Hi everyone!

I have just tagged alot v0.5; You can get a tarball here [0].

This release contains only minor usability improvements but lots of internal
cleanups. We are making good progress on porting alot to python 3, finally
introduced a testing suite and now make use of build-testing on travis.ci and
(partly automated) code reviews for pull requests on github.

A big thanks goes to Lucas Hoffmann (lucc) and Dylan Baker (dcbaker),
who contributed most of this work.

Usage updates since v0.4:
* save command prompt, recipient and sender history across program restarts
* new config option: "handle_mouse" to enable interpretation of mouse events
* prompt for unsent messages before closing
* enable variable interpolation in config file
* Add encryption to CC addresses
* Add bufferlist, tablist and pyshell subcommands to the command line interface
* new hook: "loop_hook", that runs periodically
* new config option: "periodic_hook_frequency" to adjust how often to fire 

As usual, a quick hall of fame of recent contributors:
$ git shortlog -s -n 0.4...
    86  Lucas Hoffmann
    76  Dylan Baker
    54  Patrick Totzke
     4  Ian Denhardt
     2  Jody Foo
     1  Atilla Mas
     1  Christian Geier
     1  Hamish Downer
     1  Pol Van Aubel
     1  Ruben Pollan
     1  Samantha Marshall

New bug reports, feature or pull requests via the projects github page [1]
are always welcome.


[0]: https://github.com/pazz/alot/tarball/0.5
[1]: https://github.com/pazz/alot
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