In addition to that bugfix, as Xorg 1.19 is being released we also
need to release something with the new ABI support. I will be
attempting to push a release in the next day or two unless someone
beats me to it (or objects). I've never done a release before, so
someone else beating me to it is definitely the preferred option.



On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 6:35 AM, Thomas Duellmann <> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I would like to ask whether there will be new official version of
> nouveau because I currently have to build my own nouveau package to have
> a working multi-screen environment. This is due to some fixes that were
> applied after the 1.0.12 release.
> As I guess that I am not the only one that uses a distribution that
> relies on the (most recent) official releases rather than more or less
> randomly selected git commits for creating packages.
> I just wanted to raise this question and would appreciate it, if I could
> get back to official package releases rather than custom-built ones.
> Thank you for your attention.
> Best regards
> Thomas
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