[ns] Please help me: A problem when I get Instance of Routing Agent AODV????

2007-07-11 Thread etudiante usthb
HELLO, I want to reach a memeber variable in aodv to modify in Mac. For this reason I get instance of Routing Agent AODV as explain in website Veiled how I recovered this variable: In file mac_802-11.h I added: #include aodv/aodv.h In file mac_802-11.cc I added: void

[ns] Please help me: A problem when I get Instance of Routing Agent AODV????

2007-07-11 Thread etudiante usthb
HELLO, I want to reach a member variable of the class AODV and to modify it in MAC_802-11. For this reason I get instance of Routing Agent AODV as explain in website Veiled how I recovered this variable: In file mac_802-11.h I added: #include aodv/aodv.h In file mac_802-11.cc I

[ns] node energy?

2007-05-16 Thread etudiante usthb
salut tout le monde, Est ce que quelqu'un peut me montrer comment récupérer l'energie d'un noeud dans un fichier c++? Je voudrai aussi programmer ce qui suit: si le noeud est un chef alors pas de décrémentation de son energie. Sachant que l'energie se décrémente automatiquement à chaque

[ns] Node energy?

2007-05-16 Thread etudiante usthb
Hello, Can anyone tell me how to recover (obtain) the energy of a node in a c++ file (I'm modifing aodv.cc)? I want also to program the followinf instruction: if the node is Leader then do not decremente its energy. Knowing that energy decrease automatically with each emission or reception

[ns] How can I obtain the energy of a node in a c++ file ?

2007-05-14 Thread etudiante usthb
Hi, Please, how can I recover the energy of a node in a c++ file (because I am modifing aodv.cc) Thanks _ Découvrez le Blog heroic Fantaisy d'Eragon! http://eragon-heroic-fantasy.spaces.live.com/