[ns] Help: creation of clusters in ns-2

2009-03-24 Thread laxmi M

Hi friends,
 I am new to ns-2 and I want to implement the hybrid routing protocol on
ns-2. I need to create topology with two clusters with 4 nodes each. So
please any body know how to create cluster in ns-2, please send me sootion
or link where I will get the details about it.
Thanks in advance

[ns] hi-- review--

2009-03-24 Thread muralikrishna g

hi how is going your review.. is your HOD sleeping in that review

[ns] reg. wireless scenario; making nodes compete for bandwidth with FTP application

2009-03-24 Thread Karthik Talloju

Hi friends, please help me understand how to proceed conceptually with  
the following problem :

I am trying to simulate the following scenario :
There is an access point and multiple nodes in a wireless scenario.  
The nodes are not mobile. When the number of nodes connected to the  
access point are increased, I want to see how the total bandwidth  
available is shared between different wireless nodes : that is, I want  
to see the change in throughput as the number of nodes increase.
For this purpose, I have Access Point as TCP source and rest of the  
nodes as TCP sinks. I have a FTP application attached to each of these  
TCP connections. Am I right in doing so ? Should I have it the other  
way?(Access Point as sink and nodes as TCP sources)
In order to make each node really 'compete' for the total available  
bandwidth, what parameter concerning the FTP application(or TCP  
connection ?) should I change?

Thank you very much !

[ns] dsr in wired-cum-wireless scenarios

2009-03-24 Thread Zhang Wen Zhi

I set up a wired-wireless scenario in ns-2.33 : 2 wired nodes ,2
basestation ,and 3 mobilenodes attach to base(0) . wireless mode use
DSR routing protocol,This is my script as follows.
### This simulation is an example of combination of wired and wireless
### topologies.

global opt
set opt(chan)   Channel/WirelessChannel
set opt(prop)   Propagation/TwoRayGround
set opt(netif)  Phy/WirelessPhy
set opt(mac)Mac/802_11
#set opt(ifq)   Queue/DropTail/PriQueue
set opt(ifq)CMUPriQueue
set opt(ll) LL
set opt(ant)Antenna/OmniAntenna
set opt(x) 670
set opt(y)  670
set opt(ifqlen) 50
set opt(tr)  wired-and-wireless.tr
set opt(namtr)   wired-and-wireless.nam
set opt(nn) 3
set opt(adhocRouting)   DSR
set opt(stop)   250
set num_wired_nodes  2
set num_bs_nodes 2

  set ns_   [new Simulator]

# set up for hierarchical routing
  $ns_ node-config -addressType hierarchical
  AddrParams set domain_num_ 3
  lappend cluster_num 2 1 1
  AddrParams set cluster_num_ $cluster_num
  lappend eilastlevel 1 1 4 1
  AddrParams set nodes_num_ $eilastlevel

  set tracefd  [open $opt(tr) w]
  $ns_ trace-all $tracefd
  set namtracefd [open $opt(namtr) w]
  $ns_ namtrace-all $namtracefd

  set topo   [new Topography]
  $topo load_flatgrid $opt(x) $opt(y)
  # god needs to know the number of all wireless interfaces
  create-god [expr $opt(nn) + $num_bs_nodes]

  #create wired nodes
  set temp {0.0.0 0.1.0}
  for {set i 0} {$i < $num_wired_nodes} {incr i} {
  set W($i) [$ns_ node [lindex $temp $i]]
  $ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $opt(adhocRouting) \
 -llType $opt(ll) \
 -macType $opt(mac) \
 -ifqType $opt(ifq) \
 -ifqLen $opt(ifqlen) \
 -antType $opt(ant) \
 -propInstance [new $opt(prop)] \
 -phyType $opt(netif) \
 -channel [new $opt(chan)] \
 -topoInstance $topo \
 -wiredRouting ON \
 -agentTrace ON \
 -routerTrace OFF \
 -macTrace OFF

  set temp {1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3}
  set BS(0) [$ns_ node [lindex $temp 0]]
  set BS(1) [$ns_ node 2.0.0]
  $BS(0) random-motion 0
  $BS(1) random-motion 0

  $BS(0) set X_ 1.0
  $BS(0) set Y_ 2.0
  $BS(0) set Z_ 0.0

  $BS(1) set X_ 650.0
  $BS(1) set Y_ 600.0
  $BS(1) set Z_ 0.0

  #configure for mobilenodes
  $ns_ node-config -wiredRouting OFF

  for {set j 0} {$j < $opt(nn)} {incr j} {
set node_($j) [ $ns_ node [lindex $temp \
[expr $j+1]] ]
$node_($j) base-station [AddrParams addr2id [$BS(0) node-addr]]
  #create links between wired and BS nodes
  $ns_ duplex-link $W(0) $W(1) 5Mb 2ms DropTail
  $ns_ duplex-link $W(1) $BS(0) 5Mb 2ms DropTail
  $ns_ duplex-link $W(1) $BS(1) 5Mb 2ms DropTail
  $ns_ duplex-link-op $W(0) $W(1) orient down
  $ns_ duplex-link-op $W(1) $BS(0) orient left-down
  $ns_ duplex-link-op $W(1) $BS(1) orient right-down

  # setup TCP connections
  set tcp1 [new Agent/TCP]
  $tcp1 set class_ 2
  set sink1 [new Agent/TCPSink]
  $ns_ attach-agent $node_(0) $tcp1
  $ns_ attach-agent $W(0) $sink1
  $ns_ connect $tcp1 $sink1
  set ftp1 [new Application/FTP]
  $ftp1 attach-agent $tcp1
  $ns_ at 160 "$ftp1 start"

  set tcp2 [new Agent/TCP]
  $tcp2 set class_ 2
  set sink2 [new Agent/TCPSink]
  $ns_ attach-agent $W(1) $tcp2
  $ns_ attach-agent $node_(2) $sink2
  $ns_ connect $tcp2 $sink2
  set ftp2 [new Application/FTP]
  $ftp2 attach-agent $tcp2
  $ns_ at 180 "$ftp2 start"

  for {set i 0} {$i < $opt(nn)} {incr i} {
  $ns_ initial_node_pos $node_($i) 20

  for {set i } {$i < $opt(nn) } {incr i} {
  $ns_ at $opt(stop).010 "$node_($i) reset";
  $ns_ at $opt(stop).010 "$BS(0) reset";

  $ns_ at $opt(stop).1 "puts \"NS EXITING...\" ; $ns_ halt"

  puts "Starting Simulation..."
  $ns_ run

When  I run the script on NS2 ,it has promble like this "can't read
ragnet_",the error detail is:
 can't read "ragent_": no such variable
while executing
"subst $[subst $var]"
(procedure "_o36" line 5)
(SplitObject set line 5)
invoked from within
"$self set ragent_"
(procedure "_o36" line 3)
(Node/MobileNode agenttrace line 3)
invoked from within
"$node agenttrace $tracefd"
(procedure "_o3" line 103)
(Simulator create-wireless-node line 103)
invoked from within
"_o3 create-wireless-node 1.0.0"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval $self create-wireless-node $args"
(procedure "_o3" line 23)
(Simulator node line 23)
invoked from within
"$ns_ node [lindex $temp 0]"
invoked from within
"set BS(0) [$ns_ node [lindex $temp 0]]"
(file "cum-wireless-sim.tcl" line 68)

I check the ns-2 mannul

[ns] zrp compilation on ns-2

2009-03-24 Thread ANSHUL JAIN

while compliling zrp on ns-2 i am getting the following error

zrp/zrp_table.h:192: error: extra qualification ‘RoutingTable::’ on member
zrp/zrp_table.h: In member function ‘int

with many warnings.i am attaching the snap of the make when run on ns-2. i
hav already modified the files like

ns-agent.tcl as given in the code for cornell implementation of zrp.

make -k

-I/home/hero/final2/ns-allinone-2.31/include -I/usr/include/pcap -I./tcp
-I./sctp -I./common -I./link -I./queue -I./adc -I./apps -I./mac -I./mobile
-I./trace -I./routing -I./tools -I./classifier -I./mcast
-I./diffusion3/lib/main -I./diffusion3/lib -I./diffusion3/lib/nr
-I./diffusion3/ns -I./diffusion3/filter_core -I./asim/ -I./qs -I./diffserv
-I./satellite -I./wpan -o zrp/zrp.o zrp/zrp.cc

In file included from zrp/zrp.cc:7:

zrp/zrp.h:29:1: warning: "NULL" redefined

In file included from


 from ./mobile/energy-model.h:42,

 from ./common/node.h:59,

 from ./mobile/god.h:53,

 from ./trace/cmu-trace.h:43,

 from zrp/zrp.cc:5:

/usr/lib/gcc/i386-redhat-linux/4.1.2/include/stddef.h:400:1: warning: this
is the location of the previous definition

zrp/zrp.cc:41:1: warning: "IERP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT" redefined

In file included from zrp/zrp.cc:7:

zrp/zrp.h:35:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition

zrp/zrp.cc:49:1: warning: "MAX_ROUTE_LENGTH" redefined

zrp/zrp.cc:33:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition

zrp/zrp_table.h: In constructor ‘link_struct::link_struct()’:

zrp/zrp_table.h:100: warning: ‘link_struct::seq_’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp_table.h:99: warning:   ‘int link_struct::isup_’

zrp/zrp_table.h:82: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp_table.h: In constructor ‘rtable_entry::rtable_entry()’:

zrp/zrp_table.h:160: warning: ‘rtable_entry::next_’ will be initialized

zrp/zrp_table.h:158: warning:   ‘Time rtable_entry::expiry_’

zrp/zrp_table.h:161: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp_table.h: In constructor ‘rtable_entry::rtable_entry(nsaddr_t)’:

zrp/zrp_table.h:160: warning: ‘rtable_entry::next_’ will be initialized

zrp/zrp_table.h:158: warning:   ‘Time rtable_entry::expiry_’

zrp/zrp_table.h:162: warning:  when initialized here

zrp/zrp_table.h: At global scope:

zrp/zrp_table.h:192: error: extra qualification ‘RoutingTable::’ on member

zrp/zrp_table.h: In member function ‘int

zrp/zrp_table.h:204: warning: no return statement in function returning

zrp/zrp.cc: In member function ‘void ZRPAgent::print_routes()’:

zrp/zrp.cc:79: warning: too many arguments for format

zrp/zrp.h: In constructor ‘ZRPAgent::ZRPAgent()’:

zrp/zrp.h:266: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::suspend_flag_’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:195: warning:   ‘ZRPPeriodicUpdateTimer

zrp/zrp.cc:153: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp.h:272: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::rtable’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:247: warning:   ‘int ZRPAgent::myaddr_’

zrp/zrp.cc:153: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp.h:247: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::myaddr_’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:185: warning:   ‘char* ZRPAgent::myid_’

zrp/zrp.cc:153: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp.h:264: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::qid_’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:248: warning:   ‘int ZRPAgent::radius_’

zrp/zrp.cc:153: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp.h: In constructor ‘ZRPAgent::ZRPAgent(nsaddr_t)’:

zrp/zrp.h:266: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::suspend_flag_’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:195: warning:   ‘ZRPPeriodicUpdateTimer

zrp/zrp.cc:178: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp.h:272: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::rtable’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:247: warning:   ‘int ZRPAgent::myaddr_’

zrp/zrp.cc:178: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp.h:247: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::myaddr_’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:185: warning:   ‘char* ZRPAgent::myid_’

zrp/zrp.cc:178: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp.h:264: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::qid_’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:248: warning:   ‘int ZRPAgent::radius_’


[ns] zrp compilation on ns-2

2009-03-24 Thread ANSHUL JAIN

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 2:34 PM
Subject: zrp compilation on ns-2
To: ns-users@isi.edu

while compliling zrp on ns-2 i am getting the following error

zrp/zrp_table.h:192: error: extra qualification ‘RoutingTable::’ on member

zrp/zrp_table.h: In member function ‘int

with many warnings.i am attaching the snap of the make when run on ns-2. i
hav already modified the files like







ns-agent.tcl as given in the code for cornell implementation of zrp.

 kindly reply as i am stuck in between my project. your help would be highly
i am usins ns-2.31 on fedora core.i hav read the list and this problem was
not reported

make -k

-I/home/hero/final2/ns-allinone-2.31/include -I/usr/include/pcap -I./tcp
-I./sctp -I./common -I./link -I./queue -I./adc -I./apps -I./mac -I./mobile
-I./trace -I./routing -I./tools -I./classifier -I./mcast
-I./diffusion3/lib/main -I./diffusion3/lib -I./diffusion3/lib/nr
-I./diffusion3/ns -I./diffusion3/filter_core -I./asim/ -I./qs -I./diffserv
-I./satellite -I./wpan -o zrp/zrp.o zrp/zrp.cc

In file included from zrp/zrp.cc:7:

zrp/zrp.h:29:1: warning: "NULL" redefined

In file included from


 from ./mobile/energy-model.h:42,

 from ./common/node.h:59,

 from ./mobile/god.h:53,

 from ./trace/cmu-trace.h:43,

 from zrp/zrp.cc:5:

/usr/lib/gcc/i386-redhat-linux/4.1.2/include/stddef.h:400:1: warning: this
is the location of the previous definition

zrp/zrp.cc:41:1: warning: "IERP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT" redefined

In file included from zrp/zrp.cc:7:

zrp/zrp.h:35:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition

zrp/zrp.cc:49:1: warning: "MAX_ROUTE_LENGTH" redefined

zrp/zrp.cc:33:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition

zrp/zrp_table.h: In constructor ‘link_struct::link_struct()’:

zrp/zrp_table.h:100: warning: ‘link_struct::seq_’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp_table.h:99: warning:   ‘int link_struct::isup_’

zrp/zrp_table.h:82: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp_table.h: In constructor ‘rtable_entry::rtable_entry()’:

zrp/zrp_table.h:160: warning: ‘rtable_entry::next_’ will be initialized

zrp/zrp_table.h:158: warning:   ‘Time rtable_entry::expiry_’

zrp/zrp_table.h:161: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp_table.h: In constructor ‘rtable_entry::rtable_entry(nsaddr_t)’:

zrp/zrp_table.h:160: warning: ‘rtable_entry::next_’ will be initialized

zrp/zrp_table.h:158: warning:   ‘Time rtable_entry::expiry_’

zrp/zrp_table.h:162: warning:  when initialized here

zrp/zrp_table.h: At global scope:

zrp/zrp_table.h:192: error: extra qualification ‘RoutingTable::’ on member

zrp/zrp_table.h: In member function ‘int

zrp/zrp_table.h:204: warning: no return statement in function returning

zrp/zrp.cc: In member function ‘void ZRPAgent::print_routes()’:

zrp/zrp.cc:79: warning: too many arguments for format

zrp/zrp.h: In constructor ‘ZRPAgent::ZRPAgent()’:

zrp/zrp.h:266: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::suspend_flag_’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:195: warning:   ‘ZRPPeriodicUpdateTimer

zrp/zrp.cc:153: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp.h:272: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::rtable’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:247: warning:   ‘int ZRPAgent::myaddr_’

zrp/zrp.cc:153: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp.h:247: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::myaddr_’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:185: warning:   ‘char* ZRPAgent::myid_’

zrp/zrp.cc:153: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp.h:264: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::qid_’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:248: warning:   ‘int ZRPAgent::radius_’

zrp/zrp.cc:153: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp.h: In constructor ‘ZRPAgent::ZRPAgent(nsaddr_t)’:

zrp/zrp.h:266: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::suspend_flag_’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:195: warning:   ‘ZRPPeriodicUpdateTimer

zrp/zrp.cc:178: warning:   when initialized here

zrp/zrp.h:272: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::rtable’ will be initialized after

zrp/zrp.h:247: warning:   ‘int ZRPAgent::myaddr_’


[ns] [bug] zrp impementaion in ns-2

2009-03-24 Thread anshul

[Bug Report]

Category:  Other
Package:   ns ns-2.31
OS:fedora core
Environment Variables:


while compliling zrp on ns-2 i am getting the following error

zrp/zrp_table.h:192: error: extra qualification ‘RoutingTable::’ on member 
zrp/zrp_table.h: In member function ‘int RoutingTable::next_hop_to(nsaddr_t)’:
with many warnings.i am attaching the snap of the make when run on ns-2. i hav 
already modified the files like 

ns-agent.tcl as given in the code for cornell implementation of zrp.

 make snap

make -k 

-I/home/hero/final2/ns-allinone-2.31/include -I/usr/include/pcap -I./tcp 
-I./sctp -I./common -I./link -I./queue -I./adc -I./apps -I./mac -I./mobile 
-I./trace -I./routing -I./tools -I./classifier -I./mcast 
-I./diffusion3/lib/main -I./diffusion3/lib -I./diffusion3/lib/nr 
-I./diffusion3/ns -I./diffusion3/filter_core -I./asim/ -I./qs -I./diffserv 
-I./satellite -I./wpan -o zrp/zrp.o zrp/zrp.cc 

In file included from zrp/zrp.cc:7: 

zrp/zrp.h:29:1: warning: "NULL" redefined 

In file included from 


 from ./mobile/energy-model.h:42, 

 from ./common/node.h:59, 

 from ./mobile/god.h:53, 

 from ./trace/cmu-trace.h:43, 

 from zrp/zrp.cc:5: 

/usr/lib/gcc/i386-redhat-linux/4.1.2/include/stddef.h:400:1: warning: this is 
the location of the previous definition 

zrp/zrp.cc:41:1: warning: "IERP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT" redefined 

In file included from zrp/zrp.cc:7: 

zrp/zrp.h:35:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition 

zrp/zrp.cc:49:1: warning: "MAX_ROUTE_LENGTH" redefined 

zrp/zrp.cc:33:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition 

zrp/zrp_table.h: In constructor ‘link_struct::link_struct()’: 

zrp/zrp_table.h:100: warning: ‘link_struct::seq_’ will be initialized after 

zrp/zrp_table.h:99: warning:   ‘int link_struct::isup_’ 

zrp/zrp_table.h:82: warning:   when initialized here 

zrp/zrp_table.h: In constructor ‘rtable_entry::rtable_entry()’: 

zrp/zrp_table.h:160: warning: ‘rtable_entry::next_’ will be initialized after 

zrp/zrp_table.h:158: warning:   ‘Time rtable_entry::expiry_’ 

zrp/zrp_table.h:161: warning:   when initialized here 

zrp/zrp_table.h: In constructor ‘rtable_entry::rtable_entry(nsaddr_t)’: 

zrp/zrp_table.h:160: warning: ‘rtable_entry::next_’ will be initialized after 

zrp/zrp_table.h:158: warning:   ‘Time rtable_entry::expiry_’ 

zrp/zrp_table.h:162: warning:  when initialized here 

zrp/zrp_table.h: At global scope: 

zrp/zrp_table.h:192: error: extra qualification ‘RoutingTable::’ on member 

zrp/zrp_table.h: In member function ‘int RoutingTable::next_hop_to(nsaddr_t)’: 

zrp/zrp_table.h:204: warning: no return statement in function returning 

zrp/zrp.cc: In member function ‘void ZRPAgent::print_routes()’: 

zrp/zrp.cc:79: warning: too many arguments for format 

zrp/zrp.h: In constructor ‘ZRPAgent::ZRPAgent()’: 

zrp/zrp.h:266: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::suspend_flag_’ will be initialized after 

zrp/zrp.h:195: warning:   ‘ZRPPeriodicUpdateTimer 

zrp/zrp.cc:153: warning:   when initialized here 

zrp/zrp.h:272: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::rtable’ will be initialized after 

zrp/zrp.h:247: warning:   ‘int ZRPAgent::myaddr_’ 

zrp/zrp.cc:153: warning:   when initialized here 

zrp/zrp.h:247: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::myaddr_’ will be initialized after 

zrp/zrp.h:185: warning:   ‘char* ZRPAgent::myid_’ 

zrp/zrp.cc:153: warning:   when initialized here 

zrp/zrp.h:264: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::qid_’ will be initialized after 

zrp/zrp.h:248: warning:   ‘int ZRPAgent::radius_’ 

zrp/zrp.cc:153: warning:   when initialized here 

zrp/zrp.h: In constructor ‘ZRPAgent::ZRPAgent(nsaddr_t)’: 

zrp/zrp.h:266: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::suspend_flag_’ will be initialized after 

zrp/zrp.h:195: warning:   ‘ZRPPeriodicUpdateTimer 

zrp/zrp.cc:178: warning:   when initialized here 

zrp/zrp.h:272: warning: ‘ZRPAgent::rtable’ will be initialized after 

zrp/zrp.h:247: warning:

[ns] Help regarding absurd memory usage

2009-03-24 Thread fhg07

I am simulating a protocol which I developed, and I wanted the simulation
to end only when all my nodes are dead. Well, that is not really that fast
to happen, and before I reach that point my memory ends and I get a
bac_alloc error message.

And here is the thing: I do alloc lots of packets with allocpkt, and I
also always manage to free them with Packet::free(Packet *), but even when
I free them, the memory usage don't even change ! And I am not
overreacting when I say this, I made some experiments, and the average
memory used when freeing all packet was exactly the same of when I did the
same simulation withou freeing them.

What do I need to do when I intend to have huge simulations, with like
15000 packets flying in the air? Using Packet::free didn't solve my
problem. I even tried editing this function and inserting "free(pkt);" in
its end, but it was in vain.

Can someone please help me?


Fernando Henrique Gielow - UFPR - NR2
Computer Science undergraduate student.

[ns] UMTS-WIFI Handover using NIST module

2009-03-24 Thread Carlos Rodrigues

I´m working in a project about interoperability between technologies  
(WIFI,WIMAX,UMTS) and deploying some scripts to test this scenarios in  
NS (Network Simulator). I'm using ns2.29 with the patch of seamless  
and secure mobility for testing an example script that is provided in  
this patch, but I can't introduce some movement in mobile node (UMTS  
interface), and this interface never receive traffic.

All help or support will be very helpful.

Best Regards,
Carlos Rodrigues

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[ns] UMTS-WIFI Handover using NIST module

2009-03-24 Thread antonioli

I´m working in a project about interoperability between technologies
(WIFI,WIMAX,UMTS) and deploying some scripts to test this scenarios in NS
(Network Simulator). I'm using ns2.29 with the patch of seamless and secure
mobility for testing an example script that is provided in this patch, but I
can't introduce some movement in mobile node (UMTS interface), and this
interface never receive traffic. 

All help or support will be very helpful.

Best Regards,
Carlos Rodrigues
View this message in context: 
Sent from the ns-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[ns] RAL route acquisition latency

2009-03-24 Thread sarym binome

 hello everybody
 does anybody know how to calculate the RAL route acquisition latency ??
 with awk 
 best regards

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[ns] How to change default PI variables in ns-default.tcl

2009-03-24 Thread hakki


I have been trying to set new PI variables in my .tcl code. How can I change
the default variables in default ns variables

View this message in context: 
Sent from the ns-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[ns] UMTS Code EURANE Code - Class Simulator Error

2009-03-24 Thread Syed Faraz Hasan

Hi Everyone!

With Pats help I managed patching EURANE in NS-2.30 (OS: Linux). I am now 
trying to run test_tcp.tcl available on EURANE website. It is not executing 
correctly. I tried running each command of the program one by one to see wheres 
the error. Everything is OK till I reach...

set rnc [$ns create-Umtsnode]

which gives error:
Error when calling class Simulator: create-Umtsnode

Rest of the statements of the program are running OK (by that I mean there are 
no errors when I execute them)

Can some one help me at this please?
I am in desperate need of help!!!


[ns] ns2 aodv expire time

2009-03-24 Thread Kiran patel

respected sir,
i am work on aodv modification in routing table update through fixed expired
time ..
so i can not understand where i change my aodv.cc code and where i keep
fixed expire time in this code..
plz sir give me some reply..

thank u sir

[ns] ns2-making changes in aodv

2009-03-24 Thread Kiran patel

respected sir

i am work on enhanced aodv through fixed expire time in manet.
but i  can not understand  how to find out shorest path in aodv node and how
can calculate distance between to node...and where i change my code for
plz sir give me some code for that in ns2 so i implement it...

thank you sir


[ns] Re : New protocol added..but error in running tcl script

2009-03-24 Thread Nadine Chen

to solve this problem, after make, you should execute make install , and your 
protocol will work fine.
hope this helps.

--- En date de : Mar 24.3.09, Kiraneet sharma  a 
écrit :

De: Kiraneet sharma 
Objet: [ns] New protocol added..but error in running tcl script
À: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Date: Mardi 24 Mars 2009, 11h52

Hello everyone...

I have added a new protocol in ns2,which is an extension of aodv.
After making the required changes in all the files,running ./configure and
make goes well...

But if I run a tcl script using that protocol it shows an error :

(_o14 cmd line 1)
    invoked from within
"_o14 cmd addr"
    invoked from within
"catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
    invoked from within
"if [catch "$self cmd $args" ret] {
set cls [$self info class]
global errorInfo
set savedInfo $errorInfo
error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..."
    (procedure "_o14" line 2)
    (SplitObject unknown line 2)
    invoked from within
"_o14 addr"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval $node addr $args"
    ("default" arm line 2)
    invoked from within
"switch -exact $routingAgent_ {
set ragent [$self create-dsdv-agent $node]
$self at 0.0 "$node start-dsr"
set ragent [$self cre..."
    (procedure "_o3" line 11)
    (Simulator create-wireless-node line 11)
    invoked from within
"_o3 create-wireless-node"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval $self create-wireless-node $args"
    (procedure "_o3" line 23)
    (Simulator node line 23)
    invoked from within
"$ns node"
    ("for" body line 2)
    invoked from within
"for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } { incr i } {
        set node_($i) [$ns node]

I have checked the case sensitivity of protocol name too...

Any solution ?


[ns] New protocol added..but error in running tcl script

2009-03-24 Thread Kiraneet sharma

Hello everyone...

I have added a new protocol in ns2,which is an extension of aodv.
After making the required changes in all the files,running ./configure and
make goes well...

But if I run a tcl script using that protocol it shows an error :

(_o14 cmd line 1)
invoked from within
"_o14 cmd addr"
invoked from within
"catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
invoked from within
"if [catch "$self cmd $args" ret] {
set cls [$self info class]
global errorInfo
set savedInfo $errorInfo
error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..."
(procedure "_o14" line 2)
(SplitObject unknown line 2)
invoked from within
"_o14 addr"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval $node addr $args"
("default" arm line 2)
invoked from within
"switch -exact $routingAgent_ {
set ragent [$self create-dsdv-agent $node]
$self at 0.0 "$node start-dsr"
set ragent [$self cre..."
(procedure "_o3" line 11)
(Simulator create-wireless-node line 11)
invoked from within
"_o3 create-wireless-node"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval $self create-wireless-node $args"
(procedure "_o3" line 23)
(Simulator node line 23)
invoked from within
"$ns node"
("for" body line 2)
invoked from within
"for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } { incr i } {
set node_($i) [$ns node]

I have checked the case sensitivity of protocol name too...

Any solution ?

[ns] Using mac 802.11e tkn with mac 802.11

2009-03-24 Thread Angelo Alifano

Hi all,
I have installed the TKN package on ns-2.31 and it is working perfectly.
I'm asking if it possible to use both mac, 802.11e and 802.11, in the same 
scenario to have a pair of node in EDCA mode and a pair of node in EDCF mode.
A scenario like this will works fine ?

# ==# 
Define options# 
val(chan)   Channel/WirelessChannel;# channel typeset val(prop) 
  Propagation/TwoRayGround   ;# radio-propagation modelset val(netif)   
   Phy/WirelessPhy;# network interface typeset val(mac)
Mac/802_11 ;# MAC typeset val(ifq)
Queue/DropTail/PriQueue;# interface queue typeset val(ll) LL
 ;# link layer typeset val(ant)
Antenna/OmniAntenna;# antenna modelset val(ifqlen) 50   
  ;# max packet in ifqset val(nn) 2 
 ;# number of mobilenodesset val(rp) NOAH   
;# routing protocol# 
==# Main 
Program# ==!
 ## Initialize Global Variables#set ns_  
[new Simulator]set tracefd [open scenario_802_11_2edca_2edcf.tr w]$ns_ 
trace-all $tracefd$ns_ use-newtrace# set up topography objectset topo   
[new Topography]$topo load_flatgrid 500 500Mac/802_11 set SlotTime_  
0.20;# 20usMac/802_11 set SIFS_  0.10;# 
10usMac/802_11 set PreambleLength_144 ;# 144 bitMac/802_11 set 
PLCPHeaderLength_  48  ;# 48 bitsMac/802_11 set PLCPDataRate_  
1.0e6   ;# 1MbpsMac/802_11 set dataRate_  11.0e6  ;# 
11MbpsMac/802_11 set basicRate_ 1.0e6   ;# 1MbpsMac/802_11 set 
CWMin_ 31Mac/802_11 set CWMax_ 1023 
 Mac/802_11 set RTSThreshold_  4096Mac/802_11 set ShortRetryLimit_   
7Mac/802_11 set LongRetryLimit_4Mac/802_11 set MaxSDUSize_2132## 
Create God#create-god 4##  Create the specified number of mobile!
 nodes [$val(nn)] and "attach" them#  to the channel. #  Here two nodes
 are created : node(0) and node(1)# configure node$ns_ node-config 
-adhocRouting $val(rp) \ -llType $val(ll) \ -macType $val(mac) \ -ifqType 
$val(ifq) \ -ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \ -antType $val(ant) \ -propType $val(prop) \ 
-phyType $val(netif) \ -channelType $val(chan) \ -topoInstance $topo \ 
-agentTrace ON \ -routerTrace ON \ -macTrace OFF \ -movementTrace OFF  for 
{set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} { set node_($i) [$ns_ node]  $node_($i) 
random-motion 0  ;# disable random motion}## Provide initial (X,Y, for now Z=0) 
co-ordinates for mobilenodes#$node_(0) set X_ 5.0$node_(0) set Y_ 2.0$node_(0) 
set Z_ 0.0$node_(1) set X_ 0.0$node_(1) set Y_ 35.0$node_(1) set Z_ 0.0# Setup 
traffic flow between nodes# CBR connections between node_(0) and node_(1)set 
agent [new Agent/UDP]$agent set class_ 2$agent set fid_ 3set sink [new 
Agent/Null]$ns_ attach-agent $node_(0) $agent$ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) 
$sink$ns_ connect $agent $sinkset cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR] 
$cbr  se!
 t packetSize_ 160 $cbr  set random_ 0 $cbr  set rate_  
 64000$cbr attach-agent $agent$ns_ at 20.1 "$cbr start"$ns_ at 100 "$cbr 
stop"set agent1 [new Agent/UDP]$agent1 set class_ 2$agent1 set fid_ 4set sink1 
[new Agent/Null]$ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) $agent1$ns_ attach-agent $node_(0) 
$sink1$ns_ connect $agent1 $sink1set cbr1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR] 
$cbr1  set packetSize_ 160 $cbr1  set random_ 0 $cbr1  set 
rate_   64000$cbr1 attach-agent $agent1$ns_ at 20.0 "$cbr1 start"$ns_ at 
100 "$cbr1 stop"## Tell nodes when the simulation ends#for {set i 0} {$i < 
$val(nn) } {incr i} {$ns_ at 100.1 "$node_($i) reset";}set val(chan)
   Channel/WirelessChannel;# channel typeset val(prop)   
Propagation/TwoRayGround   ;# radio-propagation modelset val(netif)  
Phy/WirelessPhy;# network interface typeset val(mac)
Mac/802_11e ;# MAC typeset val(ifq)Qu!
 eue/DTail/PriQ;# interface queue typeset val(ll) LL   
  ;# link layer typeset val(ant)
Antenna/OmniAntenna;# antenna modelset val(ifqlen) 50   
  ;# max packet in ifqset val(nn) 2 
 ;# number of mobilenodesset val(rp) NOAH   
;# routing protocolMac/802_11e set SlotTime_  0.20;# 
20usMac/802_11e set SIFS_  0.10;# 10usMac/802_11e set 
PreambleLength_144 ;# 144 bitMac/802_11e set PLCPHeaderLength_  
48  ;# 48 

Re: [ns] how to get the coordinates of the nodes in evrey period of time

2009-03-24 Thread Mubashir Rehmani


Try to use timers to get the coordinates of the nodes periodically. See ns2
manual for timers.

Mubashir Husain Rehmani

2009/3/24 anas 

> Dear users
> how to get the coordinates of the nodes in evrey period of time
> Regards
> Anas

Mubashir Husain Rehmani

[ns] wireless DoS attack NS2 simulation

2009-03-24 Thread mm

Hello to all

Is it possible to simulate wireless denial of service attacks (continually
sending control frame or management frame) in ns2.33?

Thank you very much

Re: [ns] Multiple connections to a single agent

2009-03-24 Thread hakki

Hi, I need a help about RED in ns-2. I want to see the results in Hollot
Misra Infocom paper. In their paper, they introduced  60 TCP flows and 180
http session. I am so new about ns-2 so I don't know how should I introduce
these sources, especially http session.


Pedro Estrela wrote:
> The problem is that the packets that you are sending to A3 have an
> incorrect
> port address. 
> When you use 
>$ns connect $a1 $a2
> then automatically all normal control packets sent by a1 have the
> destination port of a2;
> as a1 is not connected to a3 in TCL, you must set the port by hand in C++,
> as NS will not do this for you, eg:
> void myAgent::recv(Packet* p, Handler *h)
> {
>   hdr_ip*iph  = hdr_ip::access(p);
>   hdr_cmn   *ch   = hdr_cmn::access(p);
>   ...
>   iph->saddr() = addr();  // (set my IP address)
>   iph->sport() = port();  // (set my source port)
>   iph->daddr() = nextHop_iaddr; // iaddr of n3
> iph->dport() = nextHop_iaddr; // port of a3
> regarding the iaddr comment: check
> http://tagus.inesc-id.pt/~pestrela/ns2/ns2_haddr_tips.html
> In my ns2_shared_procs.tcl "utils" tcl file, I introduce procs for all
> possible conversions of each form, using the procs "handle2iaddr",
> "handle2haddr", "handle2id", etc.
> you could also have debug this problem by:
>   - redefining the no-slot handler to invoke the run-time TCL
> debugger;
>   - use the mash inspector to find exactly who are _o153, _o158, etc
> (http://tagus.inesc-id.pt/~pestrela/ns2/ns2_debugging2.html)
> If this helps you, please contribute the description of the problem and
> the
> solution, in your own words, to the NS2 wiki.
> Pedro Vale Estrela
>> -Original Message-
>> From: ns-users-boun...@isi.edu [mailto:ns-users-boun...@isi.edu] On
>> Behalf
>> Of Brad Montgomery
>> Sent: segunda-feira, 3 de Julho de 2006 19:25
>> To: ns-users@isi.edu
>> Subject: Re: [ns] Multiple connections to a single agent
>> I'm not sure I understand, and perhaps I've not adequately described what
>> I'm trying to do, so I'll try again using a semi-hypothetical scenario:
>> (Please keep in mind I'm new to ns!)
>> Suppose I've got the following topology:
>> N1 - N2 - N3
>> And three "different" agents, (A1,A2,A3) which have all been implemented
>> differently in C++.  The basic idea is that I want these agents to
>> automatically communicate with each other...
>> In C++ I've written an A1::command() function that will 'send' sends an
>> IP
>> packet to the A2 agent.  When the A2 agent receives this packet, it then
>> sends a packet back to A1, which then gets returned to A2 (basically a 3-
>> way
>> handshake).  A2 should then automatically send another packet to the A3
>> agent by creating a packet, and inserting N3's address in the IP header.
>> (I'm assuming all of my agents and nodes know about the topology)
>> In TCL I've done this:
>> set n1 [$ns node]
>> set n2 [$ns node]
>> set n3 [$ns node]
>> set a1 [new Agent/A1]
>> set a2 [new Agent/A2]
>> set a3 [new Agent/A3]
>> $ns attach-agent $n1 $a1
>> $ns attach-agent $n2 $a2
>> $ns attach-agent $n3 $a3
>> $ns connect $a1 $a2
>> #$ns connect $a2 $a3 ;# if I do this, the handshake doesn't work
>> $ns at 0.0 $a1 send
>> When I run this, ns gives me this error:
>> --- Classfier::no-slot{} default handler (tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl) ---
>> _o158: no target for slot 3
>> _o158 type: Classifier/Port
>> content dump:
>> classifier _o158
>> 0 offset
>> 0 shift
>> 2147483647 mask
>> 1 slots
>> slot 0: _o153 (Agent/A3)
>> -- Finished standard no-slot{} default handler --
>> Basically I want A3 to look at any or all packets send to N3.  How can I
>> force this?
>> I'm using ns-2.29 on Mac OS X 10.4.7.
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Brad
>> On 7/2/06 6:10 PM, "Mark Shifrin"  wrote:
>> > no problem with tcp
>> > you can do attach agent as many time as you want to a single node.
>> > you must first define it as tcp-source. and then to choose the
>> application
>> > which runs over this
>> > tcp, for example i did it with FTP. moreover you can do it for n,
>> within
>> a
>> > loop
>> >
>> > --- Brad Montgomery  wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Hello All,
>> >>
>> >> I'm wondering if it's possible to have a single Agent connected to 2
>> or
>> more
>> >> other Agents. I have a topology similar to this:
>> >>
>> >>   N2
>> >>   |
>> >> N0 -- N1 -- N3 -- N4
>> >>
>> >> I have an agents A0, A2, A3 connected to N0, N2, N3 respectively, and
>> I
>> >> would like A0 to send a packet to A2, which would then in turn send a
>> packet
>> >> to A3.  Is this possible?
>> >>
>> >>> From reading the mailing list archives, it seems like this m

[ns] RED parameters in Misra Hollot paper

2009-03-24 Thread Estuans Interius

Hi, I am new using ns-2 simulator. To be sure I want to run RED in ns-2 to
see the same results of (Hollot, Misra). Is there any written .tcl code for
this paper. Moreover, if I want to introduce 40 http session in to the
network what should I do? I am sorry for these basic questions


[ns] how to get the coordinates of the nodes in evrey period of time

2009-03-24 Thread anas

Dear users

how to get the coordinates of the nodes in evrey period of time



[ns] How to do GMPLS simulation in ns-2 ???

2009-03-24 Thread lukman_hanif

Does anybody knows on how to do GMPLS simulation in ns-2 ???


Re: [ns] UMTS on NS-2

2009-03-24 Thread Mats Folke


Syed Faraz Hasan wrote:
> Hello!
> Reference to my previous email about UMTS implementation on NS-2. Can
> some one tell me if I need a separate patch for UMTS while working on
> NS-2.33? If so, where can I download it from? I have seen
> http://eurane.ti-wmc.nl/eurane/, patch available there is in diff.gz
> format. I am a newbie to open suse linux, I think I should be after
> something .tar.gz? 

There is currently no patch for ns-2.33 and since Eurane is not supported 
anymore, there probably never will be. You have two options.
1) Download ns-2.30 and patch with existing eurane patch. If you need something 
introduced in later versions of ns-2, you cannot use it.
2) Patch an existing ns-2.33 with the eurane patch for ns-2.30. This could 
result in difficulties which you must manually resolve. 

The patching procedure is documented in the manual, section 2.3.

A patch is distributed in something called a diff-file, hence the file 
extension .diff. Gzip then adds the extension .gz. Before pathing the .diff.gz 
file needs to be uncompressed using gunzip. The result will be the diff-file.

> Anyway, when I download and open eurane1.12.diff.gz, it gives an
> error "associated help application does not exist"! This patch is
> available for NS-2.30, I am using 2.33.  

What gives an error? A patch file should not be "opened", see the eurane manual 
for correct usage, or the patch man page, or google for "unix command patch" or 

> Also, what is CLEAN NS-2.3

A clean version is a version not messed up by changes, builds etc. A fresh 
downloaded version is a clean version.

> I downloaded test_tcp.tcl (UMTS implementation on NS-2 test run),
> without installing any patch on my existing NS-2.33. When I execute
> it, it says  
> (_o3 cmd line 1)
> invoked from within
> "_o3 cmd create-Umtsnode"
> .
> .
> .
> "$ns create-Umtsnode"
> invoked from within
> "set rnc [$ns create-Umtsnode]"
> file "umtstcp.tcl line 42

This is because ns-2 (without the patch) does not understand the instructions 
in those tcl files. You need the patch to be able to run the tcl files.

Mats Folke, M.Sc., Lic.Eng.
Research Engineer

Ericsson AB Office: +46 10 7171385
Ericsson Research   Fax: +46 920 99621
P.O. Box 920Mobile: +46 76 1271385
SE-971 28 Luleå