
(Final Round)

Advances in Mobile Computing and Communications: 4G and Beyond (5G)
       CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, FL, USA

Chapter Proposal Submission (Final Round)
Due Date: 15 Aug 2014.

URL:  https://sites.google.com/site/crcpressbookamcc4g/

Due to several requests, the Call for Book Chapters is extended to FINAL ROUND. 
The Editors of the CRC Press Book "Advances in Mobile Computing and 
Communications: 4G and Beyond" invite final round submissions containing 
Original, High Quality Ideas that are relevant to the SCOPE OF THE BOOK. The 
chapter proposal may kindly  be sent in PDF or Word format. The prerequisite 
knowledge for this book is the basics of mobile computing and communications.

The book will MAINLY focus on Technology Developments based on 4G and Beyond 
[5G]). The book is mainly intended for post graduate students, research 
scholars, academics, industry and research lab scientists. The objective of 
this book is to provide state-of-the-art of research results and trends related 
to Advances in Mobile Computing and Communications: 4G and Beyond.

EXPERIENCED Authors and Contributors (in the field of Mobile Computing and 
Communications) and may kindly submit their chapter proposals. All chapter 
proposals that conform to submission guidelines will be peer reviewed and 
evaluated based on originality, technical and research content, depth, 
correctness, relevance to scope of the book and readability.

For details the following web site may kindly be referred:



Papers describing original, previously unpublished research work, experimental 
efforts, practical experiences, and industrial and commercial developments in 
all aspects of Advances in Mobile Computing and Communications: 4G and Beyond 
are solicited. Potential topics include, but are not limited to the following 
areas of interest:

Part-I  Mobile Computing

    1.   Mobile Synchronization and Push-Pull services
    2.   Location Management Techniques in Mobile Computing         
    3.   Wireless Data Caching and Wireless File Systems
    4.   Mobile Data Transaction and Data Management
    5.   Mobile multimedia streaming and services, Mobile multimedia encryption 
and coding
    6.   VoIP in Mobile Devices,  Multi-Video Chat, Conference, etc. in Mobile 
    7.   Mobile Cloud Computing
    8.   Energy Management in Mobile Computing Devices
    9.   Security and Privacy Management in Mobile Computing Devices (4G and 
Beyond [5G])
  10.   Mobile Computing Applications
           (Mobile IPTV, Mobile Social Networking, Mobile in Health Care 
Applications, etc.)

Part-II  Mobile Operating System for  4G and Beyond (5G)

    1.    Case Study :   Andrioid, Apple ios, Blackberry and Windows 7, 8
    2.    Mobile Middleware:  Context-Aware Applications, Service Discovery
    3.    Wireless Application Protocols.   WML, etc.
    4.    Mobile Phone Programming
                        4.1. Java 2 ME and Symbian
                        4.2. Andriod and Windows Mobile Programming

Part-III  Mobile Wireless Network

     1.   Recent developments in Wireless LAN 802.11
     2.   Mobile Device Connectivity using Bluetooth and MANETs
     3.   Service of WPANs, WLANs, WMANs in Mobile Computing Devices
     4.   WiFi and WiMax services in Mobile Network
     5.   Integrating Services of Wireless Network and Cellular Network
     6.   Security and energy Management in Mobile Wireless Network (3G and 
Part-IV  Mobile Communication

    1.   Evolution of Cellular Communication (2G, 3G, LTE, LTE-A, 4G and 5G 
    2.   Macro cells Architecture in LTE-A, 4G and 5G
    3.   GSM, UMTS and CDMA developments in 3G, LTE-A, 4G and 5G
    4.   RSSI and Antenna Phase Array Management in 4G and 5G
    5.   Handoff Management in 4G and 5G 
    6.   Power Management in Mobile Cellular Communications (4G and Beyond [5G])

CHAPTER PROPOSAL Submission Instructions and Format

Chapter Proposal  Length

Researchers, Practitioners, Scientists, Academic and Industry Personnel are 
invited to submit their chapter proposals of nearly 4 pages with a DETAILED 
TABLE OF CONTENTS (with section, sub-section, etc.). The submitted paper must 
be formatted using single column 1.5" spacing and 11 Times Roman font. Authors 
can kindly submit in MS-Word or PDF Format. The content and theme of the book 
should be focused on Advances in Mobile Computing and Communications (4G and 
Beyond).  The Contributory Authors may kindly submit a short biography of 100 
words and mention their current affiliation (working organization, location, 
country, etc).

Chapter Proposal Submission

The Chapter Proposal for the book (Advances in Mobile Computing and 
Communications: 4G and Beyond) may kindly be sent to the CORRESPONDING EDITOR 
(M. Bala Krishna, E-Mail: mbalakrishnacs...@gmail.com, mbalakris...@yahoo.com) 
and CC to other editor ON or BEFORE the DUE DATE:  15 August 2014.

COMPLETE CHAPTER Submission Instructions and Format

Authors of ACCEPTED CHAPTER PROPOSAL may kindly submit their full chapter 
detailed as follows. Each manuscript should be written in English in a tutorial 
manner with enough details so that it can be easily accessible for the readers 
outside the specialty of the area. The content and theme of the book should be 
focused on Advances in Mobile Computing and Communications (4G and Beyond). 

Expected manuscript length is 15 to 25 pages (9,500 to 12,500 words).

Manuscripts submitted for the book must be original, must not be previously 
published or currently under review anywhere. The manuscript must be prepared 
with MS-Office (doc or docx). Kindly do not use any special formatting or macro 
for the submission version, doc or docx file. General guideline is: Use A4 page 
with 1 inch (or, 2.54 cm) margin on all sides, single column format, 1.5 line 
spacing with 11 point sized font, Times New Roman. An all-in-one PDF file may 
be submitted for the initial submission however, if the chapter is accepted, 
this formatting style must be followed and MS-Office file must be supplied.

The Complete Chapter should be sent to the CORRESPONDING EDITOR: M. Bala 
Krishna (E-Mail: m.bala.kris...@ieee.org, mbalakris...@yahoo.com) and CC to 
other editor.

The ACCEPTED CHAPTERS will be published in 
CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA.

For details the following web site may kindly be referred:


Important Dates (Final Round)

Chapter Proposal (Final Round),  15 August 2014
Notification                             20 August  2014
Full Chapter Submission             20 September 2014
Review Comments                    25  September 2014
Final Chapter Submission           30  September 2014
Publication Date                       First Quarter 2015

Editors Contact Information

M. Bala Krishna
(Corresponding Editor)
University School of Information and Communication Technology
GGS Indraprastha University
New Delhi
E-Mail:  m.bala.kris...@ieee.org, mbalakris...@yahoo.com

Jaime Lloret Mauri
Department of Communications,
Polytechnic University of Valencia
E-mail: jllo...@dcom.upv.es

Chapter Proposal Submission (Final Round)
Due Date: 15 August 2014.

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