[David Bremner]
> Hi Erik; 
> Sorry this is a bit formulaic, but:
> Can you tell us your locale, and maybe provide a test message, so that
> we can try an duplicate the problem? Also can you try with a minimal
> .emacs, just enough to load notmuch.

I see the same problem with Norwegian characters.  The UTF-8 bytes are
shown as ISO-8859 characters and not as the characters I expect.  To
allow you to test this, I added the norwegian characters in the
subject.  I use this on a machine with LC_CTYPE=nb_NO and 'locale
charmap' returning ISO-8859-1.

Here is another copy: æøåÆØÅ

This should show 3 lower case letters and 3 upper case letters, one
'ae' combination, one o with a slash from lower left to upper right,
and finally the letter a with a small ring above it.

(Hm, now I hope the characters are encoded as UTF-8.  Time will
tell. :)

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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