[ns] Wireless Broadcast - not able to receive the broadcasted messages

2012-05-07 Thread savan kiran

I'm trying to implement my own routing protocol based on AODV.
I ve used the same neighbor discovery method as AODV.
But when i broadcast the messages , the receiver is not able to get it.
Also wen i send it unicastingly, even then it aint working.
Is it a prerequisite that there has to be links b/w nodes for the neighbor
discovery to work?
if so, it really compromises my purpose.
In tcl script, i jus add a few wireless nodes and wait for the hello pkt
exchange to get over so that neighbor_list gets populated.
It jus doesn't work.
Is there anything i'm missing out. Plz help me out.
I ve read a lot of posts abt this, but none has helped me so far.

COde snippet for broadcast :

 hel->hel_type = EAMMHTYPE_HELLO;
 hel->hel_src = index;

 ch->ptype() = PT_EAMMH;
 ch->size() = IP_HDR_LEN + hel->size();
 ch->iface() = -2;
 ch->addr_type() = NS_AF_NONE;
 //ch->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
 //ch->next_hop_ = -2;
 ch->error() = 0;
 ch->prev_hop_ = index;

 ih->saddr() = index;
 ih->daddr() = IP_BROADCAST;
 ih->sport() = RT_PORT;
 ih->dport() = RT_PORT;
 ih->ttl_ = 1;

Scheduler::instance().schedule(target_, p, 0.0);

Code snippet for unicast:

 ch->ptype() = PT_EAMMH;
 ch->iface() = -2;
 ch->addr_type() = NS_AF_INET;
 ch->prev_hop_ = index;  // AODV hack
ch->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;

 ih->saddr() = index;
 ih->daddr() = nb->nb_addr;
 ih->sport() = RT_PORT;
 ih->dport() = RT_PORT;

 Scheduler::instance().schedule(target_, p, 0.);

 The code compiles properly, so it seems like a logicaly error in packet
flow down the layers or something.


2012-05-07 Thread Fatma LOUATI

I need to know something about direction's information provided by GPS for
mobile network

Is it an angle, a vector, or... ?

[ns] aomdv in ns-2.34

2012-05-07 Thread Bety Barreto Soares

hi, i want to do (i have done) the comparison of aodv and aomdv in ns-2.34. so 
far i have did 6 times simulation but the result always shows the wrong 
reason.i did the comparison with the following metrics :
average end to end delay, pdf, routing load and throughput. it showed that aodv 
is out performs of aomdv in terms of average end to end delay in various pause 
time and aomdv is better in terms of packet delivery fraction, routing load and 
throughput.is that right? because i didn't found any mistakes in my tcl codes 
and awk script. only the result is odd. could someone suggest me if there is 
any change in aomdv protocol such as (aomdv.cc, aomd.h etc). i really need your 
help..please help me because my project is going to finish this month..thank 
you very much



Bety  Barreto Soares