NPSO Community of Practice Call
March 10

Hi all: This is a reminder that our NPSO Community of
Practice Teleconference will be next week on Thursday March 10.

Topic: New NPSO Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) products-
Indicator 14 SLDS Data Dictionary and SLDS FAQ

NPSO staff will be providing information related to Indicator 14 and
Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems.  Two new documents created by the NPSO
and recently approved by OSEP will be presented and  discussed.  The
products are a new FAQ about Indicator 14 and SLDS and a new Indicator 14
Data Dictionary NPSO.  The Indicator 14 Data Dictionary  is a new NPSO
product  that identifies and defines the student level data elements that
are needed if states want to use their SLDS (extant data) to report
indicator 14.  

During the call we will be surveying states to see what is currently being
done with Indicator 14 data in their state.  Specifically if the
collected data is being linked back to the students other data within the
k-12 data system (SLDS) within your state.  Please think about this question
and be prepared to share what is happening in your state on the call. One of
our goals in the coming years is to help states to link their
post-school outcomes data back to their states data system.

When: March 10, 2011


8:00-9:00 a.m. HI
10:00-11:00 a.m. AK
11:00-12:00 p.m. PT
12:00-1:00 p.m. MT
1:00-2:00 p.m. CT
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET

To access the call:   Dial 1-866-200-5786.

You will be prompted for a room number: 886-2788#. You must enter the # key
at the end

Looking forward to your participation.

Ryan Kellems, Ph.D.
Research Associate
National Post-School Outcomes Center
Secondary Special Education & Transition
University of Oregon
(541) 346-3218

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