file), and then
goes from XML stanzas like:

                <category term='filter'></category>
                <title>Mail Filter</title>
                <apps:property name='from' value='updates at linkedin.com'/>
                <apps:property name='label' value='flyers'/>
                <apps:property name='shouldArchive' value='true'/>

(which says to tag messages from updates at linked.com with "flyers" and
skip the inbox) into a notmuch command like:

    notmuch tag -inbox +flyers -- from:updates at linkedin.com '(' not
tag:flyers or tag:inbox ')'

The bit in brackets makes sure it doesn't tag messages that already
have exactly the right tags -- this coule probably be implied in any
invocation of notmuch tag really...

Anyway, attached. It converts gmail's list: match to a notmuch to:
match, and just gives up on deliveredto: matches. But maybe someone
else finds it useful/interesting too :)


[0] id:87r5o8stbj.fsf at yoom.home.cworth.org

Anthony Towns <aj at erisian.com.au>
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