I am using ns-2.34 on Ubuntu10.04 to do some simulation on my own
mac protocol, after I run my tcl file, it prompted that:

         channel.cc:sendUp - Calc highestAntennaZ_ and distCST_
         highestAntennaZ_ = 1.5,  distCST_ = 689.6

          then it quits, everything seems normally, however, my timer can't
expire after I started.

          I searched on the internet(
http://www.baisi.net/thread-37834-1-1.html), it seems that this is a bug of
NS2, which is in relation with seed value while generating traffic with
cbrgen tool, is this right ? anyone who had encountered this problem please
help me, and any suggestions will be appreciated.

         Waiting for your reply and thank you very much!

Su Jinzhao(苏金钊)

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