[ns] Fwd: Algorithm or Code to implement LT codes

2011-04-18 Thread yugesh gowda

-- Forwarded message --
From: yugesh gowda 
Date: Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 1:26 PM
Subject: Fwd: Algorithm or Code to implement LT codes
To: ns-users@isi.edu

-- Forwarded message --
From: yugesh gowda 
Date: Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 11:34 AM
Subject: Algorithm or Code to implement LT codes
To: ns-users@isi.edu


If Anybody have c/c++/tcl code to implement LT codes in NS2..
Please help me..
My Email id: yugeshgo...@gmail.com

[ns] Fwd: Rateless Forward Error Correction for Topology-Transparent Scheduling

2011-04-18 Thread yugesh gowda

-- Forwarded message --
From: yugesh gowda 
Date: Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 9:43 AM
Subject: Rateless Forward Error Correction for Topology-Transparent Scheduling
To: ns-users@isi.edu

Hi i am doing project on above topic mentioned in subject line..
I have attached the pdf for reference..
Using NS2 v need to simulate the project..If anybody completed this
project or anyone willing to help please send info to ma emailid.
Email id: yugeshgo...@gmail.com

[ns] Rateless Forward Error Correction for Topology-Transparent Scheduling

2011-04-18 Thread yugesh gowda

Hi i am doing project on above topic mentioned in subject line..
I have attached the pdf for reference..
Using NS2 v need to simulate the project..If anybody completed this
project or anyone willing to help please send info to ma emailid.
Email id: yugeshgo...@gmail.com


2011-04-18 Thread phaniteja chintalapudi

*I am simulating DSR  protocol in ns2- 2.34
, the parameters Iam using are :*
*No of nodes
: 50*
*Topology :
500 *500*
* traffic :
* pause time
: various *
* simulation
time  : 300 sec.*
*the performance metric I tested is, max simulation end to end delay which
gives me 80 seconds on average whatever be the mobility involved, and every
node is dropping packets. Is this some kind of error? I am attaching a out
put graph for you to look at.*
*   note : the same parameters in a smaller topology area are
giving only 0.15 to 1 sec  end to end delay .*
*  Why is this extreme behaviour recorded is this some error in code?  any
help is appreciated.*
*thanks and regards,*
*teja chintalapudi   *
*   *
* *

[ns] beacon transmission in 802.11Ext

2011-04-18 Thread chadi jabroun


does the implementation of  the mac extension (mac 802_11Ext) support a beacon 
Can a base station transmit a periodic beacon?

thanks for your help 

best regards,

[ns] How to emulate/simulate a wireless network with real nodes at the end?

2011-04-18 Thread Prashant Pathak

Hi there,

I was wondering if it was possible to have real nodes, as in real computers
acting as nodes in the ns-2? I mean, i want to test my mobile tv service
over varying networking conditions, so was wondering how to set up the
entire thing. Is there a way in ns-2 to implement this thing? I am using
Wowza servers to generate streams for the service, and wish to check them


Prashant Pathak

[ns] urgent: creating a handover scenario between two base station

2011-04-18 Thread chadi jabroun


  I'm currently working on my final
project in which i should create a node moving from one base station to

I have a problem in creating the handover between two base station.

 My topology is as follows:


   | Wired |

   | Node  |

   | w(0)   |





   | Wired |

   | Node  |






 |   |


   | BS0 || BS1 |






my tcl script is the following:

#802.11p default parameters

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set CSThresh_3.162e-12   ;#-85 dBm Wireless 
interface sensitivity (sensitivity defined in the standard)

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set Pt_  0.001 

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set freq_5.9e+9

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set noise_floor_ 1.26e-13;#-99 dBm for 10MHz 

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set L_   1.0 ;#default radio 
circuit gain/loss

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set PowerMonitorThresh_  6.310e-14   ;#-102dBm power 
monitor  sensitivity

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set HeaderDuration_  0.40;#40 us

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set BasicModulationScheme_   0

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set PreambleCaptureSwitch_   1

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set DataCaptureSwitch_   0

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set SINR_PreambleCapture_2.5118; ;# 4 dB

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set SINR_DataCapture_100.0;  ;# 10 dB

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set trace_dist_  1e6 ;# PHY trace until 
distance of 1 Mio. km ("infinty")

Phy/WirelessPhyExt set PHY_DBG_ 0

Mac/802_11Ext set CWMin_15

Mac/802_11Ext set CWMax_1023

Mac/802_11Ext set SlotTime_ 0.13

Mac/802_11Ext set SIFS_ 0.32

Mac/802_11Ext set ShortRetryLimit_  7

Mac/802_11Ext set LongRetryLimit_   4

Mac/802_11Ext set HeaderDuration_   0.40

Mac/802_11Ext set SymbolDuration_   0.08

Mac/802_11Ext set BasicModulationScheme_0

Mac/802_11Ext set use_802_11a_flag_ true

Mac/802_11Ext set RTSThreshold_ 2346

Mac/802_11Ext set MAC_DBG   0


#configure RF model parameters

Antenna/OmniAntenna set Gt_ 1.0

Antenna/OmniAntenna set Gr_ 1.0

Propagation/Nakagami set use_nakagami_dist_ false

Propagation/Nakagami set gamma0_ 2.0

Propagation/Nakagami set gamma1_ 2.0

Propagation/Nakagami set gamma2_ 2.0

Propagation/Nakagami set d0_gamma_ 200

Propagation/Nakagami set d1_gamma_ 500

Propagation/Nakagami set m0_  1.0

Propagation/Nakagami set m1_  1.0

Propagation/Nakagami set m2_  1.0

Propagation/Nakagami set d0_m_ 80

Propagation/Nakagami set d1_m_ 200


set val(chan)   Channel/WirelessChannel

set val(prop)   Propagation/TwoRayGround

set val(netif)  Phy/WirelessPhyExt

set val(mac)Mac/802_11Ext

set val(ifq)Queue/DropTail/PriQueue

set val(ll) LL

set val(ant)Antenna/OmniAntenna

set val(x)  700   ;# X dimension of the topography

set val(y)  600   ;# Y dimension of the topography

set val(ifqlen) 50   ;# max packet in ifq

set val(nn) 1 ;# how many Mobile nodes are simulated
set val(rp) DSDV

set val(stop)   250   ;# simulation time
set num_wired_nodes  2
set num_bs_nodes 2

# =

set ns   [new Simulator]

# set up for hierarchical routing
  $ns node-config -addressType hierarchical
  AddrParams set domain_num_ 3 ;# number of domains   
  lappend cluster_num 2 1 1;# number of clusters in 
each domain
  AddrParams set cluster_num_ $cluster_num
  lappend eilastlevel 1 1 2 1  ;# number of nodes in each 
cluster for each domain
  AddrParams set nodes_num_ $eilastlevel
set tracefd  [open trace.tr w]

set namtrace  [open out.nam w]

$ns trace-all $tracefd

$ns namtrace-all-wireless $namtrace $val(x) $val(y)

$ns namtrace-all $namtrace 

# set up topography object

set topo 

[ns] Modifying the "cmu-trace.cc" to integrate the GPSR protocol

2011-04-18 Thread Zakia Khalfallah

Hi friends,
I need to integrate the GPSR protocol into the NS module.I made the needed 
changes but I have problem with the cmu-trace.cc file . 
 I couldn't develop the void 
"CMUTrace::format_gpsr(Packet *p, int offset)".
Any one can help me or just send to me the concerned modified part.

Thank you and good luck .


[ns] TCL Code

2011-04-18 Thread rajeev bharshetty

*  QOS-A Novel Multipath Routing*

*Algorithem Protocol For Ad Hoc Networks*

 Algorithm QAMRouting()


   Create nodes by allocating bandwidth randomly.

   Set transmission range of each and every node i .

   Initialize cache tables with their range nodes and initially allocated

   Select destination from source node i.

   Flood RREQ(SrcID,ReqID,DestId,QoS,Nutilization) to all neighbor nodes of
   node i


   For each node j do

Calculate available bandwidth of node j

If(RREQ.QoS >AvailableBW of node j)

Descard the RREQ


If(node j is equal to RREQ.Destid)

Send RREP to source node i

Goto 8.



//allow many/all the RREQ’s to reach the node j

If more then one RREQ’s which has same *SrcID & ReqID* ,

Chose the RREQ which has the least Nutilization

 Calculate node j’s Nutilization

If(RREQ.Nutilization>Nutilization of node j)

RREQ.Nutilization Nutilization of node j //Update RREQ

// Record the route in the cache j table

Append node j in the “path” string and update cache j


   Goto step 5

   Send RREP to the Source

   Start Communication

Send data from source to destination through the reliable path computed

 Anybody please provide the tcl scripting code for the above mentioned
algorithm . I tried a lot but my script isn't providing the decided result.
so, please do provide the tcl code

Thanking you


Rajeev N B

[ns] smac simulation problem

2011-04-18 Thread Moses Mbira


Below is my tcl script for smac simulation.

I'm having a problem were my trace file is showing that the sending node is
the one receiving that data again at the same time.

So if anyone can help me find were I went wrong on my tcl code.


set val(chan)Channel/WirelessChannel;

set val(prop)Propagation/TwoRayGround;

set val(netif)Phy/WirelessPhy;

set val(mac)Mac/802_11   ;# MAC type

#set val(mac)Mac/SMAC   ;# MAC type

set val(ifq)Queue/DropTail/PriQueue;

set val(ll)LL;

set val(ant)Antenna/OmniAntenna;


set val(x)800;# X dimension of the topography

set val(y)800;# Y dimension of the topography

set val(ifqlen)50;# max packet in ifq

set val(nn)  4   ;# number of nodes

set val(seed)0.0

set val(stop)700.0;# simulation time

set val(tr)try.tr  ;# trace file

set val(nam)try.nam ;# animation file

set val(rp)AODV   ;# routing protocol script

set val(lm) "on"   ;# log movement

#set val(agent)  Agent/DSDV;

set val(energymodel)EnergyModel ;

set val(radiomodel)RadioModel ;

set val(initialenergy)  1000;# Initial energy in Joules

set val(logenergy) "on"  ;# log energy every 150 seconds


Mac/SMAC set syncFlag_ 1


Mac/SMAC set dutyCycle_ 10


set ns_  [new Simulator]





set prop[new $val(prop)]




set topo[new Topography]

$topo load_flatgrid $val(x) $val(y)

#ns-random 1.0



# Create god


set god_ [create-god $val(nn)]



#global node setting


$ns_ node-config -adhocRouting AODV  \

 -llType $val(ll) \

 -macType $val(mac) \

 -ifqType $val(ifq) \

 -ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \

 -antType $val(ant) \

 -propType $val(prop) \

 -phyType $val(netif) \

 -channelType $val(chan) \

 -topoInstance $topo \

 -agentTrace ON \

 -routerTrace ON \

 -macTrace ON \

 -movementTrace ON \

$val(energymodel) \

 -idlePower 1.0 \

 -rxPower 1.0 \

 -txPower 1.0 \

   -sleepPower 0.001 \

   -transitionPower 0.2 \

   -transitionTime 0.005 \

 -initialEnergy $val(initialenergy)




$ns_ set WirelessNewTrace_ ON

   set tracefd[open $val(tr) w]

   $ns_ trace-all $tracefd

  set namtracefd[open $val(nam) w]

  $ns_ namtrace-all-wireless $namtracefd 500 500



puts " node for simulation creation..."



  #Create the specified number of nodes [$val(nn)] and "attach" them to the

   # for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {

  #  set node_($i) [$ns_ node]

   # $node_($i) random-motion 0;# disable random motion

   # }



$ns_ node-config -adhocRouting AODV 

set node_(0) [$ns_ node]

$ns_ at 0.0 " $node_(0) label \"sending node\""


puts " node creation has finished..."


puts "Creation of AODV nodes starts..."

$ns_ node-config -adhocRouting AODV 


set node_(1) [$ns_ node]

$ns_ at 0.0 " $node_(0) label \"Sending Node\""

$ns_ at 0.0 " $node_(1) label \"Receiving Node\""



set node_(2) [$ns_ node]

set node_(3) [$ns_ node]


#set node_(2) [$ns_ node]


#set node_(3) [$ns_ node]


#set node_(4) [$ns_ node]

#set node_(5) [$ns_ node]

#$ns_ at 0.0 " $node_(5) label \"Receiving Node\""

#set node_(6) [$ns_ node]


puts "Creation of AODV nodes finished..."

$node_(0) set X_ 10.0

$node_(0) set Y_ 5.0

$node_(0) set Z_ 3.0


$node_(1) set X_ 70.0

$node_(1) set Y_ 40.0

$node_(1) set Z_ 50.0

$node_(2) set X_ 100.0

$node_(2) set Y_ 30.0

$node_(2) set Z_ 40.0


$node_(3) set X_ 250.0

$node_(3) set Y_ 270.0

$node_(3) set Z_ 0.0

# Generation of movements

$ns_ at 10.0 "$node_(1) setdest 250.0 250.0 3.0"

$ns_ at 15.0 "$node_(0) setdest 45.0 285.0 5.0"

#$ns_ at 45.0 "$node_(1) setdest 300.0 300.0 5.0" 

$ns_ at 10.0 "$node_(2) setdest 160.0 160.0 3.0"

$ns_ at 15.0 "$node_(3) setdest 100.0 200.0 3.0"

$ns_ at 40.642 "$god_ set-dist 23 46 2"


set udp_(0) [new Agent/UDP]

set null_(0) [new Agent/Null]

$ns_ attach-agent $node_(0) $udp_(0)


$ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) $null_(0)

set cbr_(0) [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$cbr_(0) set packetSize_ 512

$cbr_(0) set interval_ 0.25

$cbr_(0) set random_ 1

$cbr_(0) set maxpkts_ 1

$cbr_(0) attach-agent $udp_(0)

$ns_ connect $

[ns] changing packets size sent in TCP

2011-04-18 Thread bibhu

dear friends,
which i have created two nodes and attached TCP agents to those nodes. can
we apply CBR to those tcp agents or what should i apply. by default in the
trace file,the number of packet send is showing 40. how can i change itpls
replycan we use ftp instead of CBR.pls give response.
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