[ns] Sorely confused on setdest command

2006-05-16 Thread rmartine


I've managed to solve my problem I had yesterday and now I got wireless
nodes communicating with wired nodes :) Now I want my wireless nodes to
move around.

I am confused as to where the X and Y coordinates translate to with
relevance to the node for setdest command. It seems to bound the X and Y
values to (0,range of my topology grid). It also seems to correspond to
the actual X,Y values displayed in nam. I am very confused on the movement
command, for example, on a 500x500 topology, $ns at 4.5 $mobile(1)
setdest 500 499 20 throws an error while $ns at 4.5 $mobile(1) setdest
499 499 20 does not.
I also cannot have negative values either. I would simply like to have the
X, Y values go to the same position as specifying node X_ and Y_ values
for display purposes. I have read the manaul on this part and it has not
helped. To me it appears it sets the topology grid in the first quadrant
with 0,0 as the bottom left corner of the square. Could someone please
shed light on node movement?

Thank you

[ns] no such element in array

2006-05-15 Thread rmartine


I am trying to do a wired-wireless simulation and when trying to run the
simulation I get these weird errors:

num_nodes is set 2
can't read Node_(26): no such element in array
while executing
return $Node_($id)
(procedure _o3 line 3)
(Simulator get-node-by-id line 3)
invoked from within
$self get-node-by-id [lindex $L 1]
(procedure _o3 line 15)
(Simulator compute-hier-routes line 15)
invoked from within
$self compute-hier-routes 
invoked from within
if [Simulator hier-addr?] {
$self compute-hier-routes
} else {
$self compute-flat-routes
(procedure _o3 line 2)
(Simulator compute-routes line 2)
invoked from within
[Simulator instance] compute-routes
(procedure Agent/rtProto/Static line 2)
(Agent/rtProto/Static init-all line 2)
invoked from within
Agent/rtProto/Static init-all
invoked from within
if [info exists rtprotos_] {
foreach proto [array names rtprotos_] {
eval Agent/rtProto/$proto init-all $rtprotos_($proto)
} else {
(procedure _o959 line 3)
(RouteLogic configure line 3)
invoked from within
[$self get-routelogic] configure
(procedure _o3 line 5)
(Simulator run line 5)
invoked from within
$ns run
(file simulation.tcl line 332)

I don't have a Node array, my node array is called n. It appears this is a
internal problem in ns with the wired-wireless. If anyone could help me
with this, it would be appreciated.

[ns] Stumped on this problem

2006-04-26 Thread rmartine


I have been learning how to use ns and I have run across a couple of
The first problem is the NAM editor seg faults when any objects are
deleted, even a simple node, on linux, fedora core 4.

My second problem has to do with dynamic routing, in one of my simulations
there are some agents talking to other agents across the network and on
that part of the network there is only one connection. In the simulation I
have that single connection go down for a short period of time and this is
when all hell breaks loose. All the nodes keep sending the packets to
update node information constantly until there are millions of these
packets circulating around the network, never disapearing. I am wondering
how you can set either a timeout or max # of hops on the packets to keep
this happening or is this a bug in NS? Turning off the dynamic routing
fixes the problem and the simulation works as expected for that part.

If any of you can help me on this problem, it will be appreciated.

Thank you,
