hi all,

I am  trying to implement ODMRP (Monarch extension ns-2.1b8) on
ns-2.30. I have ported the code of ns-2.1b8  to 2.29 My  odmrp code is
complied fine. but when i am using the tcl script which is  there with the
ns-2.1b8 for running the ODMRP on a particular scenerio the
error in the <odmrp.tcl > file is as:

*** no errormodel specified.

UniAgent: net_id is 0

wrong # args: should be "_o16 self class proc channel pmodel lltype
qtype qlen iftype anttype topo inerrproc outerrproc fecproc"

(Object next line 1)

invoked from within

"_o16 next _o3 _o27 LL Mac/802_11 Queue/DropTail/PriQueue 50
Phy/WirelessPhy  > Antenna/OmniAntenna _o14 { }"

("eval" body line 1)

invoked from within

"eval $self next $args"

(procedure "_o16" line 6)

(ODMRPNode add-interface line 6)

invoked from within

"$node add-interface $channel_(0) [new $opt(prop)] $opt(ll) $opt(mac)
$opt(ifq) $opt(ifqlen) $opt(netif) $opt(ant) $topo \ "

(procedure "create-mcast-mobile-node" line 19)

invoked from within

"create-mcast-mobile-node $i 0 "

invoked from within

"if { [string compare $opt(rp) "odmrp"] == 0} {

for {set i 0} {$i < $opt(nn) } {incr i} {

create-mcast-mobile-node $i 0


} "

(file "/root/Desktop/ns-allinone-2.28/ns-2.28/scrip_odm1/run.tcl" line

num_nodes is set 100
I think there is any problem in passing the arguments to the "eval "
procedure for the interface to the node. I have tried hard to find
where the
eval is defined, but enable to find. please if any one has faced the
problem with this code please help me.I needit urgently.

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