Re: [ns] dei80211mr dsr seg fault

2007-12-09 Thread Nicola Baldo

Hi Ryan,

when using DSR, you need to use a CMUPriQueue instead of a 
Queue/DropTail/PriQueue. This issues is due to the DSR implementation, 
and is not related to dei80211mr.

I tried this on the adhoc_tcp.tcl script and I was able to run DSR 
successfully with no segfault.



ryan m wrote:
> hello,
> Has anyone has any luck with using dei80211mr with DSR?  When I
> take the the adhoc_tcp.tcl script from the sample directory in the
> distribution and change the routing protocol to DSR and change NOTHING
> else ns Segmentation faults when I run the script.  Would you know
> what has to be changed about the script to make it work with DSR?  Or
> even better have a script handy that uses dei80211mr, dsr, and output
> from setdest for mobility?
> Thank you for any help you might offer,
> Ryan

Re: [ns] dei80211mr-1.1.1 "Tabella non inizializzata 1"

2007-12-09 Thread Nicola Baldo

ryan m wrote:
> hello,
> I'm using dei80211mr-1.1.1 and ns-allinone-2.31 and I want to simulate
> a typical 802.11g ad-hoc network, so I set the following parameters to
> that end.
> $mac($i) dataMode_ Mode54Mb
> $mac($i) basicMode_ Mode2Mb
> With these settings (and several others) I'm getting the error
> "Tabella non inizializzata 1" repetatly to cerr, 

Ok I'll translate that error message to something more meaningful for 
english speakers in the next release ;-)

This error occurs when a Packet Error Rate value cannot be found for 
some PHYMode. The common reason for the error is that you did not load 
the correct Packet Error Rate table into an instance of a PER object.

In the adhoc_tcp.tcl script this is done using the following command:

set per [new PER]
$per loadPERTable80211gTrivellato

but that table is for 802.11g modes only. If you try, e.g., to use 
Mode1Mb in the same simluation script, you'll get the error you mentioned.

In dei80211mr we provide also a PER table for 802.11b, which is loaded 
using this command:

$per loadPERTable80211bIntersilHFA3861B

You can also define your own PER table if you wish. Just have a look at 
src/per_table_*.tcl to see how to do it. The last four values for each 
row are: PHYmode packetsize SNR(dB) PacketErrorRate



[ns] Fwd: Bandwidth Adaptation

2007-12-09 Thread sivakami kalathy

Note: forwarded message attached.
 Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger.  Click here

[ns] Westwood and Wireless Networks

2007-12-09 Thread Arya Afrashteh

I have noticed a strange occurrence in the behavior of TCP westwood when
using a wireless simulation.  
Here is the scenario:  If I have one westwood FTP flow application running
from node 0, trying to send it to node 2, and node 2 is too far away (so it
hops through node 1) the measured RTT_MIN seen by westwood is 20,000 and
STAYS at that rate throughout the entire simulation (no new RTT_MIN is
calculated).  Note that the INIT_RTT is set to 20,000 (not sure if this is
right either, might be a bug).
If I set node 2 close enough to node 0, then Westwood updates its MIN_RTT to
something more appropriate right away (generally 24 or something).
Also, when I run TWO westwood simulations, for some reason it works in both
cases.  So my question is, why in the scenario where one Westwood flow hops
to its destination does the MIN_RTT get set to some insanely high number and
stay there?
Arya Afrashteh
Virginia Tech - CpE Grad Student

[ns] streaming video over wireless networks

2007-12-09 Thread jiali peng

Hi,every body!
I want to streaming video over wireless networks.But I am a ns2 newbie.

Would you give me some suggestions?

[ns] help:simulate gprs network

2007-12-09 Thread jiali peng

hi, everybody!

I want to simulate the gprs network.I've download the

But I dont know how to begin my work.

Would anyone give me some suggestion?


Cecilia P.

[ns] Help!! anyone can help me about this simulation!!!!!

2007-12-09 Thread muhamad faiz arief budianto

Help!! anyone can help me about simulate WSN in ns2?
I've try to use the usual wireless simulation but i ignore the power factor.
I use the DSR. My problem is how to connect or send packet from node 1 to 4
with this kind of topology:

1  2  3 - 4

node-1 just have the comm range for node 2
node-2 just have the comm range for node 1 & 3
node-3 just have the comm range for node 2 & 4
node-4 just have the comm range for node 3
