
I know  there is spanning_tree  on Destiny,

But I'd like to use spanning_tree component on NOX zaku, 

and I can't operate spanning_tree component on zaku. and I can see error message.

In order to use the spanning_tree, should I use destiny ?

is there a any way to use spanning_tree on zaku ?

any suggestion ? 

Thanks !

00072|nox|ERR:Cannot change the state of 'spanning_tree' to INSTALLED:

'spanning_tree' ran into an error: 

cannot import a Python module 'nox.netapps.spanning_tree.spanning_tree':

Traceback (most recent call last):

 File "./nox/netapps/spanning_tree/spanning_tree.py", line 27, in <module>

   from nox.coreapps.messenger.pyjsonmsgevent import JSONMsg_event

ImportError: No module named pyjsonmsgevent

Best Regards,
Min-Hyup KANG

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